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Change History

GeoSurvey V8.55    14 February 2025
  1. Fixed a problem with Field Obs Reduction - If the Azimuth Method was Automatic and the first obs failed to provide an azimuth it displayed an error, even if the user supplied an Azimuth. It will no use the user supplied Azimuth in Automatic mode
  2. Changed Field Obs dialog for Station Setup to allow Azimuth method to be changed
  3. Re-enabled Right click menu option 'Properties' for station setups
  4. Fixed a problem when halding strings with > 20,000 lines that would 'hand' the program.
GeoSurvey V8.54    2 February 2025
  1. The Read DXF File option will now keep points on the original layer when they were created. If a DXF file contains POINT 1 and a line using point 1, point 1 will remain on the original layer of the POINT object.
  2. The Text dialog has been enhanced to allow display and setting for horizontal and vertical alignment for the text.
  3. Any Text horizontal/vertical alignment settings will be exported to a DXF file
  4. An extra safeguard has been added to check for strings with infinite loops which could cause the program to 'hang'. Such errors will now be detected and corrected and a warning message displayed.
  5. Fixed a problem with Reading SDR33 files that the 'Field Point Numbers to Remarks" option did not work.
  6. The option 'Select Strings by Polygon' now displays a dialog and also allows you to Cancel or Undo.
  7. The option 'Select Points by Polygon' now displays a dialog and also allows you to Cancel or Undo.
  8. Fixed a problem with Right Click Context menu on Layers Dialog was out of sync with the column
GeoSurvey V8.53    3 January 2025
  1. The Read DXF File option now displays results showing the number of each DXF item read into the job.
  2. There is a new option in File/Program Settings/Advanced - Recent Jobs which allows you to set the number of recent jobs displayed on the File menu between 5 and 20 (default is 10).
  3. The Conversions/MapInfo/Read MapInfo File option has been changed to add a button to 'Load/Save Mappings'. This will Save the current Mappings to a file to read Mappings from a file
  4. Field Obs Explorer now has a Search for a Point menu option.
  5. Field Obs Explorer will now detect if you exit without reducing data changes and prompts you to stay and reduce the field data.
  6. Field Obs Explorer will highlight the reduced observation on main screen when you select the obs in the Tree view. It will highlight all the observations from a station when you select the Station Setup in the Tree view. You can click on the main screen Field Observation rays and it will highlight the matching observation in the Tree view. You can right click on a Field Observation ray and open the Field Obs Explorer at that Obs.
  7. You can now set a display layer for each Field Obs Session.
  8. The Show Brg-Dist (F3) option has been updated internally
GeoSurvey V8.52    27 November 2024
  1. The Conversions menu has been changed to move the Import/Export CSV file options as they are most often used. Also the option names changes from 'ASCII' file to 'CSV' file as CSV files are most frequently used. The template file can still handle other file formats including fixed field, tab and space delimited files.
  2. Export to a CSV file of Point Attributes has changed. You must now specify the attribute Name in the Template file and the point attribute Value will be exported to that column.
  3. The Export ASCII file now optionally exports a Header record containing the field names. For Attribute Field it will use the Attribute Name.
  4. The Export ASCII file option has a new feature 'Auto Attributes Export' to export all point attributes without having to explicitly name them in the template file. You can still tailor the output by naming Attributes in the Template File.
  5. The Import CSV File option has many options. The most used options have been retained on the main dialog and the other options have been moved to the 'Advanced' dialog
  6. The Import CSV File option now has an 'Auto Attributes' option which will automatically add any extra CSV file columns not in the template file as Point Attributes.
GeoSurvey V8.51    24 October 2024
  1. Changed DXF, 12d and MapInfo Exports to export Circle strings correctly
  2. Field Obs Reduction has been changed to distinguish between point numbers set by the user/data recorder and auto allocated point numbers. It will now not auto allocate point numbers that will be used by user set point numbers
  3. Fixed a problem with display of the File/License dialog on a Notebook PC
GeoSurvey V8.50    9 October 2024
  1. Fixed a problem in Read ESRI Shape File option which incorrectly reset the mappings when browsing for a file
  2. Fixed a problem with Topo/Find Close Points which could find the same points twice
  3. Fixed a problem with Field Obs layer that could cause a crash
  4. Fixed a problem with no Selected string display of computed area
  5. A new option is available to Insert a Circle, see Strings/Functions/Insert Circle
GeoSurvey V8.49    13 September 2024
  1. The Read DXF File option will now check imported Layer names have legal chars and convert any illegal chars (~) to spaces.
  2. The Read MapInfo file option dialog has been improved to handle display of long column names
  3. Fixed a problem when adding a layer in Parcel Explorer did not add the new layer to 'Point Properties..' dialog. You can also set Points/Strings layer by double clicking on they layer in 'Layers Explorer'.
  4. Fixed a problem with Write DXF files with translated layer names and Point Numbers Layer
GeoSurvey V8.48    22 August 2024
  1. A new option is available in Points/Point Functions/Add Attribute Prefix to add a Prefix of a Suffix to Point Attributes.
  2. The DXF Export has a new option to export the symbol and attributes as a block and export the Ptno,RL,Code,Remark,Name as TEXT entity items (not part of the block).
  3. Fixed a problem that caused Lot and Area text to not be displayed
GeoSurvey V8.47    30 July 2024
  1. A new option has been added to the Display Settings to Display Locked Layer items in light grey
  2. The Display Point Attribute dialog now has a tick box to turn on/off Point Attribute Vertical Display
  3. A new option has been added Strings/Functions/Reduce String Segments. This will 'filter' points on a string to remove redundant points. It is useful for reducing the number of points on a string generated by digital sampling. It will eliminate points within a tolerance distance of adjacent points.
  4. The Conversions/ASCII File/Import ASCII File option has been changed. A 'Trial Run' option has been added to allow you to detect point clashes without actually importing the data. The options for renumbering/overwriting points have changed. It will now provide a 'listing' of results/errors which can be saved in required. It also allows you to import blank attributes.
  5. The Layers dialogs have been changed to add a new column of tick boxes. The 'Locked' layer status is now displayed and can be changed easily by clicking on the tick box.
  6. All the Points options have been changed to prevent changes to Points on Locked layers. Let me know if this change presents problems to you.
  7. Previously Locked points could not be selected, this was done to prevent changes. However some changes (e.g. Shift Points) did not work worth selected points and hence allowed changes to locked points. Changes have been made to prevent changes to points on locked layers. Please let me know if any have been missed. This change in approach will also allow selection of points for export etc for locked points.
  8. Export DXF file has a new option to set the Attributes text size. See line 56 of the GeoSurvey_config.xml file for an example, set <dxfAttribTextSize> value to the desired text size in mm.
  9. The Export DXF with Attributes will now scale the symbol correctly
GeoSurvey V8.46    30 May 2024
  1. Fixed a problem when exporting curved parcels to Shape files
  2. A Warning has been added when exporting a DXF file with smooth contours. If the Job Plot Scale is too low and/or the Contours/Smooth/Advanced Plot Increment is too small it will export a huge number of points and the DXF file may be unusable. A recent example had a job plot scale of 1:1 and 0.5mm plot increment which resulted in contour points 0.0005m apart on the ground. The distance between smooth contour points is Plot-Incr * Job-Plot-Scale, e.g. 0.5mm = 0.0005m * 1:1 = 0.0005m distance between points. If Job Plot Scale is 1:1000, dist=0.5m
  3. Fixed a problem when forming Contour Text for multiple surfaces, it previously would erase contour text on all surfaces. GeoSurvey will now only erase contour text from the current surface when the contours are erased prior to formation of new contours.
  4. Fixed a problem when editing a string and you removed the 2nd last point so the string is deleted
  5. The Read ASCII file option will remove leading and trailing spaces for Layer, Name, Remark and Code when importing points.
GeoSurvey V8.45    22 April 2024
  1. Fixed a problem with export of a CSV file with remarks longer than 100 characters.
  2. Fixed a problem that could delete all job data when when exporting a DXF file
  3. The Select Layers/Points dialog has been changed to allow selection by Attribute Name and or Value. This includes the use of 'wildcard' (*) values like ''Addr*'.
  4. When ASCII Export is done, it will now warn you if 0 points are selected for export
GeoSurvey V8.44    9 April 2024
  1. Import of an SDR field data file has been changed so that if it is an observation to a non numeric point number it will treat it as an observed station name. The SDR import code cannot handle non numeric point numbers at present.
  2. Fixed a problem with Program Settings/Advanced/Write Conversion File to Job Directory - it will now honour the user setting correctly
  3. Fixed a problem in Annotated Plot so it will direct the annotation to selected layer correctly
  4. Fixed a problem in Point Properties where [...] layers button was not starting on the current layer
  5. The option Points/Point Functions/Change Attributes 'Delete' option has been improved to allow wildcards for the Name and/or the Value. Blank Name means all names, blank Value means all values.
  6. The Read Google KML File option has been rewritten to better read in complex KML files
GeoSurvey V8.43    14 March 2024
  1. Fixed a problem with field obs station setup azimuth calculation, it was not detecting a blank value correctly as different from a 0 value. See the online help for how the azimuth is calculated.
  2. A new option is available 'Station Setup Azimuth Method' to allow you to specify exactly how you want the azimuth calculated. This can be: See the help for 'Field Station Setup' for details.
  3. The File/Append menu option will now also append layer group names
  4. The Conversions/Write DXF Job option has a new tick box 'Point Text Offset from Point. When ticked, the text will be offset from the point symbol as it has always done. If not ticked, the point text starts at the point co-ordinates.
  5. The Conversions/Write DXF Job option will now only export point attributes that are displayed on screen
  6. Fixed a problem which would not display errors for the surfaces after the first one
GeoSurvey V8.42   15 February 2024
  1. Fixed a problem if you start opening a new job and press Cancel, you would lose the current job.
  2. Changed Select Points/Strings/Text by Window to display the number of selected items
  3. Fixed a problem with Selecting by Window if you zoom/pan the screen during the select
  4. After an append the toolbar layers combo box is now reloaded with all the new layers correctly
  5. The Import ASCII File option has been changed to make it easier to import point attributes and to set the attribute names.
    There are three ways to set the Attributes Names:
  6. Fixed a problem which caused slow screen redrawing if the maximum number of points in Point Settings was very large
GeoSurvey V8.41   12 January 2024
  1. The Point Symbolisation processing has been changed for Trees. If the 'Scale Factor' column is present in the xml/mst file, the program will search for that point attribute (e.g. 'Canopy') to do the point scaling. If 'Scale Factor' column is not present, or no point attribute could be found GS will try to extract the canopy from the code. (e.g. 'VETR+H15C7D0.8')
  2. Exception Handling - An Exception is some illegal program code/data that causes the program to 'crash' or disappear.
    GeoSurvey will now write a 'GeoSurvey.dmp' file when it crashes.
    You can set where this file is stored in Program Settings/Advanced/Exception Settings
    When GeoSurvey is started again, it checks for a GeoSurvey.dmp file and if found displays a dialog which allows you to enter some info about the crash.
    This dialog can create a ZIP file, name format is (YYYY-MM-DD HH-MM-SS - GeoSurvey 8.41 -
    The zip file will contain:
    You can email the zip file to Mimaka for analysis of the problem.
    This approach should provide a much more precise handle on exactly what line of code caused the crash.
  3. Fixed a problem if there was no surface defined you could not edit contour parameters. Note that the default contour interval values can be set in the GeoSurvey_config.xml file, see <contourDefaults>
  4. The Field Session Properties has been changed to auto create the layer 'FieldObs' if it does not exist. This layer is used to turn on/off the display of field obs radiations.
GeoSurvey V8.40   27 December 2023
  1. A new option is available in the config file <dontSaveLastFile> When set to 'Yes' it will prevent the creation of the '.acs_last' file. See the GeoSurvey_config.xml file for an example.
  2. A new option is available in Display Settings 'Point Attributes Vertical' which causes the point data on screen and for a DXF export to be written vertical (one attribute under the other).
  3. Fixed a problem in exporting DXF file point attributes, they were always being listed vertically
  4. Fixed a problem with not being able to select points after an append. Also added extra point range info to the display for append job.
  5. A new Exception analysis feature has been added to catch Exceptions(program crash) and write the exception info to a dump file (GeoSurvey.dmp).This will default to c:\temp folder. When GeoSurvey is next started it will detect the .dmp file and will move it to a zip file together with a copy of the last job file. You can then email the zip file to Mimaka for analysis. There is an option in Program Settings/Advanced/Exception Settings to set the folder for exception dmp files and also allows you to enable/disable exception handling.
  6. Fixed a problem with Form Strings during Field Point Reduction that took 20 secs longer than it should have
  7. Fixed a problem that prevented selecting points or strings after doing a stockpile volume calculation
GeoSurvey V8.39   7 October 2023
  1. The Point Properties dialog has been changed to convert the 'Show' tick boxes into a 'Combo' box option list. The previous tick box only allowed three states: unticked, ticked, indeterminate (ByLayer/*Various). The new combo box allows for 4 options, thus ByLayer and '* Various' easier to select. If it is 'ByLayer', it indicates if the layer setting is Show or Hide - 'ByLayer Show', or 'ByLayer Hide'.
  2. When Points are selected using menu options and the Point Properties dialog is open, it will be updated with the newly selected points
  3. When Layers are changed and the Point Properties dialog is open, it will be updated with the changed layer status.
  4. Point Properties - Contourable option has been changed to allow 3 states - Yes, No and ByLayer.
  5. The Point Contourable property Old Behaviour: If Point was marked non-contourable OR the layer was marked non-contourable the point would not be used in triangles.
    This has been changed so that it works like the other point properties. You can now have Yes, No or ByLayer.
    If a point contourable property is No (non-contourable) it will not be used for triangles.
    If a point contourable property is ByLayer, and the layer contourable property is No it will not be used for triangles.
  6. When Point Symbolisation/Form Strings by Code is done, if the point contourable property is the same as the layer contourable property it will be set to 'ByLayer'. The reason is that these properties are usually best controlled by the layer rather than the point.
  7. When Import ASCII file is done, the default point contourable property is ByLayer.
  8. Fixed a problem with Append File which would not append empty layers
  9. The Import DXF file option can now import attributes (ATTRIB) on Inserts (Points). They are imported and attached to the previous point.
GeoSurvey V8.38   22 September 2023
  1. A new option is available in the DXF Export - 'Write Point Sym+Ptno+Code+RL' as Text BLOCK. This option combines the point text (Ptno, RL, Code, Name, Remark, attributes) into a BLOCK.
  2. A new option is available in the DXF Export - 'Write Point Sym+Ptno+Code+RL' as Attrib BLOCK. This option writes the values as Point Attributes with a BLOCK for the symbol.
  3. Fixed a problem when printing a viewport to a DXF file. It will now export the GS font names and colour correctly.
  4. A new option is available Colour Points by Height. This will colour the point symbols by using the point height to lookup a table of colours. You can use this with the Create Mesh option to assign the difference between two surfaces to the mesh points and then use this option to colour the mesh points by the height difference.
  5. Point Symbolisation has been changed to always set the Point symbol size rather than setting it to 'By:Layer' if it was the same as the layer symbol size.
GeoSurvey V8.37   24 August 2023
  1. Fixed a problem with the Alignment Report for large tolerances for points on the outside of an 'elbow' in the string
  2. The Append Job option has been upgraded. It can now select what layers to import as well as a few more options. See the online help for details
  3. Fixed a problem in 'Form String by Code' to correctly report how many strings were formed
  4. The Compress Points option has been improved to allow you to choose any New Start Point number.
  5. The Colour Bands option for contours is back. See the Contours dialog, tick 'Colour Bands' and use 'Details' dialog to select the number of bands
  6. A new option has been added to the String Properties dialog to 'Close String' which will add a closing line to the string if not already closed.
GeoSurvey V8.36   7 August 2023
  1. The Triangle Parameters have been changed to add a new option to 'Ignore Invisible Points for Triangle Formation', so that points on invisible layers can be ignored. You can tick the box for the job for this option. You can set the default value for this in the config XML file with 'triangleDefaults - ignoreInvisiblePoints' setting (see line 19 in GeoSurvey_config.xml for an example.
  2. The default behaviour is to Include Invisible Points in triangle formation.
  3. The MapInfo export option will now export Lots and other closed strings as 'Regions' instead of Polylines.
  4. A new option is available 'Points/Point Functions/Move Points by Brg-Dist'. This allows you to move the selected points in X-Y by a bearing/distance.
  5. A new option is available 'Points/Point Functions/Drag Points with Mouse'. This allows you to move the selected points in X-Y by dragging them with the mouse. The move bearing and distance is displayed.
  6. The selection and editing of Text has been improved. All Text options can be undone via Ctrl/Z
  7. A new option has been added to Layers/Settings to Reset the Column positions and widths for display of Layers. If the Layers columns become scrambled, this will reset them to the default posn and widths.
  8. The option to read an SDR3x data recorder file has been changed to handle non numeric point numbers. When a non numeric point is found in the SDR file 08 record it is inserted into the 'Name' field of the field point. It will be allocated a point number during session reduction.
  9. You can now add a centre point to a string segment by selecting it and pressing the 'C' key. A dialog box will be displayed to enter or click on the centre point. If the String Properties dialog is open, you must select the main screen and then press 'C' key.
GeoSurvey V8.35   20 July 2023
  1. Fixed a problem where you could not delete an observed station value on an observation record
  2. Fixed a problem in 'Form Boundary String' which could form the boundary around a hole in the job instead of the outside of the job
  3. String Properties has been changed to display the segment 3d/slope distance for a segment with heights. It will also display the total string 3d length (slope distance). Also, if multiple strings are selected, no area/length/segment data is displayed and the arrow buttons are disabled.
  4. A new option (Strings/Functions) has been added to Renumber the points on a string so they are sequential (if possible).
  5. The String Functions menu has been changed. The standard functions are listed as before while the less used functions are now in alphabetical order
  6. The Pipeline Report has been changed to add the total line 2D length and the 3D Length
  7. A new option Points/Point Functions/Change Attributes has been added. It can Add, Delete or Change Point Attributes.
  8. The Show/Surface Height option has been improved to handle two surfaces and will display the height difference between the surfaces.
  9. The Topo/Irrigation/Create Grid Mesh option has been changed to add an option to set the mesh point height values to the difference between two surface heights at that point. This can be used for conformance reports.
  10. Fixed a problem with display of Point Attributes
GeoSurvey V8.34   24 May 2023
  1. The Layers Explorer has been upgraded to allow more layer functions. The button options have been moved to the dialog menu. This simplifies the dialog layout.
  2. The triangles dialog will now auto select the boundary if there is one surface and one boundary
  3. The Insert Strings dialog will now show the segment slope distance and cumulative string slope distance if possible
  4. Fixed a problem with the Alignment Report to make it always choose the closest offset segment
  5. A major change has been made to the Point/String/Text/Viewport/triangle mouse selection. The 'Points' mode, 'Strings' mode etc are now not used to restrict the selection of objects. You can select any object in any mode or in no mode. The mode buttons still work to display the appropriate toolbar buttons.
  6. Additional toolbars are now available on the View menu. You can have many toolbars available at once. The toolbars can be 'docked' to the bottom, the top, the left or the right border of the drawing area.
  7. Hidden layers are now displayed in Red with a pink background in Layers Combo boxes. This also applies to the Toolbar Default Layer Combo box. On the Layers Explorer, hidden layers are in red text
  8. Fixed a bug in the Pipeline Report which could crash GeoSurvey if two points were on top of one another
  9. The Right click menu option 'Select by Window' has been changed to select all Points, Strings and Text within the window.
  10. Fixed a problem with Parallel Strings that drew lots of parallel lines
  11. String Properties now allows you to click on a string segment to show the segment properties.
  12. Fixed a problem selecting a point on a selected string when there was another co-incident point.
GeoSurvey V8.33   3 April 2023
  1. Fixed a problem which sometimes restricted display of construction lines
  2. A new menu option Strings/Functions/String Table is available. It shows a spreadsheet list of strings showing the string name, type and layer.
  3. Fixed a problem that caused a crash when importing Neutral files
GeoSurvey V8.32   28 March 2023
  1. Contour Annotation has been changed so that the text for open contours butts against the start of the contour line
  2. Fixed a problem with the Alignment Report for offset points at the same chainage
  3. The Create Mesh option can now create the mesh points interpolating the height values on any selected surface
  4. Fixed an erroneous error in Field Obs Reduction when 'Set Azimuths to Zero' was selected and the azimuth field was blank.
  5. A new option is available Show/Surface Height which will display the surface height at the mouse position as you move it across the job
  6. The Strings/Insert String Points/Insert String Pts from File option has been changed to handle 3D Chainages. This allows the import of Directional Drilling data. See the Help for details.
  7. The Strings/Form Strings by Code Library will now work correctly when only the 'Point Symbols' option is ticked
  8. A new option is available on the menu Points/Point Properties2. This displays a shorter list of the essential point properties. It also displays the point Design Level.
  9. Fixed a problem with export of Trimble LandXML file with the max elevation value
  10. Fixed a problem with Pipeline Report first data line column alignment
  11. Fixed a problem with Select Points by code with wildcards in the form '*xxx*
  12. A new option is available - Strings/Select/by Selected Points. This will select all strings containing a currently selected point. After the strings are selected, the points are not selected
  13. A new option is available Strings/Functions/Split String by Selected Points. This will split every string containing a selected point at the selected point.
  14. The Insert String option now has a 'Close String' button which works on all types of strings
  15. A new option is available - Strings/Functions/Force Selected Closed Strings Clockwise. Any Selected strings which are closed and are anti clockwise will be reversed so they are clockwise. This will act on any string type.
  16. Fixed a problem with 'Show Bearing, Distance' that did not clear the centre point field for the next clicked points
GeoSurvey V8.31   12 February 2023
  1. The Conversions/Trimble/Write Trimble LandXML Surface file option has been changed to allow you to select the Surface/Triangles to export. Note that the new triangles formation option allow triangulation using Design Level points. The Help option contains more information on how to use this option.
  2. The Points/Point Calculation/Centre 3 Points option has been improved to create a circle string with the three points. It can also now create a centre point and the string with two points.
  3. A new option Points/Point Calculation/Point Resection is now available. It can use from 2 to 10 'observations' to compute the resection point with a mixture of bearings and/or distances. See the online help for more details
  4. A new option Conversions/Trimble/Read Trimble LandXML Surface can be used to read a LandXML file containing a surface(triangles) into a job. It will read in the triangles and auto create the points as necessary. This option can be used to check the contents of a LandXML Surface file created for 'Machine Control' purposes.
  5. Fixed a problem with Reading a Neutral file which could crash the program
  6. A new option Strings/Functions/Insert Circle by Centre, radius. You can click on a point and enter the circle radius and tyhe program will insert a string for the circle.
GeoSurvey V8.30   27 January 2023
  1. A new Triangles dialog is now available to create and manage multiple surfaces. The old dialog is available via the menu option Topo/Triangles/Make Triangles-Contours Old
  2. The Volume to a Base Level option now allows selection of the Surface to be used for the calculation
  3. The Stockpile Volume option now allows selection of the Surface to be used for the calculation
  4. The Volumes between Surfaces option has not yet been upgraded, it still uses the first surface and an external triangles file
  5. Fixed a problem to redraw screen when maximised or un-maximised
  6. The Annotated Plot has been changed to add a 'Horizontal Offset' value for PointNo, Height, Code, Remark and Name. The Horizontal Offset defaults to 1mm, and moves the start point of the text along the direction of the text
  7. Fixed a problem with Job Properties/Set Pt Layer Ht Display
  8. The stockpile Volume option has been improved to allow the user to choose any of the current 'surfaces' (triangle net)
  9. Fixed a problem with entity numbers too large that could not be compressed
  10. The Contour parameters has been changed to allow one set of contour parameters for each surface.
  11. The contour Parameters dialog has been updated. The colour banding option has been removed - let me know if this is an issue for you.
  12. When opening a job an extra check has been added to warn of invalid co-ordinates if you have a job on a datum but are using 'local' co-ordinates.
  13. The Find (Ctrl/F) option can now search by point attribute Name or Value
  14. Field Obs Session Properties can now turn 'Display Session Obs' on or off to display the observations to the reduced points
GeoSurvey V8.29   1 December 2022
  1. The Square Offset option has been rewritten and now allows a centre point and shows the offset of the point from the Arc.
  2. Fixed a problem reading Plan Forms from the xml config file if the plan form size was not specified
  3. The Pipeline Report csv file column order has been changed at user request
  4. The Pipeline Report now generated Vertex Detail text at each bend in the pipeline. The text is added to the point as an extra attribute.
  5. The Vertex Detail text is also optionally inserted into the job as a piece of text on the point like chainage text, the display angle is on the half angle of the segment joins.
  6. The Pipeline Report also contains the display angle of the vertex detail text
  7. The Square Offset option will now show the Height Difference between the From Point and the IP. It shows the FromPtHeight - IPHeight. All three points must have height values and the IP must be in between Point 1 and Point 2
  8. Fixed a problem with initial creation of layers no using default layer parameters from the config file
  9. A new option has been added, Conversions/Trimble/Write Trimble LandXML Surface File. This will write a simple surface file of points and triangles in a LandXML file format. This can be used when exporting data into a Trimble system.
  10. The ESRI Shape file options can now import and export 3d values.
  11. The Write ESRI Shape file option can now export point and string extra attributes
  12. The Write ESRI Shape file now exports areas for strings
  13. The Read ESRI Shape file can now turn exponential format numbers into expanded values
  14. The Pipeline Report now adds two Attributes to a Vertex Point. 1. Vertex detail containing the bend info. 2. The half angle of the text displayed at the vertex. These attributes can then be exported in Shape or DXF files.
  15. Read ESRI Shape file option now removes any non printable characters from data fields read in
  16. The Write ESRI shape File option now allows you select the Point Attributes to be exported from a list
  17. A new option is available 'Topo/Pipeline Point Edit' to edit pipeline points and display horizontal and vertical design information
  18. Fixed a problem with importing shape files where points on different strings share the same XY co-ords but have a different Z value
  19. The contour text offset from the contour has been improved, especially for lower display scales.
GeoSurvey V8.28   3 November 2022
  1. Fixed a problem when reading 'ShadeTri' attribute from acs file
  2. A new option has been added to select points by Attribute Name and/or Value
  3. The plan form printing has been improved to add some error messages and to continue when it hits an error
  4. Fixed a problem with the alignment report on curved string segments
  5. The F3-Bearing Distance option has been improved to allow entry of a centre point and hence display arc distances
GeoSurvey V8.27   5 September 2022
  1. When editing a string if there are multiple points on top of one another it is difficult to select the 'second' point. You can now right click on the points, select the second point from the menu and it will be selected in the string and then deleted if required.
  2. If you show Point Properties when multiple points are selected, the Easting and Northing fields are now blanked.
  3. The Strings/Insert String Chainage Points option now as an extra tick box 'Add Chainage to Point Name'
  4. Fixed a problem with Strings/Move Pts onto String that could move points to the wrong string segment
  5. Fixed a problem with Saveas Selected which did not write the points to the file
  6. A new option has been added to Field Session Properties - Default to Check Obs - This makes all observations to Field Points into Check Shots.
  7. A new option has been added to Field Session Properties - Zero Azimuths - This forces the station setup azimuth to Zero and overrides any Azimuth setting for the station setup.
  8. The Session Reduction listing now shows all the session settings ate the bottom of the listing.
  9. The Points/Transforms/Transform to New Datum dialog has been changed. It will now display the recommended GSB transform files when you select a Datum/Zone. It will also warn you if you are not using one of the standard GSB files. Also the dialog buttons have been changed to make it easier to use. Note: You must list the valid GSB files in the GeoSurvey_config.xml file. See the standard file at line 71 for an example.
  10. Fixed a problem with Sttring Properties if you right clicked and selected a piece of text
  11. Fixed a problem in Field Session Reduction that could not handle very long comments.
  12. Fixed a problem when selecting a point on a string with the right click mouse menu
  13. Fixed a problem when existing string insert that could leave a partly built string active.
  14. Fixed a problem in form triangles are crashed when it found partly built notri strings
GeoSurvey V8.26   19 August 2022
  1. The layers dialog will now show the Layer Locked status in the colour column after the number of items on that layer
  2. When Parallel String dialog is opened with a selected string, the Layer will now default to the 'Insert Layer' instead of the layer of the selected string
  3. The Parallel String dialog is now re sizeable so you can see long layer names more easily
  4. The layers list on the Parallel String dialog is now sorted in Alha-numeric order. Please report any other layers lists that are not sorted.
  5. Export Shape File Strings now writes the string attributes fields as 50 chars wide
  6. A new option has been added to the Zoom menu and right click menu 'Zoom to Selected' which will zoom the screen to the currently selected points or strings.
  7. A new option has been added to the Zoom menu and 'Home' button - 'Zoom Visible' which will zoom the screen to the currently visble points and strings.
  8. The Field Session option to read an SDR file has been changed. If the session has 'Average Obs' ticked and multiple '08' POS records are found with the same point number, the X,Y,Z values will be averaged if within session tolerances. Also '13NM' records will be read and added as point attributes.
  9. Pipeline Report default name now as " - Pipeline Report" added
  10. Pipeline Report grade is now a percentage value and is set blank if > 10,000% or < -10,000%
  11. Pipeline Report Horizontal Deflection is set blank if the HzIncDist is < 1mm
  12. Alignment Report default name now as " - Alignment Report" added
  13. There have been a few reports that all layers are set to non-contourable after some unknown sequence of actions. The tick box for setting all layers to non-contourable now has an additional confirmation question asked to ensure that you cannot 'accidentally' set all layers to non-contourable.
GeoSurvey V8.25   7 July 2022
  1. Field Obs Explorer/Read SDR file can now read attributes for Field Points
  2. Read DXF file can now handle Unix files terminated with LF on each line
  3. Fixed a problem with " characters in a string name caused problems when saving the file
GeoSurvey V8.24   22 May 2022
  1. The Pipeline Report has been changed to add a Vertical deflection column, a 3d Angle column, Slope Distance column. See the online help for precise definitions of computation for these columns
  2. The ESRI shape file export has been changed to widen the text fields for point code, layer, remark, name, type and symbol to 50 characters. Also the point number, Easting, Northing and height fields are set to numeric data type. These changes will make it easier to edit the data in other software packages.
  3. The Import ASCII file now shows the range in X,Y,Z of the imported points only, not for the whole job
  4. The check for legal layer names now allows a . (full stop) as a legal character. It also requires a minimum of one character.
  5. Imported Shape file points are now placed on the same layer as the string. Multi part polygons are now placed on the correct layer and have correct name and extra attributes as the first part.
  6. Fixed a problem with compressing point numbers
  7. Fixed a problem with program locking up when panning and zooming
GeoSurvey V8.23   10 May 2022
  1. A new option has been added on the Points menu Points/Select/Select Pts on Selected Strings which will select all the points on the currently selected strings and will deselect the strings.
  2. Fixed a problem when there is a lot of text in the job and you zoom in a lot, the screen redraw times were excessive
  3. Fixed a problem when selecting Strings by Polygon and you do a Pan by pressing down the mouse wheel
  4. Fixed a problem with Point Attributes display
GeoSurvey V8.22   17 March 2022
  1. Fixed a problem reading in Field Obs with blank layer
  2. Fixed a problem in Field Obs Stn Setup if Azimuth was blank. It gets the Azimuth from the first obs and if within 20" it will set Azimuth to 0. Printout now shows how the Azimuth was derived.
  3. Field Obs Explorer changed so the Help button will display help related to selected item (Session, Field Pt, Stn Setup, Obs)
GeoSurvey V8.21   11 March 2022
  1. The Point Properties dialog now has the 'Show' Point number, height etc tick boxes enabled again.
  2. The Layers dialog and the Layers Explorer dialog now have a button to control the display of Point Attributes. This is also available in the Display Settings on the toolbar (next to Layers Explorer button)
  3. Fixed a problem on Strings/Insert String Points to find points with a tolerance at the start and end of the string
  4. Fixed a problem when selecting strings by layer and using Delete key
  5. Fixed a problem with the Pipeline Report first line placed point name in the incorrect column
  6. The option Insert String Pts from File will now classify illegal lines as errors
  7. The Layers Explorer has been changed so that the number of items on each layer will be updated on each screen redraw. Previously it was only updated when opened or closed.
  8. Layer Names are now checked so illegal chars cannot be entered e.g.~. It allows A-Z,a-z,0-9,+-_()[]{}<>,space. Please contact me if this is too restrictive.
  9. Fixed a problem with reading extra attributes using the Import ASCII File option. It was reversing the name:value pairs
  10. The option to read a Neutral file has been improved to read in extra attributes in the format ,name:value,. Up to 25 extra attributes can be read in on one observation.
GeoSurvey V8.20   20 January 2022
  1. The Read 12da file option has been improved to now read Extra Attributes for Points and it will also read a triangle network (TIN)
  2. Fixed a problem forming triangles for a long road with no proper boundary
  3. The Insert String Points from File option now handles headers in the CSV file
  4. Fixed a problem with Strings/Insert String Pts from File option could crash the program if a line did not contain all five data fields.
GeoSurvey V8.19   4 January 2022
  1. Read SDR field data will now accept '13AT' records as Name/Value extra attributes for field observations
  2. Reduce Field data can carry the obs extra attributes to the reduced points
  3. Field Obs Explorer and Field Obs Properties can now view and edit the extra attributes
  4. Point Properties dialog will now allow editing, entry or deletion of extra attributes directly in the list on the main dialog
  5. The Read ASCII CSV file option can now read in more than 20 extra attributes per point
  6. Fixed a problem selecting triangles, shading triangles and display of selected triangles on scaled displays
  7. A new option is available on menu - Points/Point Functions/Add Points Extra Attribute. This option can add an extra attribute to all Selected Points.
  8. The 'Find' dialog will now remain open until you close it. You can inspect Point/String Properties while it is remains open.
  9. A new option has been added on Strings/Functions/Insert Random String. You can click anywhere and it will insert points if necessary. These strings can be used to then select other items (Points...). It can also interpolate heights for the points if required.
GeoSurvey V8.18   20 December 2021
  1. Fixed a problem exporting ESRI shape file which would leave off .shp extension if the job name contained dot characters.
  2. Fixed a problem with Show Triangle Errors - Average Points. It would stop or not work if one point did not exist.
  3. The read DXF file option will now ignore height values less than -9998.0
  4. A new option has been added to the Annotated Plan dialog to force the road chainage values to be tied to the road point instead of being given and x,y co-ordinate nearby.
  5. A new option has been added - Points/Point Functions/Filter Points. This is designed to filter LIDAR data to reduce the number of points to be triangulated.
  6. The option 'Insert String Chainage Points from File' now optionally adds the chainage value to the Point Name field.
  7. The Pipeline Report has been improved by adding Vertical Deflection
  8. The Alignment Report has been improved by adding an Incremental Distance Tolerance
GeoSurvey V8.17   03 November 2021
  1. A new option has been added to the Import ASCII File Template "HdrName Value" which adds an attribute (Name/Value) to the point where the Name text comes from the Column Header (Line 1)and the Value text comes from the data field on that row
  2. When using Import ASCII File Template, "Name:Value", it now also accepts "Name=Value". If you only enter a Value, the Name text can be specified in the Attribute Name(Fixed Text) on the dialog. If no Name value can be found, one is assigned "Att1" etc. See Help page for details.
  3. A new dialog has been added to Display Settings (the toolbar button)/Display Point Attributes. This dialog controls whether to display point attribute by Name. You can enable or disable each one for display.
  4. The Layers/Layers Explorer dialogs now have a single tick box to control display of extra attributes for each layer. Use the Display Settings/Display Point Attributes to turn on/off individual attribute values
  5. Fixed a problem with display of non-contourable points when the layer was set to non-contourable
  6. The Alignment Report now allows for an Incremental Distance Tolerance to be entered to check for errors in the incremental distance
  7. Fixed a problem in the Alignment Report not re-assessing the selected points on entry
  8. Added capability to the Conversions/Read LIDAR File to read type 2 records and set the symbol to the point colour
GeoSurvey V8.16   10 October 2021
  1. Fixed a problem with Layers Dialog Name column width was not remembered if it was too wide
  2. A new option is available to move multiple layers to a group. Select the layers and right click in first column and use 'Move to Group'. You can then select the destination group and/or add a new group.
  3. Fixed a problem with Contour height text, it is now oriented to the same angle as the contour line.
  4. Fixed a problem when exporting an ESRI shape file with the projection files.
  5. Fixed a problem with Show Google Maps right click mouse option for GDA2020 datum jobs. Google Maps works in WGS84 which is 'compatible' with GDA_1994, but a GDA_2020 job needs the point co-ord converted to GDA_1994 before sending to Google Maps.
GeoSurvey V8.15   20 September 2021
  1. Fixed a problem with Right click menu's not appearing on some screen in multi screen systems
  2. The Read ESRI Shape File option now has an new attribute option "Name-Value". If used, the attribute is read in as a number and printed to the Name field in the format "1234.123". This can be used to import say a chainage value into the name field.
  3. Job filenames can now be Upper or Lower case. Previously, all job names were converted to lower case.
  4. The option 'Strings/Insert Regular String Chainage Points' has been changed to allow the chainage values to be written to the Point 'Name' field.
  5. The standard Plan Forms in GeoSurvey_config.xml have been improved and updated.
  6. Fixed a problem when starting GeoSurvey by double clicking on an ACS file
  7. Fixed a problem in Pipeline Report printing the layer for the previous point
  8. Fixed a problem with exported Shape files in the .shx file
GeoSurvey V8.14   30 August 2021
  1. GeoSurvey can now read in UTF files using the Read ASCII File option. Non ASCII files (UTF) are unusual in electronic data exchange but are becoming more common as they support non English languages
  2. A new option Conversions/ASCII File/View File Data has been added to show the file contents and it also shows the UTF encoding format if detected. See the help for this option for more info about UTF characters in files
  3. Fixed a problem with clipping the drawing when printing to a viewport
GeoSurvey V8.13   3 August 2021
  1. The Shift Vector option to write an FME file also allows output of Geographics in decimal degrees
  2. The Geodetic Report now also displays the parcel ground area
  3. Read ESRI Shape file - Increased the number of match-able fields from 40 to 100
  4. Added a new option to the Layer Properties to allow choice of non standard colours for layers. See [...] buttons to the right of the Line Colour and Fill Colour fields.
  5. Fixed a problem with the Report/Points Report with using selected points. Note: To use the selected points you click on 'Select Points/Layes' and the click on 'Currently Selected Points' button at the bottom of the dialog.
  6. Fixed a problem with Saved layer States that caused duplication of the Saved layers
GeoSurvey V8.12   29 April 2021
  1. The field Obs reduction will display the scale factor to 8 decimals.
  2. Field Obs option to Read a Neutral file will now take notice of the 'Field Point Numbers to Remarks' option.
  3. The Insert Strings option has been changed so that if you press the X button on the dialog, the string entered so far will be saved. If you press the Cancel button it will be erased.
  4. The NTV2 options have been upgraded to handle Shift vectors files in FME format
GeoSurvey V8.11   13 April 2021
  1. The screen drawing has been changed to cater for Windows 10 Display scale factors > 100%
  2. The Pipeline Report now includes the Point layer name after the code.
  3. Fixed a problem with Alignment report for points past start/end of the string
  4. The Job Statistics now displays the range of Easting, Northing and Height values in the job
  5. Import ASCII file option now displays the range of Easting, Northing and Height values read.
  6. Contour Height text is now oriented to the contour line
  7. There is a new report 'Geodetic Close Report' available on the reports menu
GeoSurvey V8.10   15 March 2021
  1. When reading a job which exceed the max number of points the user can now enter the new max pointno and it will automatically reopen the job
  2. When setting the maximum point number in program Settings, if a job is not open, you can then open the larger job without restarting the program
  3. A new option is available on Layers/Groups - right click on a group to show options to make all layers in the group Visible or Invisible
  4. Fixed a problem which could hang the program when rotating viewports and/or zooming in/out
  5. Fixed a problem with highlighting strings when screen background is Black
  6. Fixed some problems with manipulating text with a black background
GeoSurvey V8.09   12 February 2021
  1. The Print Viewport option will now output the Plan Form to a PDF file and/or a DXF file
  2. Selecting Strings by Layer displays incorrect string in the bottom status bar
  3. Fixed a problem with slow screen redrawing when zooming in on a very long string segment
  4. Fixed a problem with Point mode, insert bearing, distance not auto inserting the string segments
  5. The Write ESRI Shape file option will now generate a Projection file (.prj) for each of the output files (_Points, _Polygons, _Polylines)
  6. Fixed a problem with Write ESRI Shape file not exporting all the files to the same folder
  7. The screen drawing has been changed to accommodate high pixel density screen wand Windows 10 Display settings where the scale factors is greater than 100%. If you are using a Display Scale greater than 100% and encounter any graphics display or mouse selection anomalies, please report them to Mimaka
  8. Road Report listings now include the Start Chainage of the String/Road
  9. A new Report is available, the Pipeline Report. See the online help for details
  10. The Alignment Report has been changed to remove all spaces as Excel will keep the leading spaces on a column if it starts with an alpha character. (point code)
  11. The default version of GeoSurvey is now the 64 bit version
  12. The 64 bit version is now called GeoSurvey.exe
  13. The 32 bit version is now called GeoSurvey32.exe
GeoSurvey V8.08   21 December 2020
  1. Fixed a problem with export of ESRI/Shape file points data which would terminate with an error writing the DBF File
  2. Changed the Alignment Report default file extension to .txt
  3. The ICSM LandXML format has been upgraded to the latest version
GeoSurvey V8.07   19 October 2020
  1. The Alignment Report has been improved to use a mostly fixed field layout for easy reading but also has commas after each data item so it can be read into Excel as a CSV file for easy manipulation.
  2. Fixed a problem with reading SDR field data files and handling comments which could cause GS to crash during Reduction.
GeoSurvey V8.06   1 October 2020
  1. The Points/Transforms/Transform to New Datum option has been fixed to handle the new Projections CSV file format.
GeoSurvey V8.05   7 September 2020
  1. The Alignment Report has been improved to handle points near or past the start/end of the alignment string. It also now outputs the OffsetPt, which is the closest point on the string to the IP. It also optionally outputs the point code,remark and name so you can reference the offset point back to field data.
  2. The Insert Pt on Arc option had a limitation that the entered arc distance could not be more than twice the radius. This limit has been changed to 6.28 times the radius.
  3. The Read ESRI Shape file option will now allow you to specify the point number to be used from the dbf attribute file. Note that if the point number is illegal or already in use, the program aborts reading the shape file with an error message. To do this set the DBF column to Read as 'Number'.
  4. Note: The 'MapProjection_Aust.csv' file format has been changed. You should adopt the new file version now. If you have customised your own map projection file, you will need to edit it to conform to the changed format.
  5. The LandXML import and export options have been updated for latest NSW LPMA standards
GeoSurvey V8.04   9 July 2020
  1. The options to load and orient an image have been upgraded to an Image Manager. You can now load multiple images, turn them on off, load and save an Orientation file.
  2. A new option is available in Conversions/Misc/Read LAS file to read a LIDAR LAS file containing a point cloud. This option has controls to filter the data via a viewport and to thin the data. It can read LAS data files from the
  3. The Read LAS file option now allows you to specify the layers to be used for each point type
  4. Fixed a problem in the As Built Report which showed the Northing values as 0.0
  5. The default line thickness was set to 0.3mm in V7.99 due to some screen display problems. A config file varable has been added to set your own value of <default_line_thickness>, see line 15 in the GeoSurvey_config.xml file for an example.
  6. The Write MapInfo file option has been changed to export Lots as Regions, so they will appear as closed in MapInfo.
  7. The Read MapInfo file option will now handle Regions with multiple parts and PLINEs with multiple sections
  8. Fixed a problem with reading in .PTS files, old format geoSurvey files.
  9. Restored the menu option Point/Point Functions/Points Too Close option to active duty
GeoSurvey V8.03   1 June 2020
  1. Fixed a bug in Insert string. It would crash if your exit the dialog with the X button
  2. Fixed a problem with Reading Civilcad AS5 files. It will now read in the Strings correctly
  3. The Layer Properties have been upgraded to allow the display of up to 15 Point Attrinutes.
  4. Fixed a problem in Transform Job to Control so that unselected Control points use the transformed co-ordinates instead of their entered co-ordinates
  5. The Points/Transform Job to Control and Transform Job to Control File options have been upgraded to allow a Height shift. It will compute the average height shift using the selected control points. The user can use that value, enter a different value or blank the field to not do any shift in heights.
  6. Fixed a problem with Strings/Form Lots by Centroids. It will now only use text centroid and lines on Selected Layers.
GeoSurvey V8.02   20 April 2020
  1. The Points/Transforms/Transform to New datum option has been changed. It will now only display Transforms to the same zone on another Datum. It now allows transforms to/from GDA2020 to be done via formula or by a GSB transform file. See the help page for more info.
  2. A new option has been added to the Layers settings dialog to allow the user to save all the job layer state to a named Layers Data Set. You can save several Data Sets and restore them to the current job layers at any time. These Layers data Sets are stored in the .acs file in the [LAYERS_SAVED] section.
  3. A new option has been added to Strings/Functions/Close Selected Strings. This option will add a closing line to close a string if not already closed
  4. Fixed a problem with display of the layers if using a white line colour, the number of Items on the layer was invisible
  5. The Field Obs Read SDR file option will now add 13 Note records to the following observation
GeoSurvey V8.01   25 March 2020
  1. The standard symbols in GeoSurvey_config.xml have been changed. Some new symbols have been added and other fixed.
  2. You can now see the standard symbols in the help, Standard Symbols
  3. You can now see the standard line styles in the help, Standard Line Styles
  4. The filled symbol (circle/polygon) have been changed to use the symbol colour if no other fill colour is specified. See the example symbol "SQ" in the xml config file.
  5. Some users cannot access the local CHM help file. This is the best approach for help if it will work for you.
    See "Help Settings/Getting CHM Help Working" for info on how to Unblock the CHM file, or
    Click here for info
  6. More help is now available on how to Setup up a Code Library
  7. The Triangle Formation dialog has been changed to have a "Show Errors" button.
  8. The Triangle Errors Dialog on a "Close Points" error now allows you to drag either point and displays the distance between the points as you drag.
  9. There is now a new Field Obs Session parameter - Average Observations.
    When ticked, during reduction it will average the reduced co-ords with the existing pt co-ords.
    If the diffs are outside Session tolerances, it will not average them and will show the Differences.
    If not ticked, ab obs to a point will overwrite the existing co-ords. Last obs wins.
  10. Fixed a problem which caused Print Viewport to crash GeoSurvey
  11. Fixed a problem with Print to DXF file, spaces in layer names are now replaced with underscores.
GeoSurvey V8.00    5 March 2020
  1. Fixed a problem with the Cursor disappearing when using a black background.
  2. Improved the error message in 'Compress Points' option where Control Points exist with no corresponding Point.
  3. Fixed a problem which caused a white Flash on the screen when using a black background and doubleclicking on a point to show the point properties
  4. Add an option to the config xml file <fieldSessionLayer> to set the default insert layer for field session reduction
GeoSurvey V7.99    5 February 2020
  1. Fixed a problem with the String Parallel option that did not display the Contruction Line correctly when the offset was changed.
  2. When reading Road Boxing parameters from thge XML config file the program was ignoring any values it did not recognise. It will now display an error message.
  3. Added a parameter to Point Symbolisation to allow scaling by a Point Attribute. Add (scale_attr="Canopy") to the xml config point code definition to tell it to use the Point Attribute name "Canopy" to scale the point symbol (e.g. Tree scaling)
  4. Fixed a problem with lines at 45 degrees not displaying on some PCs. The default line thickness has been changed from 0.25mm to 0.30mm. If your lines disappear, increase the line thickness. The display of very thin lines seems to depend on the graphics display adapter and driver.
GeoSurvey V7.98    20 January 2020
  1. Autocad layer and block names can now contain spaces. Previously spaces were changed to underscores.
  2. Some minor screen drawing changes have been made to speed up redraws on large jobs.
  3. The screen drawing has been changed to stop "Program Not Responding" messages which could cause the program to loop and continually redraw the screen.
  4. The screen drawing has been changed to allow multiple zoom commands by the mouse wheel or +- keypad keys to interrupt the current redraw and start a new one.
  5. This release includes a 64 bit version of GeoSurvey - GeoSurvey64.exe. This is a beta Test version, please report any issues immediately.
GeoSurvey V7.97    28 November 2019
  1. During Field Session Reduction, the scale factor is now applied to distances
  2. Some minor screen drawing changes have been made
GeoSurvey V7.96    30 September 2019
  1. Changed the Points/Translate Point Codes option to use either a "stringCodes" or "pointCodes" xml entry
  2. Fix a bug in Read ESRI shape file when reading 2d points, the height values were not set to blank. This option has been changed to import the points into the current Insert layer.
  3. Changed the Field Obs functions to include a Session Scale Factor to scale horizontal distances from field work.
  4. The read 12d file option can now optionally copy the string code to the points on the string
GeoSurvey V7.95    2 September 2019
  1. A new Point Symbolisation option (COM1+G) has been added to size and orient a pit using the following two shots.
  2. See the Help Index 'Point Symbolisation' topic near the bottom for details
  3. To enable this option, a new field has been addedto 'Point Properties' called 'Sym Y Size'.
    This is the size of the symbol in Y. Usually 'Sym Size' is the size of the symbol in X and Y).
    This allows you to scale the symbols differently in X and Y and is useful to scale a square symbol to be a rectangle to represent a pity of a certain size.
  4. Some users have had problems accessing the Help. See the Mimaka web pages for help on this topic.
    Some time ago we added Online Help to the Help menu - this opens a browser and directs it to the GeoSurvey online help.
  5. A new option has been added to the Help menu 'Help Settings' to tell the program to ALWAYS use the online help.
    Thus if you set the option to '2 - Use Internet Web Pages with Browser', when youpress the Help button
    on a dialog, it will open the appropriate help web page in the browser.
  6. If anyone would prefer to have the help web pages located locally on their local hard disk, contact me.
GeoSurvey V7.94    14 August 2019
  1. The Points/Point Functions/Move Point Data option has been renamed to better reflect its' operation. It is now called 'Copy Point Data'
  2. The String Properties dialog has been changed to press the Right arrow key when ENTER is pressed. This makes it easier to walk along a string to check the segments
  3. Fixed a problem in Road Report, non CSV formats, where the last character of the Y value of the first point in the string was blanked when writing the Z value
  4. Changed the 12d export function to export point attribute names as well as values
GeoSurvey V7.93    11 July 2019
  1. Improved the Conversions/Export ASCII File to also export point extra attributes if present. Only the attribute value is exported, not the 'attrib1' name.
  2. improved the Conversions/12da export of points to also export the point extra attributes
  3. Fixed a problem with the formation of contours
  4. Improved the 12d export of string points to include point attributes
  5. Changed the DXF Export option. If a layer name starts with a space, it is changed to an underscore.
  6. The Layers Dialog has been changed to move some itemn to a Layers Settings sub-dialog. This new dialog has two new options to select the layers mentioned in the Code Library
  7. The Import Shape File option will now insert the points onto the current Insert layer
  8. The Program Settings/Code Library Browse... button will now remember the last few files selected. This makes it easier if you are regularly changing this value.
  9. The Program Settings/Config File Browse... button will now remember the last few files selected.
  10. The Road Report - Detailed CSV Report data now aligns correctly with the headings
  11. The Move Pts onto String dialog will now only allow one string to be selected. If you click on another string, the previous one will be de-selected
  12. Fixed a problem when doing a SaveAs to certain UNC paths containing a .
GeoSurvey V7.92    13 June 2019
  1. Fixed a problem of with export of mapInfo files with arcs
  2. Changed some internal triangle storage code to speed up handling of triangles
  3. The Export ESRI option now export more attributes for Strings and Points. For Strings it now exports the string type, length, Discon, Start chainage, Line Style. For Points it now exports the attributes if present, and Symbol Name if not ByLayer. See dialog Help for details
  4. Fixed a problem when deleting the layer containing the triangles
  5. The Conform Layers option now also check the <points> definitions in the config file
  6. In the DXF export, the 'Continuous' setting is now remembered from one session to the next
  7. The option to import 12d files now sets the string name into the point code for "breakline point" strings.
  8. Fixed a problem which could cause a crash on some jobs when forming triangles
  9. Improved the help pages for 'Form Strings by Code Library' and 'Code Processing'.
GeoSurvey V7.91    15 April 2019
  1. Fixed a problem of clashing temp filename when running multiple copies of GS and saving jobs to the same folder.
  2. Improved the speed of loading large jobs significantly.
  3. Added a new report 'As Built Report' which compares points on the 'Design' layer to a set of Selected points and prints the differences between the points.
  4. The String/Point code definitions in the config xml file can now be mixed up together. GS will read Point code definitions in the Strings section and vice versa
  5. A new option has been added to the Annotated Plot/Short Line Table dialog. You can now tick a box to add brackets around the short line table numbers.
GeoSurvey V7.90    15 March 2019
  1. Added an option to the config file to do a check of the codes at startup
  2. A new option is available 'Form String by Points'. This allows you to sort the points by various data fields (Ptno, Easting, Northing, Height, Code Remark, Name..) and create a string joining the points in the sorted order. e.g. If you imported point data with a chainage value in the Remark field, you could sort the points by chainage/remark and create the string in chainage order
GeoSurvey V7.89    18 February 2019
  1. The Import ASCII file option was designed to handle 24 fields per line, this has been increased to 100 fields per line
  2. The Program Settings/Advanced/Point Pixel Scale sets a scale factor for faster screen drawing. For large jobs, the time taken to redraw the screen can be several seconds, especially at large scales. At scales above the 'Point Pixel scale' points are drawn as a single pixel on the screen instead of the normal symbol. This can speed up drawing of the screen by a factor of 10. This option has been changed to also affect the 'selected' points. They are normally highlighted with a small square when selected. Now, they will be drawn as single Red pixel.
  3. The option to export an ESRI shape file now also exports the Datum/Projection information to a .prj file if the job has a projection
  4. Fixed a problem with the display of line types in the layers dialog
GeoSurvey V7.88    25 January 2019
  1. Added extra line types to the DXF export line table definition (57-68)
  2. Fixed a problem which caused the program to crash when saving after editing a viewport
GeoSurvey V7.87    18 December 2018
  1. Changed Read ESRI Shape file option to insert the Polyline/Polygon Strings onto the current Insert layer
  2. Changed the Road Report to add an option to only emit a single page Heading
  3. The Read Shape File option will now highlight the data field that will not be read in with a Red colour
  4. Two new reports have been added to the Road Report: Details CSV Report and Traditional CSV Report. Both of these contain the same data as the non-csv report but are comma separated value files suitable for easy use with a Spreadsheet
  5. Changed DXF exort for R2000 DXF files to allow spaces and (){} chars in the layer names.
  6. The layer name length limit has been increased from 31 to 250 chars.
GeoSurvey V7.86    20 November 2018
  1. A new option has been added to Conversions/Write Surface to LandXML File to generate a LandXML file suitable for machine guidance. The online help for this option now contains detailed instructions on how to prepare your job to to create an Alignment and Surface LandXML files for machine guidance
  2. Changed the 'Strings/Form Road Longsection...' option to allow you to specify the minimum distance between points on cross sections.
  3. Changed the 'Strings/Form Road Longsection...' option to allow you to specify the distance between points, offset increment on the cross sections.
  4. Added an Online Help option to ther Help Menu. This opens a web browser and accesses the Mimaka web pages which contain a copy of the online help.
GeoSurvey V7.85    29 October 2018
  1. Improved the checking of dialog box positions when the position is off the screen. When you remove a screen from a notebook PC, dialog boxes positioned on the extra screen cannot be seen. The program now detect that situation and position them on the existing screen(s).
  2. All remembered screen positions are now remembered for each instance of GeoSurvey running, separately.
  3. Updated and improved the option to read in LIDAR grid files. These are now available from and can be imported easily using the Conversion/Misc/Read ELVIS ASC File option. See the online help for more details. To access look up “ELVIS-Elevation-Foundation Data” or click on
  4. Fixed a problem with export of V14 DXF files
  5. Improved the handling of internal entity numbers
  6. Internal changes to improve the toolbars
  7. Changes to ICSM LandXML Export for NSW to suit new rules
GeoSurvey V7.84    26 July 2018
  1. Several New line types have been added, --P--P--, --U--U--, --WR--WR-- and --OF--OF--. These are implemented with solid lines and dashed lines. Also a Railway line has been added.
  2. The option to Insert String Chainage Points has been split into two options
  3. Insert String Chainage Point - This option inserts one point at a time
  4. Insert String Chainage Points from File - This option inserts points by chainage from a CSV file. This option also allow duplicate points to be inserted (optionally).
  5. Fixed a problem writing Triangles to a DXF file which was cause an incomplete DXF file to be created.
  6. Fixed a problem in the DXF export file format that prevented Cut/Paste working in Autocad
  7. Fixed a problem in the Alignment report where the offset for points outside the max offset could sometimes be wrong
  8. Corrected the Help page for Field Obs Session Reduction
  9. Add extra buttons to the Field Obs Explorer to allow easier access to commands. New Session, Read Field Data, Reduce Session.
  10. Fixed a problem with export of Release 6 and Release 14 DXF files.
GeoSurvey V7.83    26 June 2018
  1. Warning: Major changes have been made to Form Strings options - do not adopt this new version if you are in a hurry to get a job out.
  2. The Symbols are now read from the xml config file by default.
    Previously they have been read from the Code Library .MST file if you used one.
    If your symbols have changed or are missing, check they are in defined the XML config file, or see the next item
  3. The Program Settings dialog now has an option MST Symbols to read the symbols from the Code Library file (MST file) if you still need this.
  4. The Form Strings option has been changed. The option to form string by a single code has been split from the Form Strings by Code Library option. They are now separate dialog boxes.
    The Forms Strings by Code Library has new options to select the Points range and the code library.
    This has also changed the 'Form Strings' options in 'Field Obs Reduction', 'Old Stadia Reduction' and 'Read ASCII Points'.
    Click here for a tutorial on Form Strings and Point Symbolisation
  5. A new option has been added Points/Point Functions/Translate Point Codes to perform translation of point codes using a Code Library File.
  6. There is a new option Point/Point Functions/Move Point Data.
    This option will Copy point data from one field to another.
    e.g. You can copy the Code field data to the Point Remark for a range of points.
  7. Fixed a problem in Layers dialog that caused the 'All' Tick boxes at the top to get out of alignment with the column when the list was scrolled horizontally
  8. Changed Move Pts onto String Report to show how many point moved and rejected near the front of the report
  9. Changed the Alignment Report to better handle cases where the surveyed point is opposite a string point on the obtuse angle such that it cannot form a square offset to either nearby string segment. In this case it forms the offset distance to the string point if within tolerance
GeoSurvey V7.82    30 May 2018
  1. Added an option to Select Points with No Design Surface Height
  2. Added a procedure to allow you to Contour or Export the Design Surface of a Road to a DXF file. Click here for details
GeoSurvey V7.81    16 April 2018
  1. Fixed a problem with importing DXF files with extremely long lines, > 1000 chars
  2. Fixed a problem with importing ASCII files and doing Point Symbolisation using the XML config file.
  3. Added an option to Read DXF file to copy the layer name to the point code for inserted points.<
GeoSurvey V7.80    19 March 2018
  1. Fixed a problem in File/print Screen to PDF option in the 64 bit version
  2. Fixed a problem with Toolbar menu display when using Black background screen
  3. Changed the String/Parallel Line option to disallow offsets less than 1mm
  4. Fixed a problem in ESRI export shape files in 64 bit program version
  5. Fixed a problem with Export of landXML files including parcels on non-visible layers
GeoSurvey V7.79    13 February 2018
  1. Changed the ESRI Shape Export option to export un-closed strings to 'Polyline' file and Closed strings (Lots) to 'Polygon' file. It will also export the plan name if available for each string.
  2. When reading ESRI Shape Polylines, if the string is closed it will be treated as a Lot instead of a Traverse
  3. When reading ESRI Shape Polylines/Polygons, if a plan name is present the plan will be used or created if not present already
  4. Changed the option to read DXF LWPolylines to set string type to LOT if it is closed.
  5. Changed the option to read DXF LWPolylines to set string name to a number 1...N
  6. The right click mouse context menu has been improved to allow the Pan and ZoomIn options. These change to 'Select' if you are alreadyin pan/ZoomIn mode
  7. The * key on the keypad now invoked pan mode or exits Pan mode if you are already in Pan mode
  8. Fixed a problem when printing a Viewport to a PDF file, the circle symbols were offset by the page origin. This has been fixed.
GeoSurvey V7.78    18 January 2018
  1. Added a new menu item to the Points/Geom Calculations menu - Remove Selected Points from Strings
  2. A new option has been added to the Conversions/Write DXF job to stack the point height, code, remark, name, attribute text vertically instead of writing it in one long line. See about line 55 in GeoSurvey_config.xml for the <dxfPtsVertical> tag, set it to Yes to stack the text vertically
  3. The Conversions/Write DXF Job option has been changed to export the fonts to the DXF file. Due to the complexity only 7 fonts are supported at present. Arial, Calibri,Cambria,Courier New, Lucida Sans, Tahoma and Time New Roman. Let me know if you absolutely need a different font. Also, the Bold and Italic attributes will not transfer to the DXf file. If you absolutely need these, let me know.
  4. Fixed a problem with Field Obs Reduction of field points was not copying the Remark to the reduced point.
  5. Fixed a problem with Forming Strings by Codes - If a new string used an existing layer, it would overwrite the layer colour, style, thickness. This has been fixed. If the new string has diff colour/style/thickness, those values will be set for the string and not for the layer
  6. A new attribute has been added to each Layer - Font Angle. Previously the Font Angle was used for the layer text angle and also for the layer symbol angle. These have been separated as the default symbol angle is 0 deg (North) and the default text angle is 90 deg.
  7. The Google/kml import option has been improved to handle strings with no co-ordinates. It can also import the layer (folder name) and the line colour and thickness.
  8. The Form String option has been changed to use xml config file String/Point definitions correctly.
  9. Fixed a problem with layer translation when exporting dxf files using a MST file
  10. Fixed a problem with 'Display settings/Brg, Dst Text' was showing incorrect distances
GeoSurvey V7.77    4 December 2017
  1. Added a new menu item to the Help menu - Release Notes to make the release notes easier to access.
  2. Changed Cross Section Template - Create New template option to stop entry of duplicate template names. Note that names are not case sensitive. Thus templates 'RHS' and 'rhs' are the same name and not allowed.
  3. Fixed a problem with Control Points not being cleaned up when a new job is opened without closing GeoSurvey.
  4. Fixed a problem with Read MapInfo option not starting.
  5. Fixed several problems with importing ESRI shape files to create strings
  6. Fixed a problem with Strings/Form Strings by Code/Check Points - it now allows wildcard Point codes (TB*)
  7. Fixed a problem with Annotated Plot option. If you chose 'ByLayer' for the Font, it would always use Arial Font anyway. This has been fixed.
  8. Fixed a problem with Point Symbolisation not recognising the 'size_in_metres' attribute.
  9. Changed Field Session Reduction to insert Field Points as Points instead of as Stations except if they are used for a station setup.
  10. Fixed a problem with defining Strings as Discons in the xml config file.
  11. Added a new 'Display Settings' toolbar button to turn on/off display of Line Bears/Distance text. This is also available on View menu.
  12. The Conversions/Write DXF Job option will now optionally export the text fonts of the <dxfFonts> option is turned on in the xml config file.
GeoSurvey V7.76    30 October 2017
  1. Changed the Read DXF File option to auto create layers if they have not been defined in the DXF file. DXF files created by some software packages do not create the layers table.
  2. URGENT: Fixed a problem with V7.75 which could corrupt the strings in some jobs. Do not use V7.75
GeoSurvey V7.75    12 October 2017
  1. Plan Forms can now print a scale bar on the plan. Use the 'scale_bar' command in the xml config file to define the plan form. See the example in GeoSurvey_config.xml at the end of the 'A4 Landscape' plan form definition. Also see the online help here.
  2. Plan Forms can also display a North Point, see the example at the end of the 'A4 Landscape' plan form definition. Also see the online help here.
  3. North Point - it is also possible to get a North Point by inserting a point where you want it located and set the symbol to '6' or 'Nth', then set the size to say 20(mm) and the angle to 0 (degrees).
  4. A new option is available on the Right Click menu to open Google Maps to the clicked location. This only works when a datum has been specified and you are using real world co-ords
  5. Fixed a problem with export of Google Earth KML files that stopped the line colours being exported correctly
  6. Fixed a problem with 'Copy Strings to Layer', it was duplicating common points.
  7. Added a new option to Copy Points to another layer. You can select the points to be copied and the start point number for the new points.
  8. A new option is available on Layers Explorer to Set the Insert Layer to the same as the selected Points/String/Text item.
  9. A new option has been added to display extra Points toolbar buttons via the xml config file. See the GeoSurvey_config.xml file for an example <toolbarOffsetPt>
  10. Fixed a problem where a job could get the 'Use Ground Distances' option set, and would not accept negative distances in Bearing Distance function.
GeoSurvey V7.74    12 September 2017
  1. Fixed a problem when importing DXF files which could duplicate existing points where you had two existing points one vertically above the other.
  2. Changed the Alignment report to list excluded points so you can tell if some points could not be computed.
  3. Changed the F6 Search dialog to search for more Point name, Remark and attributes.
  4. Upgraded the DXF Export option to allow export of Autocad 2000 DXF files.
  5. Changed the Road Report layout slightly to accommodate chainages over 99km. The help has also been updated
  6. Improved the LandXML Import option to handle Road surfaces presented as a series of Strings along the road.
  7. Fixed a problem with Strings/Insert String Chainage Point. It was displaying the distance from the last string point instead of the correct point chainage.
  8. Added a new option Strings/Move Points onto String. This allows survey points to be moved onto a centreline string, for example. See the online help for details.
  9. The Select option now allows selection by Point Name and Point Attributes 1 to 5.
  10. Fixed a problem when reading DXF files produced by Microstation
  11. The Longsection Point display now shows the Interpolated Centreline offset, if one exists
  12. A new option has been added to the Select dialog to Select the currently selected points
GeoSurvey V7.73    21 August 2017
  1. Fixed a problem with LandXML exporting Unannotated strings
  2. A new option has been added to LandXML Export Longsection. It now allows you to export a Longsection with natural surface levels or design surface levels.
GeoSurvey V7.72    20 August 2017
  1. Fixed a problem with transforming between datums
  2. A new option has been added to ASCII Export for Points. It now allows you to export the Design Level if present (Road design). It also allows you to export a level field which is the Design Level if present, or the natural Level if present or blank if neither exist.
  3. Several small changes made to ICSM LandXML export file format
  4. Added an option to Write LandXML Standard file to allow user to choose to export design surface levels.
  5. Added a new option to Conversions/Write to landXML file to write a Longsection/Alignment to a LandXML file.
GeoSurvey V7.71    2 June 2017
  1. Added support to convert the Job Datum to/from GDA_2020
  2. Fixed a problem clicking on tick boxes on layers menus it ticked the attribute to the left of the one clicked.
  3. Changed Import ASCII file to handle Name:Value columns without the name, just the value. The name will automatically be created as 'Att1' etc.
  4. Fixed a problem which could crash the program when exporting a LandXML file
GeoSurvey V7.70    11 April 2017
  1. Fixed a problem with right mouse selection of strings. Where there were more than 15 items in the list, incorrect dialog boxes would be invoked
  2. Fixed a problem on large jobs which made the 'Points Too Close' function run very slowly.
  3. Fixed a few issues when importing 12d files. Line styles were imported incorrectly, also it created a string joining the points which were isolated points
  4. Text - when editing text, if the cursor is in the angle field, you can click on a line of the screen to adopt that angle.
  5. You can control whether fonts are written to the DXF file by a config variable in GeoSurvey_config.xml at line 54.
    See <dxfFonts> setting, set to No to eliminate fonts.
    This means that all text in the DXF file will default to 'TEXT' font in Autocad.
  6. Added a parameter to the GeoSurvey_config.xml file to control the x offset of long and cross section titles.
    See the <title xOffset="-8" yOffset="-5.0" fontSize="3.00" ....> and set the xOffset value in mm.
    The standard config file has been updated.
  7. A new layers Explorer option is available as an extra button to the right of the existing layers button.
    The Layers Explorer is a cut down version of the Layers dialog, but it can stay open all the time.
    See see Layers Explorer for more details
    Also note the Config button in the top left corner to turn columns on/off
GeoSurvey V7.69    17 January 2017
  1. Added a new option to change Point symbolisation during Form Strings by Code. The config file can set a variable <symbolisationUpdateLayers> to stop Point symbolisation from updating the layer every time. See the Config File (online help) see Program Control section for details
  2. Fixed a problem which made importation of large Google KML files very slow
  3. Changed Insert Brg-Dist to remember the screen position when closed.
  4. Changed Field Obs Explorer to remember the screen position when closed.
  5. Added an option to Conversions/Import ASCII File to stop it overwriting existing points
  6. Added an option to Conversions/Civilcad/Read Civilcad V5 to stop it overwriting existing points
  7. Read Civilcad V5 file will now convert the strings to use the newly assigned point numbers if they are changed during import.
  8. The Long Section Toolbar Layer drop down combo box now uses the config variable <toolbarLayersWidth> to set the width of the field in the toolbar (as already happend in Plan view.
  9. Fixed a problem with cross section design with batters when the natural surface follows the design surface, The batter calculation was sometimes failing
  10. Fixed a problem with LandXML exports to set easements to 'existing'
GeoSurvey V7.68    14 December 2016
  1. Added an option to the Contours to set a minimum contour length. During Contour formation, any contours shorter than this length will be deleted. If left blank, all contour will be formed normally. This minimum Contour length will be saved in the job with the other contour parameters.
  2. Several changes made to LandXML export - contact Michael Elfick for details.
  3. Symbols can now be filled with colour. Two examples have been added to the default config file GeoSurvey_config.xml.
    See the new symbols SQ1 and CIR1 at about line 1330 in that file.
  4. The Field Obs Session Explorer has been changed to remember the last open session/station when it is opened again.
  5. Fixed a problem in entering a Traverse to enable Links entry.
  6. Fixed a problem for Export of DXF files where a symbol would use the Layer linestyle instead of a solid/continuous line style.
  7. Fixed a problem in Conversions/Google/Read Google Earth KML File option to handle Folders and CDATA elements correctly.
  8. Fixed a problem in triangle formation with grid data and a boundary string
GeoSurvey V7.67    3 November 2016
  1. Added an option to the Strings Properties to allow entry of a parcel description.
  2. Several changes to LandXML export to accommodate the NSW LandXML Spec
  3. Fixed a problem with display of Ground Distances in Show BearingDistance option and some other places.
  4. Added options to String Properties to display String extra attributes. The extra attributes can be defined in the config file. See the <stringAttributes> example in the config file. This allows you to define and add attributes to a string (or a point).
  5. The terminology for menus and dialogs for LandXML has been changed to make it clearer what type of LandXML file is involved. There are two types, a Standard LandXML file is the type read and written by several industry standard software packages. The ePlan ICSM LandXML file is that defined by the ICSM committee.
  6. When editing a string, the Description attribute will automatically be copied to the corresponding parcel if it exists. When editing a Parcel, the Description attribute will automatically be copied to the corresponding String if possible. This facilitates preparation of descriptions for ICSM LandXML files.
GeoSurvey V7.66    12 August 2016
  1. Fixed a problem reading 12d files containing comments which caused all data to be ignored.
  2. Changed the Strings to Parcels dialog to remember the 'Do All Strings on Plan' tick box from one run to another
  3. Changed the Strings to Parcels dialog to add 'Geodetic Corrections' tick box
  4. Changed the Strings to Parcels dialog to also convert Road strings
  5. Several changes to LandXML Export to comply with NSW LPI standards
  6. For LandXML files, handle Reference Marks as Control Points
  7. Changed Manage Plans dialog to describe Plans and Parcels in the list
  8. Changed Strings to Parcels to describe String names, Types and even the first two points in a string
  9. Added an option to Strings to Parcels to Replace existing parcels
  10. Improved the Strings to Parcels interface to allow multiple selection
  11. Fixed several problems in the LandXML export option.
  12. Added a new option Point/LandXML Reference Marks to create or edit reference marks for preparation of LandXML files.
  13. If you select a string segment and press Delete key, it will now delete the segment instead of the string.
  14. Fixed a problem selecting some string segments when not in Strings mode
GeoSurvey V7.65    22 June 2016
  1. Fixed a problem in Form Long and Cross sections from a string. Some cross sections on curves were not at right angles to the curve.
  2. Added a check to the cross section design process to check that the cut and fill batters had the correct sign. Cut batters must be positive, fill batters must be negative.
  3. Fixed a problem in cross section design points for cross sections on anti-clockwise curves which caused the design point to have incorrect horizontal position
  4. Changed the LS screen display to hake it clearer which points have a GIP, have cross sections and have templates assigned.
  5. Fixed a problem in editing CS template data which could crash the program
GeoSurvey V7.64    24 April 2016
  1. Moved Strings menu option 'Section to RD File' to the Conversions/GeoSurvey menu.
  2. Moved Strings menu option 'Read .RD Road File' to the Conversions/GeoSurvey menu.
  3. Rearranged Strings menu options to group Road/Drain/Sewer functions together and changed the wording to make their functions clearer.
  4. Added a new option to the Strings menu Strings/Insert String Pts at Triangle Cuts. This option computes where the string cuts the triangles and inserts a point at the cut point and inserts the point into the string
  5. Changed 'Select Points' dialog to display/set 'Select Points on Visible layers' tick box. This makes it clear which points will be selected.
  6. Fixed a problem when deleting Plans
  7. Fixed a problem with selecting points on cross sections when zoomed in
  8. The cross section display can now zoom in/out with the mouse wheel
  9. Fixed a problem in Compress Points which could affect Cross Sections points
  10. The Compress Points option is now significantly faster for large jobs.
  11. Fixed a problem with Topo/Irrigation/Create Mesh which would not create some mesh points depending on the zoom level. If was using the screen scale factor to decide when points were 'already there'.
  12. Added a check so that if you Reverse a String with cross sections, you get a warning. Reversing a string will reverse all the string segments and also reverses the longsection, if any. But it does not reverse the cross sections, so if you do reverse such a string, the Left/Right cross sections will be incorrect and will cause any subsequent Design CS points to be inserted on the wrong side.
GeoSurvey V7.63    22 February 2016
  1. Changed the Conversions/Write DXF Job option to output the units for the dxf file in Metres.
  2. Added a new option to Strings/Functions to copy selected strings to another layer. It will duplicate the string(s) and the string points and place them onto a selected destination layer.
  3. Added a new option Points/Geom calculation/ Interpolate Heights. This option uses the triangles to interpolate height values for points. It can do the selected points, or the points on selected strings, or All Points
  4. Added a new option to Strings/Functions/Create Strings from Contours. It will insert a point at every contour vertex point and then create a string to join them.
  5. Right click near an unselected point, select Properties will now select the point and display its' properties.
GeoSurvey V7.62    26 October 2015
  1. Fixed a problem with DXF export with layer translation when exporting remarks and names.
  2. Added a check on input and output filename length. Windows imposes a limit of 250 characters for the entire filename and path. If you exceed this length, you will now get an error message.
  3. Added a new Transform to Control option to use the Control Points in the job. See Points/Transforms/Transform to Job option.
  4. Fixed a problem with the toolbar layers list not being refreshed when layers are imported.
GeoSurvey V7.61    20 October 2015
  1. Changed Google Export of KML file to make lots transparent and to use lot fill colour if present.
  2. A new config parameter has been added to control the number of lines per page on Field Obs and other listing reports. See the config file for the <listingPageLen> parameter. Default value is 57 lines.
  3. The GeoSurvey_config_NSW.xml file has been updated with the latest LandXML LPMA specs.
  4. Various changes made for LandXML export compatibility for NSW.
  5. Fixed a problem with Layers dialog in display of extra attributes
  6. Fixed a problem with extra attributes not being exported to DXF file even when layer display was enabled
  7. Fixed a problem with Plan selection when inserting a new string
GeoSurvey V7.60    24 August 2015
  1. Added points extra attributes widows to the Reset Windows positions list.
  2. Fixed a problem if you right click and 14 points are displayed and one or more strings the wrong dialog was displayed when the string was selected.
  3. Fixed a problem in Point Properties for multiple points with different layers, you can now use [...] to select/create a layer for all the points.
  4. A new option has been added to Program Settings/Advanced - this option speeds up display of points for large jobs at large scales. If you enter a scale, say 5000, when the screen is displayed at scales above 5000 each point will be drawn as a single pixel instaed of the full symbol.
  5. A new option is available to display/edit Point Properties - in Points/Point Property Attributes. This option displays and allows editing of the point extra attributes. It works in a similar fashion to the standard Points Properties dialog box, but is cleaner and also allows direct editing of point extra attributes.
  6. The Layers dialog box has been improved to display a shaded background on alternate rows to make it easier to read.
  7. The Layers Dialog now highlights the sort column with a yellow background.
  8. The layers dialog now has tick boxes to turn on/off the display of extra attributes on Points on the screen.
  9. When points are displayed which have extra attributes, the display of the attributes can be controlled by the layer by turn on/off the Att1, Att2 etc on the main layers listing or when editing each layer by Attrib1, Attrib2 etc.
  10. When doing a DXF export for points with extra attributes, the Layers display Att1, Att2 etc control whether the extra attribute text is exported to the DXf file.
  11. Fixed a problem with arcs when creating parcels from strings for a LandXML job
GeoSurvey V7.59    23 July 2015
  1. Fixed a problem with extra point attributes being removed during point renumbering.
  2. Fixed a problem reading in point codes and remarks using ESRI Import Shape file option.
  3. Improved the screen layout for cross section templates
  4. Cross section templates now allow a height/RL value to be entered instead of a width. During CS design, the segment will be extended at the specified grade until the desired height is reached.
  5. When importing ASCII file data the points will now be inserted into the Insert Layer, unless you have specified a layer in the points data. Previously it would insert all points into the 'Topo Points' layer.
  6. The Select by Polygon and select by Surround have been added to the right mouse button for points selection.
  7. Fixed a problem in the DXF export with layer translations using wildcard point codes which could hand the program.
GeoSurvey V7.58    12 May 2015
  1. Changed the Google KML export for strings to include the Plan name if available
  2. Changed Strings/Plans/Copy Parcel Attributes to alsocopy the parcel description
  3. Fixed a problem with Strings/Plans/Strings to Parcels duplicating parcels.
  4. Changed Strings/Plans/Strings to parcels to allow a single string or all strings on a plan to be converted to parcels.
  5. Fixed a problem with writing to landXML file for NSW.
GeoSurvey V7.57    22 March 2015
  1. Fixed a problem with forming triangles with more than 2 million points
  2. Pressing Ctrl key during a redraw will cancel the redraw.
  3. Fixed a problem with writing out very large jobs to an acs file, more than 2 million points.
  4. A new option is available on the Manage Plans menu to copy parcel attributes to one or many other parcels. This will assist with setting attributes on parcels for NSW LPI LandXML files.
  5. Fixed a problem writing arc centres to LandXML files.
  6. The alignment report has had the E, N, H added for each point.
  7. Fixed a problem in the Cross Section design where two longsection segments meet at an angle.
  8. Fixed a problem with zoom in/out on cross section display
  9. Point Properties has a new option to Pan to the point, this only works when one point is selected.
  10. Upgraded the contour formation to handle very large jobs - more than 1.5 million points
GeoSurvey V7.56    10 February 2015
  1. Fixed a problem with writing ESRI shape string files.
  2. Fixed a problem starting a new job and reading in an ESRI string file
  3. A new option has been added to select points by polygon. It allows the user to select the points by clicking successive positions on the screen to form a polygon. This will select the points inside the polygon. You can close the polygon by clicking on the start point again, or you can hit the ESC key and it will automatically close the polygon and select the points inside it.
  4. The previous option to select points by Polygon has been changed to 'Select by Surround'. You press the left mouse button and drag the mouse to draw a 'surround' line around the area of interest. When you release the mouse button, it will automatically close the surround and select the points inside it.
GeoSurvey V7.55    20 January 2015
  1. Added an extra field to Points Select -1N, to select by Remark
  2. You can now join a string which starts ate the end of the selected string
  3. Fixed a problem when writing to a DXF file when not all the layers are selected.
GeoSurvey V7.54    20 November 2014
  1. Field Points now have a 'Resection' attribute tick box. During reduction two or more resection points will be used to compute the station setup position and also the azimuth setting
  2. When reading a field data Neutral file, the text 'NOTE RESIDUALS PT ID=' can be used to define a points to be used in a resection
  3. The Insert String option now has a [...] create layer button.
  4. The Insert String button now allows you to set the plan for the string.
  5. Several changes to improve Strings/Plans options.
GeoSurvey V7.53    14 October 2014
  1. Fixed a problem where X delete toolbar button would not work in Points mode
  2. Fixed a problem in Reading 12d files 2d curves.
  3. Added online help for Conversions/Write Plan to LandXML file option. This provides instructions on how to prepare data for a NSW ePlan LandXML file creation.
  4. Field points reading a Neutral file will now allow a BKB Back bearing record (HA or AZ values) to set the Azimuth.
  5. Field points reading a Neutral file will use a STN code to set the station code
  6. Field points Set All option now allows you to set all Station Setup Azimuth values to blank or any value
GeoSurvey V7.52    19 June 2014
  1. Added a new Strings option to Select all strings inside another string.
  2. A new option has been added to Create, Edit and Delete Control points. Points/Control
  3. A new option has been added to Create, Edit and Delete Plans and parcels. Strings/Plans
  4. The Export LandXML option will now export a NSW LTO compliant ePlan LandXML file
  5. The Import LandXML option has a new option 'ePlan File' to import a NSW ePlan LandXML file.
  6. A new option has been added to the layers dialog box to merge multiple layers into a single layer. All the points, strings etc on the selected layers are moved to the target layer and the original layer is deleted.
  7. The layers dialog has been changed to show the number of Items (Points, Strings, Text, Viewports..) on each layer instead of just the number of points on each layer.
  8. A new option has been added to the layers dialog box to Import Layers from another acs file. Only the layer names and attributes are imported, nothing on the layes is imported. Where layer name clashes occur, you have the option to overwrite existing layer attributes.
  9. Fixed a problem where line points were not generated on boundaries by easements in some circumstances.
GeoSurvey V7.51    1 May 2014
  1. Fixed a problem with Parallel offset 02 records
  2. Fixed a porblem with display of invert levels and depths on Sewers.
  3. Added a warning message if you read in Latitude/Longitude data in Import ASCII file without setting a job datum.
GeoSurvey V7.50    15 March 2014
  1. Fixed a problem with Delete Toolbar button not deleting points
  2. Changed the default for 'Select on Visible layers Only' to be ticked.
  3. Added editable extra attributes to the Point Properties dialog box.
  4. Fixed a problem with display of invert levels and depths on sewer lines.
  5. Depths are now computed to the Natural Surface by default, but will use the design Surface RL if it is available.
GeoSurvey V7.49    19 February 2014
  1. Fixed a problem with road design, the calculation of cross sections eventually failed as it appended LBAT or RBAT to batter points and the point codes eventually can grow longer than the internal limit of 200 characters. This has been changed to replace the existing code with LBAT or RBAT.
  2. A new menu option has been added to write a screen snapshot to a PDF file. One or more snapshots can be written to the PDF file allowing you to zoom and pan to the desired part of the job. The new option is File/Screen to PDF File
  3. When strings are imported from an ESRI shape file, they are now treated as Traverses instead of Lots.
  4. The Edit ACS file option has been changed to cope with Windows Large Fonts. The dialog is now Resizeable.
  5. The Annotate dialog has been enlarged to cater for Windows large fonts
GeoSurvey V7.48    1 November 2013
  1. When deleting topo points only the triangles using that point are now deleted instead of all the triangles
  2. When deleting triangles, the Undo function will now restore them.
  3. When displaying Field Observation, the Horizontal distance and vertical height difference are now displayed.
  4. An extra option has been added to the 'Centre 3 Pts' to automatically form a string circle through the points.
  5. There have been major internal changes to the way triangles and contours are managed. The changes are to accommodate multiple surfaces. The Form Triangles button now invokes the 'Surfaces' dialog box which allows you to edit most surface parameters and to form the triangles and contours. In addition the surface name is now stored in the [TRIANGLES] and [CONTOURS] sections in the .acs file. The changes are backward compatible so all old acs jobs can be read in, it will automatically assign a surface 'Surface 1'.
GeoSurvey V7.47    25 September 2013
  1. Added an option to the 12d Export option to specify the tin model name.
  2. When Inserting a string if you pressed C to enter a centre it was not possible to revert to a straight. You can now press 'Undo Segment' to revert to a straight.
  3. When inserting a string you can now insert an arc by radius. Instead of typing C for centre point, type R followed by the radius. The program will insert a point at that radius and allow you to enter the arc.
  4. Fixed a problem with remembering the width of the columns in the layers dialog box.
  5. Edit String/Traverse now allows you to press ENTER on Bearing field to copy the bearing above. Press ENTER on the distance field to copy the distance above. Enter + in the bearing field to copy the bearing above + 90 degrees. Enter - in the bearing field to copy the bearing above - 90 degrees.
  6. Added an option to Points/geom Calculation/Insert Mesh Points. This dialog will create points on a mesh and will optionally interpolate height values. It will optionally create points outside the triangle mesah as XY point only.
  7. The toolbar button option on the Strings toolbar to generate Lot number and Area text for lots has been changed. A dialog box is now displayed andyou have the option to generate Lot/Area text only for lots on visible layers (or for all layers). You can also select the layers for the text.
  8. Fixed a problem when displaying Bearings and Distances (F3). If you clicked in the middle of a lot, it would select the first line in the lot. It has been changed so that it will not display a line unless you click on the line.
  9. Previously, if you were in text mode and selected a string, the Properties button would display the Text properties. This has been changed for Points, Strings and Text modes. If you select any item, the correct properties dialog should be displayed.
  10. The Strings_def.mst file format and the GeoSurve_Config.xml file format have been changed to allow a point symbol to be specified in metres instead of mm. During field obs reduction the point will be flagged as having the symbol size in metres. For Strings_def.mst, put an M in the Scaleable field to treat the symbol size as metres. For GeoSurvey_Config.xml, add a parameter (size_in_metres="Yes") to the Point Symbol definition.
  11. A new option is available on the Layers dialog to Copy Layer Attributes from one layer to another.
  12. When Print Sheet dialog is started, it will now auto show the currently selected sheet.
  13. Add an extra option on right click menu on a sheet to 'Print Sheet'. This option is also now available if you right click on a sheet in the Sections Explorer.
GeoSurvey V7.46    30 August 2013
  1. Added a Sewer Calc View to the config file to improve the screen display.
  2. Added a new Sewer Authority type 'Standard A' which will result in a Sheet plot with a more traditional layout
GeoSurvey V7.45    8 August 2013
  1. Fixed a problem with display of string style 24 in the drop down list box.
  2. Added a new line stype 59.
  3. Fixed a problem with triangle formation with flat skinny triangles at the bottom of the job.
GeoSurvey V7.44    25 July 2013
  1. The DXF Import option will now import Circles from a DXF file. They are inserted as a Point with a Circle Symbol sized in metres.
  2. A new point attribute is available for the symbol size. It can now be specified in metres instead of mm. Enter the symbol size in metres, and tick the 'Metres' tick box to the right of the symbol size. When drawn on the screen or printer the symbol will be scaled according to the plot scale.
  3. Fixed a problem with export of MapInfo files with a dot in the path name.
GeoSurvey V7.43    10 July 2013
  1. Fixed a problem in writing a LandXML file to write data in Northing,Easting order.
  2. Changed the option to read a NEU file to separate the code and remark by a dash in the code field.
  3. Fixed a problem of not being able to delete points when a job contained a traverse with non existent points.
  4. Fixed a problem when opening a job with a short line table, it would not display.
  5. Added an option to Annotated Plan, Short line table. You can now specify the starting short line table number.
  6. Fixed a problem with Points/Rotation not being logged to the 02 file correctly.
GeoSurvey V7.42    16 April 2013
  1. The View Job Statistics dialog has been improved. New buttons zoom to individual points, or Zoom to all points.
  2. The Undo function now restores multiple elements at once. If you delete a point on a string, the undo will restore the point and restore the string.
  3. The ESC key will now always deselect all Points,Strings,Text etc unless in the middle of string editing.
  4. The Triangle Errors dialog box is now resizeable.
  5. On Triangle Errors dialog, a new button allows deselection of all.
  6. On Triangle Errors dialog, for Point on Discon errors, a new option allows you to delete the point.
  7. On Triangle Errors dialog, for Point on Discon errors, a new option allows you to move the point away from the discon, just outside the distance tolerance.
  8. On Triangle Errors dialog, Crossed Strings and Points on Discon will now be shown in order of height difference.
  9. On Triangle Errors dialog, Crossed Strings buttons now display the code for the inserted point.
  10. On Triangle Errors dialog, Point on Discon, a new button allows the point to be inserted into the discon but the height to be interpolated from the string.
  11. Added a new Toolbar button to Topo/Triangles toolbar - Show Triangle Errors.
  12. When searching for strings or text using the Binoculars/Find option, the Properties button is enabled to allow you to show the string/text properties.
  13. Fixed a problem with Import ASCII tab delimited files.
  14. Two new options are available in the Topo ment, 'Delete Triangles' and 'Delete Contours'.
GeoSurvey V7.41    22 February 2013
  1. When layers are created during String coding they will now use the default values as specified in the xml config file for 'layerDefaults'.
  2. The Print Viewport option now displays the plan forms in the print preview to the correct scale. This dialog box can now be resized.
  3. The View Job Statistics dialog has been improved and enlarged. You can now zoom in to view individual points.
  4. Changed Mapinfo export to include string name for all strings. Previously the string name was only included for lots.
  5. Changed Mapinfo export to include point remark.
  6. Fixed a problem selecting strings inside a zoom window.
GeoSurvey V7.40    22 January 2013
  1. Fixed a bug in the Paste from Clipboard option which would cause the program to hang.
  2. Fixed a problem in creating a new layer in a blank job which could cause the program to crash on exit.
  3. Changed the License 'Check Dongle' option to record the selected port (USB, COM1 etc).
  4. Fixed a problem in Convert Points which disabled the Rotation option.
  5. Added an extra line to the Job Information dialog box 'Title 4'.
  6. Added an option to the xml config file to allow the Job Info Title prompts to be changed to user prompts.
  7. Added an extra variable for Plan Forms %jobpath%
  8. The Print Viewport option now displays the plan forms in the print preview to the correct scale. This dialog box can now be resized.
GeoSurvey V7.39    7 December 2012
  1. Fixed a problem with Select Points inside string that would select some points on the string. This has been changed so that it will no longer select points on the string.
  2. A new Irrigation option (Topo/Irrigation/Create Bay Mesh) has been added to create a grid mesh of points aligned to a field defined by a string.
GeoSurvey V7.38    29 November 2012
  1. The option Topo/Contours/Form Contour only will re-create the contours from the existing triangles.
  2. You can now set the default triangle parameter 'Ignore Discons With Non Contourable Points' in the config file.
  3. You can now set the default triangle parameter 'Ignore Discons Outside Boundary' in the config file.
  4. You can now set the default triangle parameter 'Check Points Near Discons' in the config file.
  5. You can now set the default triangle parameter 'Min Point-Discon Offset' in the config file.
  6. Fixed a problem with entry of decimal feet (F12.5). Some extra doco added to show how to enter Feet and Inches.
  7. A new option has been added to the Points menu - 3d Rotation. This option will rotate the whole job in 3d so that the three chosen points lie in the horizontal plane. See online help for more info.
  8. The Triangle Errors dialog has been changed to add an option for 'Point on Discon' errors to allow the point to be inserted into the discon string.
  9. The Triangle Errors dialog now allows multiple errors to be selected at once and pressing an action button will affect all the selected items.
  10. The Triangle Errors dialog now allows you to move points on the screen by selecting them with the mouse and dragging them across the screen. This makes it easy to solve situations where discon lines cross by small amounts.
  11. GeoSurvey is gradually being changed to have less reliance on Point/String/Text modes. When no mode is selected, you can now select points, strings or text and do most common functions like drag string lines, move or rotate text etc. In addition, a default toolbar shows the common editing options, Properties, delete, select by window etc.
  12. Fixed a bug which caused GS to ignore the Symbol default values for layers in the xml config file.
  13. Changed option to read Field Neutral file to automatically detect observations to known stations and insert the station name in the observed station field.
  14. The 'Show Road Point' option has been improved so that it now also shows the Chainage and Offset of a point relative to a selected road string.
  15. Extra Lines - Design Surface Lines - You can request extra design surface lines to be drawn on the longsection by entering one or more point codes on the Section properties dialog. The points with this code on the cross section will be drawn (using the chainage and point design RL. You can enter several point codes separated by semi-colons (;). e.g. 'ABC;DEF;GHI'. All the points with point code ABC will be joined, the points with point code DEF will be joined and the points with code GHI will be joined.
GeoSurvey V7.37    13 November 2012
  1. When no mode is selected, you can now select points, strings or text. You can delete them (Del key). You can also edit strings (move lines etc).
  2. The Select by String option now has a tick box to also select centre points for the string.
  3. Fixed a problem with screen text sizes being smaller than required.
  4. Fixed a problem with triangle formation on some discons.
  5. Note: In Points functions, to enter a distance in FEET, use ‘F’ or 'f' prefix. ‘F10’ is a ground distance of 10 feet or 3.048m
  6. Note: In Points function, to enter a distance in LINKS, use ‘L’ or 'l' prefix. ‘L10’ is a ground distance of 10 links or 2.01168m.
  7. The Points Properties option has been changed to allow a Search for a point number. Press the Search button, key in the point number and press ENTER and the point will be displayed.
  8. The Find (binoculars) toolbar button dialog now has a Properties button, when a point is found, you can display its' properties.
  9. To select a string arc, you should now click on the arc instead of the (invisible) chord.
  10. A new option has been added to the Points/select menu, 'Select Points Inside String'.
  11. A warning has been added to the 'Paste from Clipboard' option if any of the new points exist in the current job.
  12. On the Longsections Screen View, the IPs are now indicated by a small purple box at the bottom of the vertical line.
  13. The Square Offset option now has a tick box to 'hold' the P1-P2 line so each click will be on a new offset point.
  14. The new 'Advanced' Square Offset dialog box displays successive Offset points in a scrolling list which can be copied to the clipboard if required.
  15. Fixed a problem with erasing a longsection IP level and then recomputing the LS design.
  16. The Convert Points dialog now allows you to specify a Scaling Point when scaling the job.
  17. The Convert Points dialog also allows you to click on the points for the Scaling Point and the Rotation point. You must first place the cursor in that field and then click on the job point.
  18. The Convert Points dialog also allows you to click on a line segment to specify the Shift bearing and distance. You must first place the cursor in the Bearing or Distance fields and then click on the string segment.
GeoSurvey V7.36    27 September 2012
  1. When moving forward or backward through the cross sections, the screen will automatically scale to fit each section on the screen. This can be turned off on the Cross Sections menu option 'Auto Scale Display'
  2. The Traverse option Bowditch Adjustment has been changed, it will now update the grid with the adjusted dimensions and display the new misclose.
  3. Fixed a problem in Conversions/Trimble/Write Trimble File which would crash the program.
  4. The option Points/Compute N Segments will now also compute height values for the intermediate points if both end points have height values.
  5. The option Points/Compute N Segments has been added to the Points toolbar.
  6. The field Observation reduction has been changed so a field point with identical co-ords to existing point will not be flagged as error. This allows common stations to be used in multiple sessions without errors.
  7. When a session is read in without using field points, the points range will automatically be computed. It will be placed above the previous sessions, above the 'next topo point' and above any stations in the session. It will be rounded up to the next 100. Similarly the end point will be rounded up to the next 100.
  8. The Session Properties shows the assigned points range, you can change it as you wish.It also displays the number of observations in the session.
  9. Fixed a problem with zooming longsections.
GeoSurvey V7.35    12 September 2012
  1. The String Parallel Offset option has been improved to handle Grid/ground distances more clearly by having two offset fields, one for a Grid value and one for a ground value. When a value is entered and you press Tab, the other equivalent value will be displayed. As always the program will use the Grid distance in all calculations.
  2. A new option has been added to the cross sections, to display the cut/fill values (design level - natural level). See the info on Cross Section Boxing at the bottom of this page.
  3. A new option is available in the Strings/Traverse dialog to copy a Traverse.
  4. The CS Template screen has been improved to make the lines and text more readable. The line and text colours are now configurable in the GeoSurvey_config.xml file, see the example in Section Format for Cs Templates.
  5. Inserting CSTemplate segments is now easier, you can nominate the offset at which the new segment will be inserted. You can enter the offset, or click on the screen where you want it inserted.
  6. A double click on the batters will open the Template Properties to allow the batters to be changed.
  7. The print Sheet option has been restored to health.
  8. An extra option has been added to the <layerDefaults> part in the GeoSurvey_config.xml file, the textSize="2.5" option allows you to set the text size for new layers.
GeoSurvey V7.34    24 August 2012
  1. A new option has been added to the ASCII template file to allow reading of a Name/Value pair. e.g. 'Trunks:2'. These values are read in and attached to the point as 'Extra Attributes.
  2. A new button is available on the Point Properties dialog box 'Extra' to edit Extra Attributes if available.
  3. The option to write a Mapinfo file will now write the extra attributes as extra columns in the .midfile.
  4. Fixed a problem which caused NoTri areas to be ignored during triangulation.
  5. A new Strings option is available to display the plan view of cross sections. This is Strings/Display Cross Sections. This can be turned on and off by clicking the menu option. This is different to the 'Strings/Functions/CS Strings from Longsection' option as no extra strings are created.
  6. Fixed a problem with Point Properties, if the layers[...] button was used to delete the current point layer, the program would crash. Fixed.
  7. Fixed a problem with Point Properties. If you want to type in a point number, press the Clear button and then type in the number followed bya TAB and the point will be displayed.
  8. The Find Point (Binoculars toolbar button) will display a message if the point required is on a non visible layer andit will tell you the layer name.
  9. Fixed a problem which caused the design surface to display incorrectly when an Ip was removed from a longsection until the job was restarted.
  10. Fixed a problem which would set all LS screen view base levels to the value entered when you set one LS base level.
  11. Fixed a problem with the longsection IP levels being plotted even when disabled in the xml config file.
  12. Fixed a problem in 'Topo/Field Observations - Introduction' which would crash the program.
  13. Fixed a problem importing DXF files with curves in LWPOLYLINEs
  14. A new option added for selected strings to reverse strings which run uphill so that they run downhill. It is on the Strings Functions menu. It checks the heights of the first two points on the strings and if they have heights and the send point is higher than the first point the strings will be reversed.
  15. Fixed a problem in Triangle formation in which certain error type crash the program.
GeoSurvey V7.33    2 August 2012
  1. The CS templates display has been improved and can now be configured in the GeoSurvey config file. For info click here
  2. When new viewports are created they will be named 'Viewport 1' etc instead of 'Sheet 1'. This is to remove any confusion between printing Viewports of Sheets.
  3. When multiple points are selected in the Points properties dialog box the point number will now also show the number of points selected. '11025 (47 pts)'. Previously it was not obvious that more than one point was selected.
  4. When writing longsections or cross section to a DXF file the numeric text (chainage, rl etc) are now sen to the DXF file as right justified text. This means that the text will be correctly positioned vertical right justified up against the horizontal line.
  5. The Cross section grades can now be configured in the GS config file.
  6. The DXF import option has been changed to read DXF files produced by 12d. An extra option has been added to ignore 3d faces with point lessthan 0.1mm apart.
  7. Fixed a problem with volumes between surfaces where the 'other' job had points on a non-contourable layer of the same name as points in this job where the layer was contourable.
  8. Changed Form LS and CS to form the cross section on the half angle when two straights meet at an angle.
  9. Added a new option Strings/Functions/CS Strings from Longsection which will for (Unannot) strings along each cross section on the selected String/Longsection. This is very useful so you can see the plan view of the cross section.
  10. Fixed a problem in display triangle errors which would crash the program.
GeoSurvey V7.32    27 July 2012
  1. A new option has been added to the F3-Show Bearing Distance option. A button next to the distance column now allows the display of the distance in feet or links. Press the button to change the displayed distance units.
  2. A new option has been added to the Longsection mode Points menu "Copy RLs'. This option will copy the design RLs to the NS RLs so you can contour the design surface. Note that the NS RLs are overwritten and cannot be recovered, so you might like to do this on a copy of the job.
  3. The Cross-sections view now allows the horizontal and vertical display scales to be set. Use the Zoom/Parameters menu or click on the H Scale or V Scale in the status bar at the bottom of the screen.
  4. The CS display can be set to Auto Scale or not in the Cross Section menu.
  5. The sections explorer will now display the template number(s) for cross sections.
  6. A new option has been added to the xml config file to allow or stop overwriting of NS point codes during the CS design. Set the <overwritePointCodes> parameter to Yes or No. The default value is NO.
  7. Fixed a problem in Longsection display parameter editing which would not display the changes made.
  8. Changed CS grades display to always display grade even if it overwrites.
  9. Fixed a problem with NS and DS levels not being drawn on dog-leg lines correctly.
  10. The CS chainages are now shown under the 0.0 offset
  11. Fixed a problem when using black background that some lines would not be displayed.
  12. Fixed a problem withj not using config defined CS linework colours.
  13. Changed the screen LS zoom parameters to allow the user to edit x/y offset and other settings.
GeoSurvey V7.31    19 July 2012
  1. The option to read a Sokkia SDR33 file will now remove leading spaces from the source and target startion names on backsight observations
  2. Two new Config file options have been added to allow the user to specify the number of decimal places displayed for Co-ordinates and distances. For info click here
  3. Fixed a problem with Parallel string option which created a duplicate point at the end of the string if the string was closed (lot).
  4. A new option has been added to display a scale bar in the bottom left corner of the screen. This option can be turned on/off in the View/Scale Bar menu option or in Program Settings/Advanced.
  5. When a new layer is created, it will be highlighted and all other layers will be unhighlighted. This means that if creating a new layer from say the 'Form Boundary' option, the new layer will be returned as the insert layer for that operation.
  6. A new option has been added to the Strings/Form Longsection.. option to autocreate a new layer for the inserted points. The new layer will be named 'STRING-Inserted Points' where STRING will be the string name. The layer will be created if it does not exist. This option is enabled by a variable in the config file: <autoLongsectionLayer>StringName</autoLongsectionLayer>
  7. When a Lot string a minimum of three points are required, and the program will no auto close the string to the starting point.
  8. The program will now allow insertion of points on a longsection before the first chainage point.
  9. The image orientation can now be done incrementally and it is automatically recomputed after every point is added.
GeoSurvey V7.30    10 July 2012
  1. Changed the Write MOSS file option to warn if the output file name is changed and to display an error message if the output file cannot be created.
  2. Fixed a problem which sometimes caused triangles to be created outside the boundary.
  3. Fixed a problem when reading in a DXF file with 3d faces and the default points insert layer is not visible.
  4. The Conversions/12d/Write 12d file option will now prompt before overwriting an existing file.
  5. The Conversions/12d/Write 12d file option will now honour the selected layers for strings, text and points.
  6. Updated the new Volumes between surfaces dialog box and results messages.
  7. The String Parallel Offset option has been upgraded to allow entry of Ground or Grid distances. If a datum and zone are set, it will display the grid and ground distance. To enter a Ground distance, genter a G in front of it. e.g. 'G20'. To enter a grid distance, just enter the distance e.g. '20'.
  8. The option to read a Sokkia SDR33 file will now remove leading spaces from the source and target startion names on backsight observations
GeoSurvey V7.29    27 March 2012
  1. Fixed a problem with triangle formation when triangulating a grid with a boundary.
  2. Fixed a problem with writing Google Earth KML files with point anmes and remarks.
  3. Added an extra message to the Point Properties dialog next to the symbol size field. It indicates if the symbol size will be forced to a fixed value by the 'Program Settings/Fixed Symbol Size' option.
  4. Fixed a problem displaying and fixing the last triangle formation error which could crash the program.
GeoSurvey V7.28    12 March 2012
  1. Fixed a problem when reading a DXF file containing triangles (3d faces) which sets the number of triangles read in.
  2. A new option is available Strings/Insert String Chainage Point to allow you to insert a point on a string at a specified chainage. For info click here
  3. The Renumber Points option will now display the current minimum and maximum point numbers as the default range of points to renumber. This option will also now display the final range of the renumbered points.
  4. The Set datum/projection dialog box has been enlarged to show long projection names.
  5. The boundary layer default name and colour can be set in the xml config file For info click here
  6. Fixed a problem with Erase Unused Layers option deleting the triangles layer.
  7. Fixed a problem with Field Observation reduction attempting to reuse a point used by a station.
  8. During field observation reduction, if more than 11 errors are detected, a message will be displayed to say that the reduction is being stopped.
  9. The option to convert a Field Obs Neutral file has been changed to leave the azimuth field for a station setup blank so that if the first observation is to a known station, the reduction will compute the azimuth swing.
  10. The Field Observation option to read an Sokkia or Neutral file will now display any errors encountered.
  11. The Field Observation option to read a Sokkia file will now honour the field point numbers
  12. The Field Observation options to read an Sokkia or Neutral file will now record the minimum and maximum field point numbers on the session record. This will be the points range which will be erased during data reduction.
  13. Fixed a problem with the Orient to Image option.
GeoSurvey V7.27    27 February 2012
  1. The option to read in a DXF file has been improved to handle complex lines and polylines and arcs in OCS mode.
  2. The DXF import option now translates the colours correctly to ACS equivalent colours.
  3. A new Alignment Report is now available under the Reports menu. It will display a listing showing points near an alignment including the chainage, offset, height and height difference.
  4. The Plan Form definition in the xml config file can now accept variable definitions. For info click here
  5. Fixed a problem with the Field Observation option to read a Sokkia Back bearing.
GeoSurvey V7.26    25 January 2012
  1. New Triangle formation method is now used. The old triangle formation method can be selected on Program Setting/Advanced menu.
  2. New Volumes between surfaces method is now used. The old volumes between surfaces method can be selected on Program Setting/Advanced menu.
  3. The Google Earth KML export option has been changed to optionally write out the point numbers. If Control points are in the job 9as created by GeoCadastre) they will also be displayed.
GeoSurvey V7.25    6 November 2011
  1. Changed several dialog boxes buttons from "Save" to "Apply" to apply changes.
  2. The Job properties and Set datum/projection dialog boxes will now display the full projection description.
  3. Renumber Point option will now use the selected points if any, or will allow the user to enter a points range.
  4. Fixed a problem with actions on Triangle errors which could display incorrect fix options.
  5. The Read DXF file option will optionally read in 3dface objects as triangles.
  6. When creating a boundary, the boundary string will be set to use the layer colour. The default layer for the boundary or no-contour area can now be configured in XML config file. For info click here
  7. The width of the Layers selection box in the toolbar can now be configured in the GeoSurvey Config file. For info click here
  8. The Points to Text option has been improved to allow you to select which points are used and the layer for the text elements. The default layer can also be configured in XML config file. For info click here
  9. A new Toolbar button has been added to the Points Toolbar - Show Angle
  10. A new Toolbar button has been added to the Strings Toolbar - Show Angle
  11. The Extend string and Join string options now have a 'Reverse String' button so you can reverse the direction of the string and work from the other end.
  12. The help messages and status bar messages for Insert/Extend/Join string have been cleaned up.
  13. When inserting a string you can now press ESC to end the string and press ESC again to close the dialog box.
  14. When selecting text items, the number of items will be displayed in the status bar at the bottom of the screen in a similar manner as already happens for points and strings.
  15. The Insert point by Bearing, Bearing now has 90 degree buttons on both bearings to rotate the bearing by 90 degrees on each push
  16. The Insert point by Arc, Bearing now has a 90 degree button to rotate the bearing by 90 degrees on each push
  17. A new line type has been added - an arrowed line.
GeoSurvey V7.24    26 October 2011
  1. Fixed a problem when rotating a bearing by 90degrees in Bearing/distance which did not rotate the bearing but put an 'R' in front of the bearing text.
  2. When an image is active, if the job is re-opened and the image cannot be found, the job will be opened now and the image ignored.
GeoSurvey V7.23    30 September 2011
  1. The Select Points by String option now remains in Points mode.
  2. When layer Groups are deleted and the layers are retained, GeoSurvey now allows duplicate layer names.
  3. The Compute N Segments option will now insert consecutive points numbers, if possible.
  4. On the Point Properties display, the ENTER key or the TAB key can now be used to move from field to field. If you Press ENTER when the SAVE button is highlighted, the data will be saved.
  5. The Print to PDF option has been moved into the Print Viewport option.
  6. The Print Viewport option has been improved to make the options more obvious and to allow the PDF selection. It also now gives a print preview of the selected viewport.
  7. The layers Conform function will now preserve symbol sizes.
  8. Fixed a problem with Select Points by Polygon.
GeoSurvey V7.22    22 September 2011
  1. The Strings to Parcels option has been changed to not close after each conversion.
  2. The Software key structure has changed. If you need a new software key, contact your supplier. If you are using a dongle, you can ignore this.
  3. The Volumes Between Surfaces Warning message has been enhanced to specify the rules more clearly
GeoSurvey V7.21    20 July 2011
  1. The option to manipulate strings has been changed. If you select a string, then drag a string corner away from a point, that point will now be removed from the string.
  2. A new option has been added to the Points/geom Calculation smenu to subdivide a line into N segments. See online help for more details. Compute N Segments
  3. The Import ASCII file option will now display .asc files as well as .csv and .t27
GeoSurvey V7.20    14 July 2011
  1. A new option has been added to the xml configuration file to control the number of decimal places shown for the display of bearings seconds. Add a line with this value <bearingsDecimals>2</bearingsDecimals> This value will only affect the bearings displayed in the F3-Show Bearing, Distance option and the F4-Show Square Offset option. Bearings used in the Plan Annotation option are rounded and shown according to LTO (or your selection) rules.
  2. Fixed a problem in Geom POINT reduction which caused points to be deleted every second reduction in some cases.
  3. A new option is available to select points by Polygon. It is on the Points/Select/by Polygon menu. To use it (1) Press the left mouse button. (2) While holding the left mouse button down, move the mouse to surround the required parcel centroids. (3) Release the left mouse button to do the selection. This option works in a similar fashion to the selct by Window option.
GeoSurvey V7.19    28 June 2011
  1. Fixed a problem when Selecting points by String, it would crash if you did ot click on a string.
  2. Fixed a problem when changing the layer of multiple points at once.
  3. A new option has been added to the layers/Conform dialog to use another .acs file as the template. layers with matching names will be changed to conform to the template layers.
  4. The Conform layers option now allows you to select which attributes are forced to conform to the template.
  5. Extra checks have been added to only allow legal point types to be read in, others are ignored.
  6. Fixed a problem with changing Point properties which would assign an illegal point type in some circumstances.
GeoSurvey V7.18    27 April 2011
  1. Fixed a problem when importing ESRI Shape files which could crash the program.
GeoSurvey V7.17    28 March 2011
  1. A new option is available to perform User Transforms on the Job.
  2. The Field Observation Explorer option to read in a Neutral file will set the 'User Point' flag on points if the 'Use Field Point Numbers' option is ticked.
GeoSurvey V7.16    28 February 2011
  1. The 12d strings now have vertex attributes. The 12d point strings now have tinability attributes.
  2. Changed import Civilcad AS5 file option, the point contourability attribute is now read in.
  3. The Conversions Write 12d file can now write the triangle mesh to the 12d file.
  4. The option in Program settings/Reset Screen Window Position will now reset the screen positions for all moveable and resizeable windows including The main screen window, Layers, Points, Strings, Text, Field Obs Explorer, Sections Explorer
  5. The Write ESRI Shape file option can now write GS Strings to an ESRI Polyline file. It previously only wrote the Points out to a Shape file.
GeoSurvey V7.15    16 February 2011
  1. The Plan Forms can now print the job name without the path, %jobfile% prints the current filename excluding the path. See online help topic XML Plan Forms for details.
  2. Plan form display of images has been improved with support for jpg images.
  3. The 12d export will now include tinability for points and for strings. GeoSurvey Strings with no name are given the layer name in the 12d file.
  4. The 12d export also export point attributes. See the Help function on the Write 12d File option for details of the export algorithm.
  5. Fixed a problem with String Properties and Points Properties where the layers [...] button would not work if multiple items were selected.
  6. The option to read Civilcad V5 (AS5) files has been improved to handle alpha point names. The string reading will also auto joins strings where possible.
  7. The 12d export will now compare codes without function codes and remarks. It will also extract the remark from the code and write it as a point attribute.
  8. The ASCII file import/export option can now read/write the point contourability attribute. The characters (N, n, 0) are 'non- contourable, any other character is 'contourable'.
  9. The 12d strings now have vertex attributes. The 12d point strings now have tinability attributes.
GeoSurvey V7.14    13 January 2011
  1. The xml config file can now specify the default fill colour with the tag '<fillColour>
  2. The Conversions/Read LandXML File option can now auto insert IPs on the section
  3. The Conversions/Read LandXML File option can now handle XML files witout a legal XML header type
  4. Strings Properties for a line segment now displays the arc length for curves. It also displays the start/end chainages for the segment
  5. Fixed a problem with Strings mode Right click select by Window, it now correctly selects Strings by Window
  6. Transform Job to Control now displays the scale factor to higher precision and the rotation angle to higher precision
GeoSurvey V7.13    17 December 2010
  1. Layers dialog now support right click context menus for Remarks and names columns. It also has a All/on/Off tick boxes for the Remarks and Names columns.
  2. The Read Mapinfo option has been improved to allow certain user selected Mapinfo attributes to be read into GeoSurvey strings.
  3. The Triangles properties dialog has been improved to display the number of selected triangles, the total horizontal area of the selected triangles and the total slope distance of the selected triangles.
  4. When deleting points on parcels, an error message will be displayed to warn the user that the parcels points will be deleted.
  5. When not in any 'mode' (Points/Strings/Text...), the right mouse button will now allow you to easily select nearby Points/Strings/Text.
  6. The Conform layers option has been upgraded to handle Group names and wildcard group names.
  7. Fixed a problem with New Layers being created with a fill colour of blue, this has been changed to 'No Colour'
GeoSurvey V7.12    25 October 2010
  1. Fixed a problem with layers editing of non-contourable tick box when multiple layers were selected.
  2. Added an option to the Manage Cross Section Templates dialog to copy a template. This is an easy way to copy and change a complex template.
  3. Fixed a problem that could cause the longsection design surface to be drawn past the end of the requested chainage.
  4. When plotting a Road to a DXF file, the program will now automatically copy any existing sheet plot request (scales etc).
  5. When creating a CS Template the program will now automatically prompt yopu to start entering the first offset.
  6. The cross section design now checks that all the templates exist before starting the design calculations. If one or more templates do not exist, an error message is displayed and the CS design is abandoned.
  7. The online help now has a Search tab available to search the help by keyword.
  8. The CS Templates file options have been changed to handle the Job templates separately to the File template 'Job'templates are stored in the job. 'File' templates are stored in an external file and can thus be shared between jobs easily. You can set the external file in Job Properteis. This CS template file will be read in at startup of the job and will be displayed by the Templates manager as 'File' templates. The option buttons on the Templates manager allow you to save 'File' temates back to the external file, save to another file, and to set the external filename. If changes have been made to 'File' templates, they will be saved to the external file when the job is saved.
  9. The 'Conform Points' option is now available as a button on the layers dialog box. This option will change the Layers to Conform to the attribute definitions (Colours, font, symbol etc) contained in the GeoSurvey config xml file.
  10. A new option has been added to select triangles by string. It will select all triangles where the traiangle centroid is within the parcel.
  11. The Insert New layer dialog has been changed to be the same layout as the layer properties dialog box. This fixed a problem where the default for a new layer was non-contourable.
  12. Transforma Job to Control now uses the last used directory or the job file directory as a default.
  13. The CS templates view now also displays the boxing level line work.
  14. The CS Template properties now displays the template in a spreadsheet table format so you can easily view the width and grade of each segment and change them.
  15. The LS design now detects if you have assigned different levels to points whichare used twice on the same longsection. e.g. on a circular loop longsection for a dam.
GeoSurvey V7.11    10 October 2010
  1. Fixed a problem with display of triangles when deleting triangles.
  2. Road longsection zoom now saves the screen zoom settings correctly so they can be restored when viewing the road next time.
  3. Road longsection zoom can now set the starting chainage correctly.
  4. Fixed a problm on new jobs with the defaults template created.
  5. Form Longsections and Cross sections option will now remember the last used settings.
  6. Form Longsections and Cross sections option will allow for non-contourable points, they will not be used in the longsection even if they do have a height value.
  7. Fixed a problem displaying templates with a single segment with 0% grade.
  8. Cross sections now display the grade of the design surface.
  9. Sections explorer is no non-modal - which means that it can be left open all the time you are in sections mode. It allows you to switch sections, or points very easily.
  10. During Cross sction design, the centreline points are assigned the code "CL". If the point already has a code "ABC" the code will be changed to "ABC-CL".
  11. Form Longsections and Cross sections option now prompts for the "Road Points Insert layer". Any points created along the longsection and cross sections are created on this layer. You may wish to assign these points to a specific layer so that can be easily turned off.
  12. The natural and Design surface profile lines can now be configured by the user in the config.xml file. You can define the line colour, style and thickness. See the for details. bottom of this page.
  13. The cross section display for sections using a centreline offset now display correctly.
  14. When 'Mouse Wheel' option is ticked in program settings, the mouse wheel will zoom the screen in and out in Plan View and also in Longsections and Sheet view.
  15. New menu added to Sections mode - Sheets menu.
  16. New option added to Sheets menu to select all sheets.
  17. Fixed a problem with the Layer dialog box resizing - making it smaller.
GeoSurvey V7.10    28 September 2010
  1. Changed the Points text display for height/code/remark/name from one long text string to individual text. This allows the selection of the each piece independent of the others.
  2. Selecting multiple triangles now displays the data for the last selected triangle instead of the lowest numered triangle.
  3. Double click on a triangle will display its properties.
  4. The Layers dialog box now shows the on/off tick boxes for point Remarks and Names.
  5. When performing Stadia reduction or field obervation reduction and forming strings, the range of points used for string formation is restricted to the points in the reduction. Similarly when reading in an ASCII file and forming strings, the pre-existing points are not used for string formation. When forming strings using the Strings/Form Strings by Codes option All points in the job will be used for string formation.
  6. The Read DXF file option point tolerance check has been changed to also check the height difference. Thus if you read in two points with the same Easting and Northing but with different heights, GeoSurvey will treat them as different points.

GeoSurvey V7.09 13 September 2010
1. Added an option to Form No-Contour Area to set the insert layer for the string. It will remember the layer from one session to the next. Also removed the automatic close of this option when a string is formed.
2. A new capability has been added to the GeoSurvey_config.xml file to allow you to specify the default font to be used when layers are created. See the settings for the <layerDefaults> and <geomPointsLayerDefaults> entries.
3. A new option capability has been added to the GeoSurvey_config.xml file to allow you to specify the Boundary String colour - <boundaryColour>. The default is Pink, You can set the default to any colour or to 'ByLayer' in the xml file.
4. The Google earth output will now also output Points as well as Strings. See Conversions/Misc/Write Google Earth (KML) File. String and Point colours are also written to the file. Note that line widths in Google Earth file are written twice as wide as specified in GeoSurvey because the default 1 pixel wide lines cannot be seen easily in a Google Earth view.
5. A new option has been added to Read Google Earth KML files. It will read in Points and LineStrings.
6. The select Points by String option now allows the right mouse button on a string to select the string via the context menu.
7. String creation now ignores duplicate consecutive points. It will also not allow creation of a Lot/NoContour/Boundary with less than three segments.
8. New options now allow you to just write Points or strings to the Google earth KML file.
9. A new option has been added to the Point Settings to turn on logging of Point properties changes to the .02 design file. This will write 02,POINT records, which record all changes to point attributes except the display options like Show Point number etc.
10. Fixed an inconsistency with Delete Triangles by Window use from Right click context menu.
11. Fixed some problems with MapInfo import of file, especially for Text and creation of layers.
12. Added COM7 COM8 and COM9 ports to serial port comms dialog boxes to data recorders.
13. String Properties of closed strings now computes string area every time String properties dialog box is invoked. This was always done for Lots, it is now done for all other closed strings.
14. The Topo menu has been changed. You can now click on a triangle (or triangles) to select them, press the delete key to delete the selected triangles. Press the (i) Properties button to display the triangle point numbers and brg/distances of the triangle sides. The Delete Triangles by window option has been changed to Select Triangles by window.
15. Fixed a problem with writing of Isopach files where some string points were omitted. Also changed the default file extension to .acs.
16. Upgraded 12d Read option to read "super string_alignments".
17. A new option is available to form Layers to conform to certain standards. The Edit/Layers/Conform Layers option will read the GeoSurvey_config.xml file and will use the information in the section to change layers to the defined attributes values such as colour, font, text size, symbol etc.
18. Th help file system has been changed to conform to the new Windows standard help file. It is named GeoSurvey.chm. You can press the 'Help' button on any dialog box or click on the file directly to open it and browse the help system.

GeoSurvey V7.08 2 August 2010
1. Added an option 'Select Objects only on Visible Layers' to the layers dialog box. This applies to all Point and Strings Select options.
2. The maximum number of points in a job has been raised to 5,000,000. If you set the max number of points to 5m, it will use 1Gb RAM, so be careful on older machines. If in doubt, start the task manager (right click on taskbar), Choose Processes tab and see how much memory GeoSurvey is consuming. The machine RAM memory capacity is on the Performance tab - Total Physical memory.
3. An option has been added to the GeoSurvey_config.xml file to allow the 'Select Objects on Visible layers Only' to be automatically turned on when GeoSurvey is started.
<autoSetSelectObjectsOnVisibleLayers>Yes</autoSetSelectObjectsOnVisibleLayers> 4. A new menu option has been added to manage and manipulate Text items. Menu items previously on the Edit menu have been moved to the menu and a new Select submenu is available.
5. The Select text items now enforce the 'Select Objects only on Visible Layers' option.
6. The Points and Strings menu option will now automatically switch the program mode to Points or Strings mode as required. This saves you having to manually select the mode before using a menu option.

GeoSurvey V7.07 21 July 2010
1. Fixed a problem with Text angle for display of height/code text for a point.
2. Fixed a problem when printing line types 2,3,4 printed as solid lines on printers even though they display as dot/dashed on the screen.
3. When printing a Viewport to a DXF file, the option to include the origin and scale now turns on/off correctly.
4. Added options to Report/Points Report to print the point Type, Remark, Name and Layer Name for each point.
5. Added an option to the layer properties to display the Point Remark on the screen.
6. Added an option to the layer properties to display the Point Name on the screen.
7. Added an option to the layer properties to display the Contourability of a point. A non_contourable point will be highlighted by a Purple filled in square on the screen. This makes it easy to see which points are marked as non-contourable. Note - If a point has no height, it will not be used for contouring but will not be highlighted by this option.
8. Fixed a problem with Geom Reduction Rotate function which would remove code from points which were rotated.
9. Changed the Conversions/DXF output option to also write the point remarks and names as text if enabled for display on the current layer.

GeoSurvey V7.06 1 July 2010
1. Changed Open Job dialog to remove erroneous message if you press the cancel button.
2. If you create a new job with the same name as an existing job, the program will now warn you and ask whether to proceed to overwrite the existing job.
3. Fixed a problem converting strings to parcels with extra attributes.
4. A new 02 Routine has been added 'POINT' to allow any attribute of a point to be set. Use the Edit ACS File option to enter the data for the POINT Routine.
5. The Edit ACS File has been improved for 02 design records to display the prompts for each of the Routines as you enter the Routine name.

GeoSurvey V7.05 28 April 2010
1. Fixed a problem writing 12d string names and string co-ordinates.
2. Changed MOSS output to eliminate illegal characters like '-' or '_' from the filename and MOSS job name.
3. The select points option dialog box has been changed to make it clearer what happens for selection by viewport.
4. The Conversion output options have been changed to consistently either (a) remember the last file written, or, (b) always default to the working directory. You can choose which way they work on the program settings/Advanced dialog box.
5. A new option is available on the program settings/Advanced dialog box to make Points Selections only select points on visible layers. All the point selection options will now only select visible points if this box is ticked.

GeoSurvey V7.04 17 March 2010
1. A new option has been added to write a viewport to a PDF file. Not all options have been completed on this dialog box.
2. The insert Text option will now retain the selected angle, colour, font and size for successive text entry. If you want to revert to defaults, close the dialog and reopen it.
3. The Select Points by Layer dialog box will now select all points when a '*' is used, including points with no code. To select just the points with no code, set the code field to blank. This also allows full wildcard searches. e.g. ABC*, *ABC, ABC?? etc.
4. The Find/Search option to search for point codes, point names, point remarks, string names and text items now allows wildcard searches. e.g ABC*, *ABC, ABC?? etc.
5. Fixed a problem with data entry of latitude and longitude values in the fixed point option. See the online help - it will now allow entry of positive latitude values with a config setting. The data entry format is dddmmss.sssss or dd.mmss.sssss.
6. The Viewport selection and manipulation has been improved. If you click inside a viewport it is now selected and you can drag it on the first click rather than having to do two clicks. Changes to a Viewport can be Undone via the Undo option - Ctrl/Z or Menu Edit/Undo.
7. Fixed a problem with group names when Print Viewport to DXF was used.

GeoSurvey V7.03 24 February 2010
1. The volume calculation routines have been changed to ignore the maximum triangle length parameter when forming the triangles.
2. The Points Too Close option has been changed to always list the lowest point number first. This makes it easier to preserver a certain point range during averaging or deletion.
3. The Points Too Close option will now explicitly display the point numbers which will be deleted for each option, so it is obvious what will happen.
4. Export to CSV file will now default to working directory if the config file 'outfile_workpath' value is set to 'Y'.
5. Read MOSS file option will now default to working directory if the config file 'outfile_workpath' value is set to 'Y'.
6. If you have opened a Read Only file, the (Read only) in the title bar will now disappear if you use the save As option to save the file.
7. Right click on string and choosing the string with the Properties dialog open now displays the newly selected string.
8. The option to read an ESRI Shape file will now read the lot name correctly.

GeoSurvey V7.02 15 February 2010
1. Added a new report to report on point heights which are different to nearby points by more than a certain tolerance.
2. Fixed a problem with selecting points by centre point and centroids.
3. The option to write 12d files now eliminates underscore characters from model names as they are illegal in 12.
4. The option to write 12d files now skips empty layers (models).
5. The Write Civilcad V5 option has been changed to write Arcs correctly.
6. Write 12d file option changed to not write closing point on closed string.
7. Write 12d file option changed to write negative radius value for arcs when centre point is on the left.
8. Write 12d file option changed to not write centre points as single points.
9. Write 12d file option - will now write out a Points string if the points in a string are on a different layer to the string.
10. Write 12d file option changed to write out collections of points in a Points String, one for each code on each layer.

GeoSurvey V7.01 27 January 2010
1. The Points/Renumber Points option has been improved to allow a selection of points by layer or points range to be renumbered.
2. Fixed a problem when appending jobs with duplicate group/layer names – the program would create duplicate layers with the second layer empty.
3. A new option has been added to the Program settings to automatically turn on 02 Design file logging for a new job. This ‘setting’ is PC specific, it is stored in the Windows registry, so if you move to a different PC you will need to set it there, if you want it turned on.
4. The Field Obs Explorer option to read Carlson RW5 files has been upgraded to read in GPS reduced readings as Field Points.
5. The Strings/Parallel Offset string option has been changed to insert te string and the points on the string onto the nominated layer. It will also create offset points even if there is a point co-incident with one of the new points. The option will display a construction line so you can easily see the effect of the offset and which side the new string be on.
6. Fixed a problem with Appending jobs on default layers like ‘Topo Points’ could be placed onto a group layer of the same name.
7. Changed the layers display to show the number of points in a layer in the colour bar – if any.
8. Fixed a problem when editing properties of multiple layers in different groups that the group names could be removed.
9. Added a new config variable to the xml config file (usually GeoSurvey_config.xml). The value <annotationOutsideAntiClockwiseStrings>Yes</annotationOutsideAntiClockwiseStrings> will make the program treat all strings as clockwise strings and not automatically ‘fix’ anticlockwise strings. Thus anti-clockwise string text will be placed ‘outside’ the string. Some users make anticlockwise strings specially for this purpose. See sample GeoSurvey_config.xml file in the in the distribution zip file.
10. Fixed a problem with detection of Serial Port dongles that would crash the program.
11. The String Join function now detects if there are multiple strings on the second string click and displays a list for the user to choose the second string.
12. The Join Strings function, when multiple strings are selected, will prompt the user to decide if additional segments are to be inserted to join the strings, or not. If you say No, all strings with common end points will be joined, but strings without common end points will not be joined.
13. Fixed a problem which would stop horizontal or vertical strings being selected by window.

GeoSurvey V7.00 2 December 2009
1. Insert Point by bearing and distance will now allow Ground distances to be entered. You enter ‘G1000’ to enter a ground distance of 1000 metres. It will be converted to a grid distance for internal calcs and use on 02 records etc. The ground distance will be displayed in a new display field near the bottom of the dialog box.
2. You can enter ground distances as described above on all the Geom Calculation options.
3. Fixed a problem which swapped the horizontal and vertical tolerance distances for stadia reduction when edited.
4. Changed Export ASCII file to default to .csv extension and to remember the last file exported.
5. A new button has been added to the Insert Bearing & Distance dialog box to rotate the bearing by +90 degrees.
6. The Conversions/Write DXF Job option has been changed when writing strings with linetypes > 16. It used to cause strings to be exploded into separate segments, this has been changed to output a polylines, but to ignore the line type.
7. The software lock settings have been changed to comply with Windows 7. This means that you may need to re-enter the dongle port selection, or the software key if you are using a software key.

GeoSurvey V6.99 18 November 2009
1. Fixed a problem with Point Convert option it was not rotating text correctly if the text angle field was blank.
2. Improved the Field Explorer dialog to dynamically show the field data as you select items in the tree.

GeoSurvey V6.98 15 October 2009
1. Strings menu changed to allow strings options to be selected when in other modes.
2. Points menu changed to allow Points options to be selected when in other modes.
3. String Properties changed to display the parcel area as well as the length.
4. String Insert shows the string area as each point is selected. This can be used to show any polygon area by starting string creation for the polygon, the area is shown and you can cancel the string creation if the polygon is not required permanently.
5. Fixed a problem when drawing sections on screen or to dxf file sometimes draws the last segment of the NS or pipe incorrectly to a bad base level.
6. Changed the Field Obs Introduction to allow options to read in a field observations file and to reduce the file.
7. Added options to the Topo menu to read in a field observations file and to reduce the file. Also added toolbar buttons to the Topo toolbar for these functions.
8. Fixed a problem with output to DXF file not generating curved Polylines.
9. Fixed a problem with Stadia reduction if a listing was generated with a very long pathname it would crash the program.
10. Fixed a problem with Inserting String option where a double click on another string could delete that string.
11. Reading Leica .gsi file has been enhanced to convert the 71 record to a code.
12. The Google Earth export to kml file now correctly handles ‘&’ (ampersand) characters.
13. The Conversion/ASCII/Write job now defaults to a csv file instead of a t27 file.
14. Right click on a point will now refresh the Point Properties box or any of the point calc methods to select that point.
15. The Select Points by Layer dialog box has been changed to default to a ‘*’ wildcard for code matches. You can now select all points with no code by setting he code field to blank.
16. Option to read Leica raw file has been changed to interpret a 71 word as point code.
17. Added a new Field data format – Neutral file format for data recorder input data. See Online help for data format.

GeoSurvey V6.98 8 September 2009
1. Fixed a problem in Viewport Properties when you press Cancel which would corrupt the view port and possibly crash the program.
2. Fixed a problem with export to DXF files with smooth contour where a contour consisted of only one segment, AutoCAD could not accept a single segment smoothed Polylines.
3. The Field Observations Explorer has a new option to turn on the station observation display Field Obs Explorer/ Sessions/ Display Observations.
4. The Field reduction for TDS/Carlson files has been improved to handle start/end of string flags (+7, -7).
5. Fixed a problem with the screen start-up position if last instance of GeoSurvey is minimised or closed while minimised. Each instance of GS will now remember its’ own screen position.
6. Search for a point will now select the point. It will also no automatically close the dialog box.
7. The Annotated plot text separation from the line has been increased to 0.66 of the text height.

GeoSurvey V6.97 7 August 2009
1. Fixed a problem with printing a viewport to a DXF file, some text items with the colour set to ByLayer in the GS job would be output to DXF file with the colour set to White.
2. Fixed a problem when erasing unused layers and only one layer was it use, it would get renamed to ‘Layer 1’.
3. Changed Strings/Join option to automatically join selected segments using common points if possible. It will reverse a string to join by common points if necessary.
4. Added a new option to Strings menu to Explode a string. This will split the string into its’ component segments as separate strings.
5. Added an option to the Write DXF file dialog to allow the user to set the null/bad z value in the dxf file. When 3d cords are selected, if a point only has xy co-ords, this value will be used as the z value.
6. Added an option to the Edit menu to ‘Check Job’. This option will check the integrity of the entity numbers used and will compress the entity numbers used in the job. The program work more efficiently when the range of entity number is smaller. Entity numbers are used internally to relate items with each other. For example, the area text for a Lot has the entity number of the lot. This relationship is needed when lot areas are recomputed and the existing area text string can be replaced with a new one.
7. Added an option to the XML config file symbol definitions to truncate lines at the edge of the symbol. This is typically used to truncate lot lines at the edge of a circle drawn at the corner point. See the online help for Program settings or ‘xml symbols ‘for details of the XML config file. See the sample GeoSurvey_config.xml file in the zip distribution file.

GeoSurvey V6.96 3 August 2009
1. The Reports/Code Library Report has been enhanced to perform more stringent checks on point codes. See the online help for details of the checks.
2. The Conversions/Read ESRI Shape File option has been upgraded to now read Polylines as well as Polygon shapes.
3. A problem with symbols and layers has been fixed when reading old format .pts files.
4. Added a new option to the Program settings dialog box. You can now set a fixed symbol size for screen display only, prints and exports will ignore this. If this field is left blank the screen symbols will be scaled by the screen scale and the job plot scale.
5. Fixed a problem with interpolation of point heights. If a point with a height was selected and the ‘Interpolate’ button used, the point height was erased.
6. Triangle format error messages for bad points on discon strings has been improved to identify points with no height value (non contourable) in the display error message.
7. Added a new feature to join strings. Select 2 or more strings and press the join button – the strings will be joined end to end in the order they are encountered in the file.
8. Improved Warning message displayed if errors are found in the triangle formation.
9. An extra field has been added to the Bearing-Distance display to show the slope distance if both points have height values.
10. A new option has been added to read in a 12d data file.
11. The Search option can now search by point name or remark. The search is case insensitive and also now searches for partial strings. If the point name is SSS1234XXX and you search for ‘s12’, it will find the point.
12. The Copy to Clipboard option can now copy Text items (as well as Points and Strings to the clipboard. The Paste from clipboard will insert the clipboard Points/Strings/text into the job.
13. A new option has been added to the Text toolbar to Duplicate selected text items. This option is also available on the Edit/Text/Duplicate Selected Text menu. When in Text mode, the ‘D’ key will also duplicate selected text.
14. The Read ESRI Shape file option will now allow you to select columns and read in lot numbers from a DBF file.
15. Click on the Datum box in the status bar across the bottom of the screen and the Job Properties will be displayed to allow you to set the Job Datum.
16. Fixed a problem printing a Viewport to a DXF file. The program will now place the points, strings and text on the same autocad layer names as in the job.
17. Changed the layers dialog box to add tick boxes at the top of the columns to allow you to easily turn on/off all layers, point numbers, codes etc.
18. Changed the Points/bearings-distance dialog box to automatically set the cursor to the Bearing field after a point is created when in radiations mode.
19. Fixed a problem with Editing Viewports. If you changed a viewport, Saved it, then pressed cancel, it would revert to previous settings and lose the saved values.
20. Fixed a problem when creating a New job, the default layer symbol size values were not read from the config xml file.
21. A new option has been added to Conversions/Misc/Write Google KML file to write a Google Earth file (.kml file) of the strings in the job.

GeoSurvey V6.95 11 June 2009
1. Fixed a problem with reading Leica Liscad files which detected illegal data in the extra point data.
2. The Write LandXML option now allows selected points and triangle surface to be written to the XML file.
3. Added a new option – Conversions/GeoSurvey/Parcels to Design(02) File to write parcels data into the design file.
4. Added code to preserve Control Point database Ids if present in the job.
5. Changed triangle formation so that the Triangle Parameter "Ignore Discon Segments Outside Boundary" only ignores discon segments outside the boundary. Previously it was ignoring non contourable points as well.
6. Changed triangle formation so that the Triangle Parameter "Ignore Discon Segments with Non-Contourable Points" only ignores non-contourable points. Previously it was ignoring discon points outside the boundary as well.
7. A new triangle formation error has been added “Discon Point Outside Boundary”. These errors can be suppressed by the triangle parameters option parameter "Ignore Discon Segments Outside Boundary"

GeoSurvey V6.94 8 May 2009
1. Fixed a problem with setting job plot scale by clicking on the status window at the bottom of the screen.
2. Added a button to the Program settings dialog box to reset the screen position to the top left of the main screen. Sometimes the main screen position can end up off the screen and unless you can grab the blue bar, you cannot drag it back onto the screen. This option will always reset the screen position and size to fit on the main screen. It will also reset any floating dialog boxes.
3. Fixed a problem with Reading ASCII files. The program can now read Mac format ASCII files which have lines terminated with a CR as well as Unix and Dos format files.
4. Fixed a problem when Reading ASCII files in CSV format, the point name was not being read correctly.
5. Fixed a problem which could hand the program when displaying triangle errors on very close points.
6. Changed the Form Strings by Code option to auto create layers using the defaults supplied by the user in the config file. The created layer will have the colour as defined in the .MST file.
7. Changed the way files are opened so that if you pick a file off the File menu and it does not exist, an error message will be displayed.
8. Changed ASCII export function to automatically add a .csv extension if none is specified.
9. Fixed a problem with printing when a page offset origin was used which could cause objects within the origin distance of the top or right border not to be printed.
10. When a layer is created it is automatically made the Insert layer.
11. The Layers dialog box has been changed, three buttons have been added to allow easy switching off and on of all layers, all symbols and all point numbers. Note that these options are also available using the right mouse button context menu when clicked on a check box.

GeoSurvey V6.93 21 April 2009
1. Added a new option to the Point Insert menu to create an offset point. See online help for more details.
2. Added a tick box to the Square Offset option to display the distances in ground distances or grid distances. This option is only available if a projection is used.
3. The String Insert option has been changed. The Hold Ctr tick box can be used to hold the centre point when inserting a series of curves around the same centre point. The ‘Pts to’ box allows you to eneter a B point number and the program will auto join all points between pt A and pt B. It will now auto join up to 200 points.

GeoSurvey V6.92 5 April 2009
1. The String properties option will now display the segments in a single dialog box instead of two. You can use the arrow keys to move along the string as before, the segment details are displayed on the dialog box as you go.
2. Added an option to allow the user to specify the colour, line style and thickness of the cross section profile for the natural surface and the design surface.
3. Fixed a problem with Forming long and cross sections that stopped the formation of a cross section on the last chainage point on the section.
4. Fixed a problem editing horizontal and vertical distance test distances.
5. Changed the operation of Annotated Plan in the way the ‘Do Non-Visible Layers’ works. If this is not ticked and the ‘Erase All…’ option is not ticked it will not erase any text on non-visible layers. This allows you to keep any text on non-visible layers as is – say for a previous Stage of a job.
6. Fixed a problem with compression of points could corrupt the triangles.
7. The Annotated Plan option has been changed to always save the current settings to the job file.
8. The Renumber Points option now displays a progress bar and an hourglass, it can take a while to do this on large jobs. An hourglass option has been added to the Compress Points option.
9. Fixed a problem in Stockpile volumes which would duplicate discon strings.

GeoSurvey V6.91 25 March 2009
1. The SaveAs option will now change the .02 logging file to the same name and directory as the new ob name. It leaves the logging on/off status alone.
2. A new option has been added to the Strings/Form Longsection and Cross sections. It will only allow the even chainage points on the road to be created. Other odd chainages, including string points will not be included in the Longsection. It will include the start and end chainage even if they are odd values.
3. A new option has been added to display the road design level for a point – Show Road Point.
4. A new option has been added to display the road design grade for two points – Show Road Grade. These options will only work if a road design has been done and design surface levels exist for the selected points.
5. Added an option to the Cross Section plot request to a sheet to do dogleg lines on the cross sections.
6. The Stadia Reduction option has been changed to display the sign on the differences displayed for an observation to a station. Previously the differences were always positive, new the value is a positive or negative number to indicate which ‘side’ the error is on.

GeoSurvey V6.90 11 March 2009
1. The program start position and window size will be restored to the same position when it is started the next time. It will also remember the ‘maximised’ status if it was maximised when shut down. It will also remember the staring position even if it is on the second screen. If the window gets moved off the screen and you cannot find it, hold down the Ctrl or Shift keys as you start the program and the default start-up position will be used.
2. In the Field Observation explorer, import a data recorder file now allows the option to place field point numbers into the remarks field.
3. The SaveAs option now defaults to the same directory as the original job.
4. The SaveAs option will now turn off .02 Design File logging. This is usually the best option, otherwise work on the new file will be logged to the original Design file.

GeoSurvey V6.89 – 6 March 2009
1. When you rename a layer, it now allows you to change the layer name to the same name as another layer. When you next read in the job, those layers will be merged into one. When you do this type of rename, the program will warn you of the consequences.

GeoSurvey V6.89 6 March 2009
1. New Layers option has been changed to allow multiple layers of the same name in different Groups. The Group~Layer combination must be unique. This allows you to have multiple stages in a job with the same name, such as Stage 1~Kerbs, Stage 2~Kerbs etc.
2. The default name for a group has been changed to ‘Stage’ instead of ‘Group’, thus the first default group is called ‘Stage 1’.
3. When writing to a DXF file (Conversions/Write DXF), the Group name and Layer name will be written to the DXF file layer. Previously only the layer name was output.
4. When writing to a DXF file using Print option, the Group name and Layer name will be written to the DXF file layer. Previously only the layer name was output.
5. Fixed a problem with writing Text items to DXF files, If the item angle was ‘ByLayer’ the angle was being written as 359 degrees..

GeoSurvey V6.88 18 February 2009
1. Improved Triangle Errors option to ‘Take Me There’ to zoom to close points properly.
2. Changed the ‘SaveAs Selected’ option to write the output file and to not change the current job name to the selected file.
3. The Points Properties dialog box has been improved to be re-sizeable. This allows long layer names to be seen more clearly.
4. When a job is opened, it will check if the Design file(02) can be opened (if specified). If the specified directory is different to the job file directory and it cannot be found, it will prompt the user to locate the file and/or turn off Design02 logging. The default setting for a new job has been changed to have Design02 file logging Off.
5. The Design02 file will not be opened if the job is opened in read only mode.
6. When you do a SaveAs to a different job name, it will automatically change the Design02 filename to the new job name.
7. The Conversions/DXF Files/Read DXF File has been changed when reading in lines and Polylines to automatically create new points onto the same layer as the string.
8. The Copy and Paste options now work with the Windows standard keys Ctrl/C = Copy, Ctrl/V = Paste into the job.
9. The Copy and Paste options now copy Points and Strings. When strings are selected, it will automatically copy the points on those strings as well, and allow them to be pasted into the other job, or into a Text editor. Note that the Paste buffer data format is exactly the same as the .acs file format. If the point/string layer does not exist in the target job, it will be automatically created during the Paste operation.
10. A new Strings Toolbar button is available before the Delete button – To select Strings by Window. It is the same option as is available via the String/Select menu.
11. A new option is available in the Triangle parameters to enable/disable the checking of points close to discon lines.
12. The Transform Job onto Control option has been improved. It will now only write the listing file when the job transformation is actually done. The listing format has been improved to include the job names and the dZ values. Note that the Z/dZ values are for information purposes and are not transformed. The Z and dZ values are also shown in the screen dialog box so you can see the magnitude of the point height differences.
13. The New Layers dialog box is now the default option. You can use the Old Layers dialog box by setting the option in Program Settings/Advanced.
14. The String Properties dialog box is now resizable so you can view long layer names.
15. The Text option has been upgraded. You can now select and edit multiple text items at once. Several of the Text attributes can be BYLAYER. Leave the angle field blank to have it use the Layer text angle. The Colour selection now includes a ‘ByLayer’ option. The Font selection now includes a ‘ByLayer’ option. Leave the Size field blank to use the layer text size.
16. The Text box is expandable, drag the bottom right corner to adjust the size of the dialog box This allows you to see the layer name (if it is long) and the text more easily.

GeoSurvey V6.87 7 January 2009
1. Fixed a problem with reading in triangles.
2. Fixed a problem reading in the Pt-Discon offset distance parameter. Default value changed to 5mm.

GeoSurvey V6.86 27 October 2008
1. The new Layers dialog box now remembers it’s screen position and size from one session to the next.
2. The new layers dialog displays and sorts group names correctly.
3. The new layers dialog – fixed a problem with setting RL decimals for multiple layers.
4. Added warning messages when selecting ‘Ignore discon segments with non-contourable points’ or ‘Ignore discon segments outside boundary’.
5. Added a tick box to the Layers dialog box to Sort the Layers list by LayerName or by GroupName.
6. Changed the Show Angle option so that the angles always add up to 180 degrees exactly. The truncation to the nearest second meant that previously it would sometimes be 1 second short of 180 degrees.
7. The Show Angle option now displays an arc on the main angle so it is clear which angle is which.

GeoSurvey V6.85 – 5 Aug 2008
1. Some changes have been made to the screen panning to eliminate a problem where the fonts go crazy after several hours of intensive screen panning.
2. The Job file name is now marked as (Read-Only) in the top bar if the job is opened in a read only mode.
3. The Save As option now defaults to the same directory as the original job
4. The new Layers dialog box has several new options added to the right mouse button context menu including ‘Select All’, ‘Clear All’. Also column sensitive menu options to turn all selected symbols on/off etc.
5. The Insert Viewport option is cleaner and allows changes to the viewport name.
6. The Viewport Properties option now allows you to select another viewport with the mouse.
7. The Viewport selection with the mouse has been improved if you have one viewport inside another, to select the inside viewport, click on a line of the inside viewport and it will be selected.
8. Fixed a problem with the F2 option crashes the program.

GeoSurvey V6.84 – 28 July 2008
1. Fixed a problem with new job creation.

GeoSurvey V6.83 – 10 July 2008
1. Fixed a problem with formation of No-Contour area option. The procedure is hat you use the Delete Triangle option to select points one by one or using a window. Then select the Form No-Contour Area and click in te middle of the area of deleted triangles. The program will join all the deleted triangles together to form a No-Contour area string.

GeoSurvey V6.82 – 28 June 2008
1. A new option is available in the config.xml file to set the default values for several system layers – Geom Points, Strings, and Triangles. You can specify the layer Colour, symbolSize symbol, number of decimal places for height values. See the default GeoSurvey_config.xml file for an example.
2. Triangles exported to DXF file will now default to ‘ByLayer’ for colour.
3. Form Boundary option will now set the boundary string colour to ‘ByLayer’ for the Strings layer.
4. A new Triangle Parameters option is available to modify triangle formation. [x] Ignore discon segments with non-contourable points. Normally, a non contourable point on a discon will cause an error, this option allows you to just ignore those discon line segments affected.
5. A new Triangle Parameters option is available to modify triangle formation. [x] Ignore discon segments outside boundary. Normally, a discon outside the boundary will cause an error, this option allows you to just ignore those discon line segments affected.
6. A new option in the Layers dialog box allows you to turn off all the layers except those with selected items. Another option allows you to turn back on those which were turned off.

GeoSurvey V6.81 – 4 June 2008
1. Fixed a problem with Bearing and Distance point creation if the height field was not ticked and a code was entered, a very large height could be given to the point in the .02 file.
2. Fixed a problem with the Show Triangle Errors option, for a crossed strings error, if the Insert IP on String 2 option was used the program would crash.
3. In the Show Triangle Errors option, for a crossed strings error, the string names are now displayed to make it easier to see which strings are involved.
3. In the Show Triangle Errors option, for a crossed strings error.
Insert IP – Mean height – height is mean of interpolated hts from strings, layer is same as first String1 point.
Insert IP – Str1 height – height is interpolated on string1, layer is same as first String1 point.
Insert IP – Str2 height – height is interpolated on string2, layer is same as first String2 point.
4. A new field has been added to ‘Show Triangle Errors’ dialog box to allow the user to specify the point code to be used for intersection points created when solving crossed strings errors.
5. A new button has been added to ‘Show Triangle Errors’ dialog box to allow the user to write the list of errors to a file for later reference.
6. The ZoomIn-ZoomOut via the wheel on the mouse has been improved to keep the point under the mouse on the screen as you zoom in or out.
7. The Zoom In and Zoom Out function has been improved to zoom on the centre of the screen.
8. A new option has been added to the Job properties dialog box – Set Point/Layer Height display. This allow you to force all point and layers to use a certain number of decimal places for display of heights.
9. The Convert Points option will now rotate text properly, previously the rotation angle for text was reversed.

GeoSurvey V6.80 – 6 April 2008
1. When a new job is created, the main window bar at the top will display <<job not saved>> until you save the job the first time.
2. The Write DXF Job dialog box has been redesigned so that it is easier to use.
3. When not in Points/String/Text or other mode you can now click on an item and the Point/String/Text item will be selected and it will automatically enter the appropriate mode.
4. The road report listing filename will now default to the same path as the job and will have the job name if two or more strings are selected.
5. The program will now ‘remember’ that points or strings are selected and after a zoom/pan operation will display the selected points in the status bar.
6. A new option has been added to the layers edit dialog to set the RL decimal places to the same value in all layers.

GeoSurvey V6.79 – 26 March 2008
1. Fixed a problem in triangle formation for some jobs which would hand the program.

GeoSurvey V6.78 – 17 February 2008
1. The image display option has been enhanced to read several different types of images. It can now read .jpg, .gif and .bmp files.
2. When writing to a Conversions output file (e.g. a DXF file), the program will detect if the file is in use by another application (e.g. Autocad) and display and error message.
3. Added a new user settable default value for new layers to the GeoSurvey_config.xml file. You can set the default number of decimal places for heights of points on that layer.
<layerDefaults heightDecimals="2" />
4. Fixed some problems in Annotated Plan which crashed the program.
5. Fixed several problems in road design which would not delete the last design points.
6. Added a new attribute to Layers ‘non-contourable’. When ticked all points on that layer will not be used for triangle formation and hence contours. This can be used to place all the points for a design surface for a road on one layer so they do not interfere with contouring of the natural surface.

GeoSurvey V6.77 – 14 January 2008
1. Fixed a problem with the Save As function.
2. Fixed a problem with Moss xml translation files.
3. Several new config variables are now available in GeoSurvey_config.xml including default layer symbol, size and colour. Also default contour intervals. Also screen display order.
4. When inserting a Fixed point a symbol is now drawn immediately the points is created.
5. Fixed a problem when opening multiple jobs that the .02 file from one instance would be used by the other instance.
6. Contour text will now have the height attached. This height is then used to write the contour to a DXF file in real world co-ordinates.

GeoSurvey V6.75 – 5 December 2007
1. The job file will now be open by default for other users on the network to read. Previous versions would lock the .acs file from Read or Write access by other users. If you want complete locking of the file, set the xml config variable as described in the online help look up the index entry ‘lock config file…’.
2. Fixed a problem with the Road Report when multiple strings were selected.
3. The program will now display very long job filenames in the top title bar. It will trim the path for any files with an aggregate filename length of more than 150 characters.
4. The program will no prompt before overwriting many output files including DXF, Civilcad, Points file, listing files etc.
5. A button has been added to the Select Points dialog box to select all the layers currently visible on the screen.
6. When a new layer is created it is automatically set to ‘selected’ so that when Points selection is done the new layer will be selected.
7. The Export ASCII file option has been improved to allow Creation and editing of template files. The Save As option for Templates will now warn before overwriting a template file.
8. A new option has been added to allow easy setting of the Job Plot Scale and the Zoom Parameters. Click on the Job Plot Scale in the Status bar at the bottom of the window and it will allow you to change the job plot scale. Click on the origin, scale or rotation to change the job zoom settings.
9. The Points Properties, String Properties and Text Properties dialog boxes now allow you to edit and create layers by pressing the […] button to the right of the layer.
10. When a New job is created, the program will automatically allocate a name ‘Survey1’ or similar so that the job always has a name and can be saved etc.
11. The <company_name> tag in the xml config file will now be used as the default company name if present.
12. The <job_plot_scale> tag in the xml config file will now be used as the default job plot scale if present.
13. Options which require a sting to be selected can now select the string using the Right Mouse button to select the string from the context menu. This allows you to select the correct string when multiple strings lie on top of each other.

GeoSurvey V6.74 – 6 November 2007
1. When a point is deleted, the triangles are not erased if the point is not used in the triangle mesh.
2. Cross sections now support doglegged lines if the longsection plot request has that option selected.
3. The longsection screen display can now be tailored by right clicking the mouse and selecting ‘Display Properties’ to set screen display settings.
4. There is a new option to import a LandXML file. It will import Points and Parcels (as Strings).
5. There is a new option to export a LandXML file. It will write out Points and Strings.

GeoSurvey V6.73 – 14 October 2007
1. Fixed a problem with stockpile volumes which would display a large number or ‘errors’ in the triangles surface. These ‘errors’ were erroneous as the program was checking discon lines outside the stockpile boundary. Fixed.
2. A new Job setting parameter has been added ‘vertical datum’. If this string is defined it is store din the job file and can be printed in a plan for with the %vertical_datum% keyword.
3. The Job plot scale is now displayed in the bottom status bar in plan view mode.
4. When printing to a file the default filename is the job name.

GeoSurvey V6.72 – 10 September 2007
1. The Form strings option would crash on wildcard entries - fixed.
2. When strings were selected by layer- the delete key could not delete them. - fixed.

GeoSurvey V6.71 – 9 September 2007
1. The Longsections/Sheets editing sections would truncate the end chainage by one chainage value when edited – fixed.
2. The LS Edit point dialog button to display the cross section would not display the correct toolbar menu – fixed.
3. The Strings/Form Strings option will now form strings using wildcard code names like FCE* etc.
This option will now stay on the screen rather than closing after each operation.
It will only use points on selected layers and point ranges.
The option can now accept multiple codes at once. e.g. TP*,PP*,FCE,
Simple enter the codes you want separated by commas.
4. The Contour formation for negative levels was not working for Major contours - fixed.
5. Triangle formation - fixing crossed strings could hang the program if one end of a segment was exactly on the other line. - fixed.
6. Improved the triangle formation error display for points found on breaklines.

GeoSurvey V6.70 – 29 August 2007
1. The Append Job option now reads in the Plans, parcels and Control Points.

GeoSurvey V6.69 – 20 August 2007
1. The triangle formation error display has been enhanced so that it is saved after a triangle formation. If you exit fixing triangle formation errors, you can come back to it via the menu Topo/Triangles/Show Triangle Errors.
2. The Triangle Errors dialog has been enhanced to detect errors on breaklines by points with no height or which are non contourable.

GeoSurvey V6.68 – 6 August 2007
1. The option to plot to a viewport for a DXF file has been changed to optionally write polylines for contours to the DXF file. It will also automatically clip the polylines to the viewport.
2. The triangle formation error display has been improved to display points on breaklines which do not have a height or are not contourable. Previously these breakline segments were ignored –now you get an error message and must fix the problem.
GeoSurvey V6.67 – 22 March 2007
1. Added options to LS Sheet params to not auto calculate the base level changes and to allow user to set base interval.
2. Fixed a problem in delete LS/CS design which did not always delete some CS points.
GeoSurvey V6.66 – 13 March 2007
1. Fixed a problem with Points/String... mode buttons disappearing on Close of a file.
GeoSurvey V6.65 – 11 March 2007
1. Fixed a problem with String/Minimise Lot Area.
2. Added the capability for dogleg vertical lines in road longsections.
3. In Cross section mode the PageUp/PageDn keys will move to next/previous Cross section
4. In Templates mode the PageUp/PageDn keys will move to next/previous CS Template
5. When computing Longsection design and Cross Section design, the points are inserted onto the current Insert Layer. This allows all the design points to be on one layer which can then be turned on/off easily.
6. The Longsection toolbar button is now next to the Strings button so that when in section mode the right most three buttons are replaced with Cs, Template and Sheets buttons.
7. Fixed a problem with layer deletion of road which could crash the program.
8. Fixed a problem with computation of base level in final road section on a sheet which should reduce the number of changes in base level.
GeoSurvey V6.64 – 1 March 2007
1. Fixed a limit in the triangle formation for the number of boundary points allowed, the limit has been raised from 1000 to 2000.
2. Added a new toolbar mode button to switch to Longsection mode. This displays several extra buttons to allow easy switching between Longsection mode, Cross section mode, CS Templates mode and Sheets mode.
GeoSurvey V6.63 – 1 March 2007
1. Fixed several problem with CS design for interpolated templates.
2. Added LS and CS design buttons to CS and LS display screens.
GeoSurvey V6.62 – 12 February 2007
1. When writing contour text and spot height text to a DXF file, the height of the contour/spot height is now assigned to the text item when written to the DXF file.
2. Sections menu has a new option ‘Sections Explorer’ which is a tree view of the longsections, cross sections, cs templates and sheets. Use right click mouse menu on tree options.
3. The Sections menu has a new option to allow customisation of the Section display parameters. these changes can then be written back to the xml config file.
GeoSurvey V6.61 – 17 December 2006
1. Road Volume calculation is now available on the Sections menu when Viewing Longsections.
2. Extensive help messages have been added to the Road, Drain, Sewers options.
3. The Annotated plot has been changed to handle the case of a part lot line overlap properly.
GeoSurvey V6.60 – 22 September 2006
1. DXF Import option has been upgraded to handle line lengths up to 256 chars.
2. DXF Import can now handle changes to the DXF file standard using attributes inside braces.
GeoSurvey V6.59 – 25 August 2006
1. Changed the triangle formation algorithm back to the older method as it is slower but more reliable.
GeoSurvey V6.58 – 21 July 2006
1. Fixed a problem during triangle formation which would cause the program to hang.
GeoSurvey V6.57 – 17 May 2006
1. The program could not validate the software key for non privileged accounts, this has been fixed.
2. Fixed a problem with the new triangle formation.
GeoSurvey V6.56 – 29 March 2006
1. The Read DXF file option has been enhanced to detect illegal co-ordinates on most common entities.
2. Drain final plot will now show the HGL, final surface values and depths.
3. Fixed an intermittent error message in triangle formation about deleting previous contour text information.
4. Drain final plot will now show depths from the design surface if available, or from the natural surface.
5. Fixed a problem when reading in MOSS files, the first point would not be added to the string. It was also excluding points which were too close. The exclusion tolerance has been changed to 5mm.
GeoSurvey V6.55 – 7 March 2006
1. The Annotated plan can now generate annotation for the ‘selected/chosen’ point numbers. On the Point numbers tab you can pick between ‘Chosen Points’, ‘Visible Points’ or “All Points’. Note that the ‘Do Strings Points on non Visible Layers’ MUST be ticked if the point is on a non visible layer - This check overrides the ’chosen’ option. The same option is also available for Point Height text, Point Code, Point Remark, Point Name text.
2. Fixed a problem with SDR data input.
3. Fixed a problem with auto recognition of Leica data files.
3. Fixed a problem with extraction of Code field from Leica code 71 word.
4. Fixed a problem when generating contours, if the target layer for contour level text is locked, an error message is displayed.
5. When editing LS points if a point is given an IP level it will automatically be considered as an IP point in the design.
GeoSurvey V6.54 – 2 February 2006
1. In the Strings/interpolate Points option the program now reports on the total number of points inserted if multiple strings are selected.
2. The Annotated Plan option has been changed to handle Locked Layers correctly. If a layer is locked, the text on that layer will not be erased or replaced.
3. Fixed a problem with Export of Mapinfo files.
GeoSurvey V6.53 – 23 January 2006
1. Modified the triangle formation algorithm to speed up checking for crossed discons on large jobs. The number of crossed strings displayed in the error list has been increased from 50 to 250.
GeoSurvey V6.52 – 20 December 2005
1. Changed the option to send Points to the data recorder to also allow the points to be sent to a file.
GeoSurvey V6.51 – 4 December 2005
1. The Strings/Form Long Sections and Cross Sections option now does not insert the first point on a cross section if it is not within the triangle mesh.
2. The Strings/Form Long Sections and Cross Sections option will now only form cross sections on the points in the string, not on all changes of grade on the longsection. Note that it will insert cross sections at all even chainage points (if specified).
3. Fixed a bug in Layers, if you deleted a layer and then pressed edit layer, the program could crash.
4. The Print option now allows the user to print a sheet.
5. The Strings/Form Sections option has been renamed to ‘Extract Drain, Sewer’.
6. The option to Insert or edit a Drain/Sewer point will automatically copy the Inlet RL to the outlet RL if the Outlet RL is blank.
7. A new option has been added to the Sections menu to set all Points on the Drain/Sewer to a standard Access Hole type and diameter.
8. The same option is available on the Drain/Sewer Point Properties dialog.
9. When a Drain/Sewer is extracted, all the even chainage points and String points will automatically be assigned a Access Holes with the default diameter of the last edited access hole.
10. The Conversions/ASCII file /Export ASCII file option has been changed when writing CSV files to omit the trailing delimiter on the line.
11. Fixed a problem with contour generation which sometimes caused the major contours not to be generated.
GeoSurvey V6.50 – 10 November 2005
1. The Convert points option scale factor range has been increased to _+500 for XY scale factor and Z scale factor.
2. Tree symbols now scale up and down as the screen is zoomed in and out so that they are displayed at the correct size on the screen (or printout).
3. Fixed Point dialog will now allow the ENTER key to move down through the fields to the OK button correctly.
4. Fixed Point option will automatically reset the next Geom point to be used to the next point after the one entered.
5. F3 Show Bearing Distance option will now automatically highlight the data in point 1 or point 2 so that it can easily be replaced by typing a new point number.
GeoSurvey V6.49 – 29 October 2005
1. The Strings/Form Long Sections and Cross Sections option now will correctly extract cross sections into the job. The long and cross sections can be viewed and manipulated in the View/Longsection option.
2. When viewing a Longsection, right click on vertical line and choose ‘Cross Section’ option to insert cross section data for that point.
GeoSurvey V6.48 – 26 October 2005
1. Fixed a problem with Datum transforms which set all the height values to 0.0
2. The Import DXF job option can now import Polylines which use the arbitrary axis system for specifying the co-ordinates. At present this only works for Polyline objects.
3. The Annotated Plan has been changed for the Sale Plan. If the Distances are set to ‘Automatic’ number of decimals, the distances will be TRUNCATED (Lopped off) to 0.1 metres. Note that if you select a certain number of decimal places (say 2), the distance will be ROUNDED to the required number of decimals.
4. The option to Transform Job to Control now adopts the Control values for those points named as control values. If the Master Control value has a height, it will be assigned to the point.
GeoSurvey V6.47 – 5 October 2005
1. The Field Obs Explorer has been changed to display the (Code-Remark) on the explorer tree entry for Points and Observations.
2. The option to read in .rw5 files will now split the code field at the first dash (-) and put the rest of the field into the Remark for that observation.
3. The Delete selected Points option has been changed for large numbers of points. If there are more than 10,000 points to be deleted, the points will not be saved for un-deletion. This changes substantially speeds up deletion of large numbers of points.
4. The option to transform points to another datum or zone has been improved so that it now runs much faster for large numbers of points.
GeoSurvey V6.46 – 21 September 2005
1. A new data recorder format is supported by the Field Observation Explorer. It will now recognise and import a SurvCE or TDS .rw5 file of field observations.
2. The Data recorder serial port reader and write has been changed to include additional COM ports 10,11 and 20 to allow communication with Bluetooth devices.
GeoSurvey V6.45 – 7 September 2005
1. A new option has been added to translate point codes. Specify the code translation parameters in the STRINGS_DEF.MST file as follows.
!Translate Point codes
!Trans - indicates this line defines a translation code (Mandatory)
!input_code = raw point code, can contain wildcard char *. e.g. 101*
!output_code = translated point code, can contain wildcard char *. e.g. TB*
!thus ‘10101’ will be translated to ‘TB01’ etc
This option is available in the ‘Strings/Form Strings by Codes’ option.
2. Fixed a problem during string insertion when panning on jobs with a geodetic datum. This problem also occurred during the Annotated Plan option.
3. Improved the Field Observation Explorer to read 26 and 24 records from .sta files.
GeoSurvey V6.45 – 26 August 2005
1. The Strings/Lots Report has been changed to optionally allow printing of the Spheroidal and ground distance. The report will automatically adjust the columns to minimise line width for the included options.
2. Fixed a problem in Volume between Two Surfaces which would erase all the job data if you cancelled out before doing the volume calculation.
3. Fixed a problem with Conversions/ASCII/Export file option which would crash the program when Creating a template file.
4. A new Field Observation Explorer option is available. It allows data entry and reduction of field data directly into the job.
GeoSurvey V6.44 – 23 August 2005
1. The Strings definition file setting to force a string to be a discon now sets the discon attribute on the created string during string formation in stadia reduction.
2. Point Symbolisation has been changed to match codes without training characters.
Code=TR*TR1 would match, TR2 would match, TR would not match
Code=TR*TR1 will match, TR2 will match, TR will match
3. Fixed a problem in data entry of bearings in Traverse/parcel.
GeoSurvey V6.43 – 19 August 2005
1. Fixed a problem in the Lots report when Angle were selected, the Co-ordinates were not printed.
2. The support for Leica TPS1100 data recorders has been upgraded to now allow for the three different booking methods (A, B, C) as an option during conversion to .sta file format.
GeoSurvey V6.42 – 3 August 2005
1. The Plot Grid option now plots the grid cross symbols at the correct orientation for rotated grids.
2. The Angle Traverse option has been revised to allow the angles to be adjusted and also a separate option for the Bowditch adjustment.
3. Fixed a problem with annotated plot which did not do the Major Line calculation correctly on the second and subsequent runs.
4. Fixed the Road Insert point option to allow editing of the chainage
5. Changed Drainage Insert Point to auto calculate pipe between two consecutive drainage pits.
6. Traverse data entry now allows arithmetic during entry of bearings and distances. You can enter A+B, A-B as two bearings to be added or subtracted. For distances you can enter A+B, A-B, A*B or A/B as two distances to be combined.
7. Standard traverse now applies Bowditch adjustments to the co-ordinates.
8. Import ASCII file Edit/Create buttons now work in a more consistent fashion.
9. many changes and improvements made to the drawing for the Standard Drainage longsections.
GeoSurvey V6.41 – 13 Jul 2005
1. The Point/Points Settings/Design Records on/off setting was not being saved correctly in the job file. This has been fixed.
GeoSurvey V6.40 – 20 Jun 2005
1. During stadia reduction the program will now warn the user before deleting the points in the stadia reduction range.
2. Fixed a problem which truncated job names if they contain an extra “.” (dot).
3. The Lot/Strings report now also lists the length/perimeter of each string.
4. The Lot/Strings report with included angles now has the ‘Inc Angle’ header and prints the angle with degrees, minutes and seconds symbols.
5. The Traverse data entry grid can now be controlled by the Right Mouse button t display a context menu of options, some buttons at the bottom of the dialog have been removed.
6. Fixed a problem in stockpile volumes where erroneous errors were displayed on the second or subsequent stockpile volume.
7. When an annotated plan is created, the layer ‘Annotation’ will not be created unless it is required.
8. Fixed a problem with the String/Write Longsection to .RD file option which would create duplicate chainage points if a triangle cut was at a point on the string and ‘All Changes in Grade’ was selected.
9. Fixed a problem with the Point/strings mode buttons which could get ‘stuck’ down together if multiple files were opened without exiting the mode.
10. Angle Traverse option now has the geodetic calculations enabled. The angle traverse angles are now the clockwise angle from backsight to foresight. There is a mouse context menu option to get the complement the angle if required (Right mouse button).
11. Added highlight of the symbol and the point number to several of the Geom Points calculation routines.
12. During Insert String operations, the lot number text is no longer generated automatically when you exit the dialog box. You must press the ‘Lot/Areas’ button to display the lot number text, or use Annotated Plan.
13. Fixed a problem with converting Strings to Parcels which formed inverted curves for some of the curves. (the Radius value was always positive). Removed the unnecessary error message for duplicate entity ids.
GeoSurvey V6.39 – 10 Jun 2005
1. Fixed a problem with Show Brg/Dist (F3) not displaying the arc centre point and radius.
2. When a string type is changed to Lot, Boundary or NoContour area, the string will automatically be closed by adding a segment from the last point to the first point in the string.
3. The User Menu file can now be set in the Program settings dialog box. The User menu will be displayed to the right of the Help menu. The User Menu is now available at all times.
3. Fixed a problem in the File/print option which would change the Viewport to the paper dimensions of the printer.
4. The File/Print option should now clip the job correctly on the right and top and bound the plan with a border line.
5. Fixed a problem with the String Segment display migrating across the screen as successive segments were selected.
6. Northern territory Plan drawing options have now been included. The details are shown in the online help for the Annotated Plan.
7. Traverse Listing (Print Close) now will optionally display the Adjusted Dimensions or the Original Dimensions. It always displays the adjusted co-ordinates.
8. The Delete Point option will not allow a point on a Traverse/Parcel to be deleted. You must remove the point from the traverse/parcel first.
9. Several small problems have been fixed with the plotting of grids.
10. The File/Print of a Viewport has been changed to allow the user to enter the position of the viewport on the page. Use the Viewport Properties option to enter the offset on the page and when the viewport is plotted, the viewport origin will be offset on the page by the required amount.
11. When the point properties are displayed, if you select points by window or other methods, the Points properties dialog box is now updated to show the status of the new points selected.
12. The Show Bearing/Distance option, Show Square Offset option and Show Angle option all now highlight the points on the screen as the points are clicked.
13. The Show angle option now shows the acute angle between the lines and the alternate angle.
14. When inserting a string, if you press ENTER the dialog box no longer closes.
15. The Points/Reduce Geom 02 File option now remembers the last file reduced and will default to that file.
16. The Points/Reduce Geom 02 File option results dialog now defaults to OK instead of View Results.
17. The Points/Reduce Geom 02 File option will now preserve strings which depend on points which are re-calculated during a reduction. The option uses an INIT routine to mark points for deletion and only deletes them at the end of the reduction if they have not been redefined.
18. The Points/Reduce Geom 02 File option listing has been changed to improve readability on some routines, especially if point number > 9999 are used.
GeoSurvey V6.38 – 9 May 2005
1. Fixed a problem with logging of 02 records when a bearing was specified as two points and the distance was specified by two points, the program was not writing the correct From point for the distance field.
2. Fixed a problem with the logging of the layer to the .02 records, the program was not writing the 92 record correctly, this has been fixed. It also will not only log a 92 record when the insert layer changes.
3. Improved the highlighting of point number during creation of points.
4. Fixed a problem with display of newly created points when the screen background was BLACK.
5. The Points/Convert points option now writes .02 records for SHIFT, SCALE and ROTATE. If all the points in the job are converted, a single 02 record is writte, otherwise one 02 record is written for each point.
GeoSurvey V6.37 – 6 May 2005
1. The option Strings/Read .RD Road File can now optionally read in the design levels instead of the natural surface levels. It will also now read in the point codes from the cross section record in the .RD file.
2. When a layer is deleted, it will now be removed from the text annotation options so that layer cannot be referenced again.
3. Fixed a bug in the display of point numbers which turned off point number for points which were selected.
4. The File/Append option has a new tick box to allow Overwriting of existing points. This is useful to replace the existing points with better XYZ values without disturbing the strings.
5. There is a new option Edit/Copy to Clipboard. This will write the selected Points to the clipboard. They can then be pasted into another job.
6. A new option has been added to ‘Paste from Clipboard’. This works in Points mode and will read text from the clipboard and insert the points into the job. There are options which operate in a similar manner to the File/Append function.
GeoSurvey V6.36 – 6 April 2005
1. Changed the ‘Conversions/Read 27 Recs’ option to remove trailing spaces and leading spaces from the code field and the remark field.
2. Fixed a problem with Transform of Points to a new projection which did not transform some string centroids correctly. The bad centroids were automatically fixed when the file was saved but could cause a crash if further geodetic calcs were done without reloading the job.
3. Fixed a problem when starting program by double clicking on a .acs file. The program will now start and read in the file correctly.
GeoSurvey V6.35 – 18 March 2005
1. Added a new option to the Conversions/Import ASCII File option. You can now specify a viewport and the program will only read in the points within the viewport. This allows you to filter out a selected dataset from a very large file of data.
2. A new option has been added to read grid dtm files (.asz). These files have the grid origin and spacing at the front of the file followed by a number of rows of z values in a grid pattern.
GeoSurvey V6.34 – 25 February 2005
1. Fixed a problem with the display of the convergence, the sign was inverted.
2. Fixed a problem with Bearing Distance which could cause a crash if the distance between the points was extremely close to 0.0
3. Fixed a problem with the HEC2 Conversion to include the chainage value for each CS and the number of offset values.
4. Added a new feature to assist finding crossed breakline strings during triangle formation. The program will now record the crossed strings in a list and present the list to the user and allow a button to zoom in to the location of the crossed strings. Another option allows insertion of a point at the intersection. The point is inserted into both strings and is given a height calculated from the two string segments. A height is interpolated from each string segment and the point is given the average of the two heights.
GeoSurvey V6.33 – 20 January 2005
1. Changed Annotated Plot parameters for Western Australia LTO plans. Bearings are rounded to the nearest second, minutes and seconds are truncated if 00. Distances are rounded to the nearest mm. Angles are rounded and truncated like bearings
2. Fixed a problem with String/Insert Road Points option that would crash if invoked with no selected string.
3. Changed the MOSS export to handle jobs with no points exported
4. Fixed a problem with the display of the Insert layer after the ‘Erase Unused layers’ option.
5. Fixed a problem with Square Offset not handling zero offsets to cardinal lines in some cases, again.
GeoSurvey V6.32 – 14 January 2005
1. The menu option Strings/Select/By Layer has been changed to not select points, only strings. The menu option Edit/Select/By Layer/Points will now only select strings when in Strings mode.
2. When in Text mode, the menu option Edit/Select/By Layer/Points will now only select text.
3. Fixed a problem with Square offset not handling zero offsets to cardinal lines in some cases.
4. A new feature has been added to make it easier to select a point when there are several close points. In Points mode, if you right click on the point on the screen, the program will search for all close points near the mouse cursor and will display them in the context menu. Thus you can select each point by the menu option. Note that if you are selecting multiple points, you must hold down the shift key when selecting the menu option.
5. A new feature has been added to make it easier to select a particular string when there are several strings on top of each other. In Strings mode, if you right click on the string on the screen, the program will search for all close strings near the mouse cursor and will display them in the context menu. Thus you can select the desired string by the menu option. Note that if you are selecting multiple strings, you must hold down the shift key when selecting the menu option.
6. The ability to manipulate Viewports has been improved. When a viewport is selected and you click at a point inside that viewport and is also inside another viewport, the first viewport will remain selected and can be moved. To de-select a viewport, press the Esc key.
GeoSurvey V6.31 – 21 December 2004
1. Fixed a problem in DXF import handling polylines with duplicate point co-ordinates on successive vertices.
2. The Groups option has been improved in the way you can drag and drop layers between the groups. The options now restrict the renaming or deletion of the Un-grouped group. Use the Context menus (right mouse click) on each group tree item to change/delete/rename it.
3. The Layers dialog box now allows a Context menu (right mouse click) to access some options on the layers. Use the F2 key to rename a group or Layer in place on the tree. The Delete key can be used to delete any Group or Layer. The Ins key can be used to create a new Group or Layer. The ‘P’ key or double click can be used to display the Properties of a Group or Layer.
4. The maximum number of layers allowed when plotting (Print option) to a DXF file has been increased from 128 to 512 layers. The program now allocates the correct DXF colours for the last 8 colours in the palette.
GeoSurvey V6.30 – 3 December 2004
1. Fixed a problem clicking on tick boxes in Layers dialog box.
GeoSurvey V6.29 – 1 December 2004
1. Fixed a problem in the Layers dialog box when small fonts are used on Notebook PCs.
2. Upgraded the option to convert Sokkia SDR33 data files to .acs format to handle observations properly.
GeoSurvey V6.28 – 2 November 2004
1. Fixed a problem in the Import ASCII File option which could cause a crash if the number of field in the CSV file was less than specified in the template file.
GeoSurvey V6.27 – 28 October 2004
1. Fixed a problem in the Annotated plot which caused a crash on some major lines.
2. The Segments dialog box will now remember its position and not always return to the right side of the screen.
GeoSurvey V6.26 – 26 October 2004
1. Changed the Groups/Layers separator character from a / to a ~. This is because quite a few users had already used the / character in some layer names.
GeoSurvey V6.25 – 25 October 2004
1. Fixed a problem on starting a new job if Layers dialog was invoked, the program would crash.
2. The Road Report has been improved to make the bearing fields easier to read by adding degrees, minutes and seconds symbols.
3. Road Report now takes the road start chainage from the string start chainage value.
4. The String/Insert Road Points will now accept multiple roads in a single operation. Select the roads with the mouse and start the Insert Road Points option, instead of the road name being displayed, it will show “N Strings selected”. The chainage points will be inserted into the roads one at a time.
5. The Strings/Insert Road Points now takes the starting chainage from the string start chainage vale. You can also insert the starting point number to use for the inserted points.
6. Fixed a problem with Strings/Select by Window’ which would not select unclosed strings.
GeoSurvey V6.24 – 22 October 2004
1. The F3 – Show Bearing/Distance function has been changed to select the text in the From/To point fields when the OK button is pressed. This means that entry of a new point number automatically erases the current value.
2. Fixed a problem when reading a job using the new colours. Also the colours used when writing to a DXF file have been changed to allow for the new range of 24 colours so that the DXF colours will match the job colours.
3. A new Groups/Layers option is available to delete a group and all its layers. The existing option will delete the group and move the layers to the ‘Un-grouped’ group. If a layer name clashes with an existing ‘Ungrouped’ layer, its name will be changed with trailing underscore characters until it is unique.
4. The Reports/Road Report will now allow the report to accept multiple roads in a single report. Select the roads with the mouse and start the report option, instead of the road name being displayed, it will show “N Strings selected”. The roads will be added to the report one after the other.
GeoSurvey V6.23 – 18 October 2004
1. The Layers and Groups options have been extended. You can now have several layers with the same name, but not in the same group. This allows for using names like Group=Stage1, group=Stage2, and you can have a ‘Road’s layer in each of the stages. When a group is used the layer name will be presented as ‘group/layer’.
GeoSurvey V6.22 – 28 September 2004
1. A new Select Points menu option is available to select all non-contourable points. Note that this will not select points with no height, only points which have been flagged as non-contourable.
2. When writing a 3d DXF file, the program used to write a point with no height value as a 2d point. This seems to cause Autocad to just repeat the height on the last point read which had a height. The Conversions/Write DXF Job option has been changed so that when 3d points are requested, if a point does not have a height in the job, it will be given a height value of –9999.99 in the DXF file.
3. A new option is available on the Layers dialog box to create and manage Groups. A Group can contain one or more layers. The Group Explorer shows a tree view of the groups and layers. A right mouse click on a group or layer in the tree will display a menu to allow you to create/delete/edit groups and layers. You can also drag and drop layers between the groups.
GeoSurvey V6.21 – 21 September 2004
1. Fixed a problem with the Code Library report which did not truncate the code comments before comparison.
2. A new option is available to select points by a range of height values (min, max heights). It can also select all points without heights by leaving the minimum and maximum height range values blank.
GeoSurvey V6.20 – 20 September 2004
1. A new option has been added to write a 12d data file.
2. Fixed a problem with the release version now having enough space for some large points files.
GeoSurvey V6.19 – 16 September 2004
1. The True Mid Bearings option is now saved to the .acs file.
2. The ‘Ground Distances’ option now also applies to the distances in the short line table.
3. When a job is saved, if the zoom window is rotated it will now be restored correctly when the job is re-opened.
GeoSurvey V6.18 – 15 September 2004
1. A new option has been added to the Conversions menu ‘Write HEC2 File’. This will extract cross sections along a road/drain/sewer and will write them to a .csv file in HEC2 Hydraulic Modelling format.
2. The Annotated Plot has been upgraded to handle True Mid Bearings. There is a new tick box on the “Bearings” tab, tick it it all the bearings will be True Mid Bearings. This only works if you are on a datum.
3. The print Screen option will now plot all the text information to the limits of the paper instead of using the screen size limits.
GeoSurvey V6.17 – 13 September 2004
1. The user menu can now accommodate up to 20 items. It is also enabled even when the program does not have a job open. See the online help for details of how to set up a user menu, index entry ‘User Menu’.
2. The symbols can now accept text items, these will be rotated synchronously with the symbol.
3. The Import ASCII file option will now automatically concatenate multiple fields of the same name. Thus if you import two data fields into say ‘Remark, they will be appended.
4. When reading a .acs file, if the projection/zone is set to “LAT_LONG” the program will treat the incoming X/Y values as latitudes and longitudes in decimal degrees. It will check the longitude, compute a suitable zone and transform the lat/long values to E/N values on the nominated datum.
5. Points Properties Contourable tick box. If this box contains a grey tick, it means that some of the points selected are contourable and some are not contourable. You can set them all ‘contourable’ by clicking till you get a solid black tick. Set them all to ‘non-contourable’ by clicking until you clear the box. You can leave them as they are by clicking until you get a grey tick.
6. Contour annotation can now be displayed up to 4 decimal places, it will automatically truncate trailing zeros.
7. Bearings displayed using the F3 function (Show Bearing, Distance), Radiations Report and Lot/String Report are now rounded to the nearest second to bring them into line with the bearings displayed by the Annotated Plot.
8. The Annotated plan option will now only generate point text for points on non visible layers if the tick box ‘Do Strings/Points on Non-Visible layers’ is ticked on the ‘Annotate Plan’ tab.
9. The default symbol for a system layer is now a cross instead of a triangle. This has been done as triangles are hard to lock onto when the data is exported to a CAD package.
10. When points are written to the design file (.02) the program records the insert layer, it will now record this layer only once and not for every point created. It will write a new layer name (92layer=xxx) when the insert layer is changed. During design file reduction, the insert layer will be set to the nominated layer. If the layer does not exist, it will automatically be created.
11. When points are selected on the screen and deleted, a record is written to the design file(.02). If there are any more functions which should record their point changes to the design file, let me know.
12. When a point is changed from one layer to another a design record (.02) is written.
13. The String Properties option now allows successive strings to be selected with the mouse. It also now displays the string length.
14. the Import ASCII File option prompts have been changed from ‘Start at Record’ to ‘Start at Line’. E.g. A value of 3 tells the program to skip the first two lines in the input file.(usually a heading).
15. In the Traverse option the ‘Bowditch adj’ button could crash the program when computing the misclose. This has been fixed.
GeoSurvey V6.16 – 28 June 2004
1. The print option using a plan form has been improved to be more tolerant of various image files. Note that the images files must reside in the same directory as the program GeoSurvey.exe.
2. If a plan form is printed using an ‘Acs File’ plan form, you can now add images to the plan form by entering a piece of text at the bottom left corner of the image. The text should contain ‘image=image.bmp’ where the image.bmp can be any .bmp file. See Mimaka A4 Plan Form for an example.
3. A new report has been added to the reports menu to list those points and strings which do not conform the String/Point coding system. This allows the user to find errors in the job coding system before transmission of the job to a client.
4. The Export ASCII file option has been upgraded to write out Latitude and Longitude. Not ethat the job must have a datum for this option to work.
GeoSurvey V6.15 – 4 June 2004
1. Traverse entry will now work without any initial point coords, though no points can be calculated until the starting point co-ords are defined, it can still compute the misclose, area and can print the close.
2. The print Travserse now correctly writes the first parcel even when the co-ords have not been calculated.
3. The Print close option now remembers the last used listing file.
GeoSurvey V6.14 – 3 June 2004
1. Added a True Mid bearing display to the ‘F3 - Show Bearing Distance’ dialog box.
2. Fixed a problem in Split string if the string did not have a name.
3. Edit ACS file option now has an extra button to Save the file without closing it.
4. Edit ACS File also has a new ‘Search for a text string button.
5. Edit ACS File also has a new ‘Goto Line no’ button.
5. Edit ACS File now has two extra buttons to shuffle the selected line up(or down) one row.
6. Edit ACS File now has explanatory prompts next to the record types.
7. Zoom All option with one point now places the point in the centre of the screen and sets the scale to 1:500.
8. The stadia reduction for ‘Total Station’ stadia files now recognises booking method 5 on the 24 record.
9. The Annotated Plan spot height option would only work if distances were also selected, they now work if distances are not selected.
GeoSurvey V6.13 – 27 May 2004
1. The program will now correctly print to a PDF ‘printer’.
2. Fixed a problem with entry of points by Latitude and Longitude.
GeoSurvey V6.12 – 19 May 2004
1. A new option has been added to the Points/Geom menu to allow entry of True Mid bearings and ground distances to define points.
GeoSurvey V6.11 – 13 May 2004
1. Fixed a problem where Layers/Erase Unused layers could sometimes erase the Insert Layer and cause the program to crash when saving the job.
2. Fixed the Annotated plan for Point numbers, it now creates point number text.
3. Improved the bearing entry routine to accept the degrees symbol or the decimal point as the degrees delimiter and to ignore any leading spaces if a degrees symbol or decimal point is present.
4. Changed the check for reasonable co-ordinates to -1,000,000 to +5,000,000 for eastings and -1,000,000 to +10,000,000 for northings.
GeoSurvey V6.10 – 11 May 2004
1. Fixed a subtle problem with the display of contours on the screen which could cause ‘random’ lines to be drawn across the screen.
2. The USB dongle support now displays the licensee name and licensed software packages.
3. The Moss translation output has been enhanced to allow 3d or 4d output for points.
GeoSurvey V6.09 – 7 May 2004
1. Fixed a problem reading in a Mapinfo file on a datum and projection.
2. Fixed a problem in Layer deletion where after a layer was deleted an extra press of the Delete key crashed the program.
3. Added USB dongle support
GeoSurvey V6.08 – 12 March 2004
1. A new option has been added to the Annotated Plan to insert Point Number text into the job as discrete pieces of text. The user can specify the angle of the text and the vertical offset.
2. A new Annotated Plan option is available - Point Height text
3. A new Annotated Plan option is available - Point Code text
4. A new Annotated Plan option is available - Point Remark text.
5. A new Annotated Plan option is available - Point Name text
6. A new option has been added to the Edit Traverse dialog box to print the traverse listing to a file (which can then be printed). Note that it printed the ‘Entered (or Observed)’ bearings and distances, not the brg/distances computed from the points.
GeoSurvey V6.07 – 26 March 2004
1. The Foresight conversion option will now convert strings files as well as points file into the current job.
2. The program will now correctly interpret the datum and zone in an old format .dat/.pts file.
GeoSurvey V6.06 – 25 March 2004
1. Upgraded the Compress points option to improve speed on large jobs.
2. A new option is available to read Foresight points files. See Conversions/Foresight.
3. The Strings/Parcels/Traverse Option has been changed to improve the user interface. The ‘Misclose’ option now just calculates the misclose without inserting any points into the job. The ‘Compute Points’ option will now calculate the points using the supplied bearings and distances and will insert the points into the job and will automatically create a string in the job. The strings now honour the curved sides correctly.
GeoSurvey V6.05 – 23 February 2004
1. The Read Civilcad ASC file option now handles points without codes correctly.
2. Fixed a problem in Strings/Minimise Lot area which could crash the program.
GeoSurvey V6.04 – 18 February 2004
1. The option to save the job to a DOS format .PTS file has been fixed.
2. When writing text to a DOS format .STR file the text size and pen is now written correctly.
3. If a job is opened with an incorrect Datum or projection, the program now prompts the user and allows the job to be read in and the projection data is ignored. The user can then set the current datum and projection on the Points menu option.
GeoSurvey V6.03 – 30 January 2004
1. The Transform Job to New Projection option now also transforms the contours.
2. This version reads and uses the first Datum and Projection found in the .acs file. It also erases any redundant Datum or Projection data.
3. When a new job was started, the Projection in the .acs file is set to “None”, this would cause an error when the job was reopened. This has been fixed.
GeoSurvey V6.02 – 29 January 2004
1. The Datum Change option has been updated to use the latest National .gsb correction file in both the forward and reverse directions. This has now been fully tested using the reference latitude/longitude reference points provided by AUSLIG.
GeoSurvey V6.01 – 18 January 2004
1. The Job Settings option now also allows the user to select the Map projections file.
2. A new option has been added to Interpolate Points along a string where the string cuts across the triangles. This can be used to insert extra points along a field boundary to honour the points outside the field.
3. The String/Code formation has been changed in its handling of point symbolisation. It will now automatically create the layer if the layer does not exist and will give the layer the point attributes (colour, symbol, symbol size etc) as defined in the code/stringing file. If a symbolised point attributes are the same as the layer attributes, the point attributes are set to ‘BYLAYER’ so that when the layer attributes are changed later, the points on that layer will use the new layer attributes.
ACSP V6.00 – 9 January 2004
1. There is a new option available to read TDS co-ordinate (CR5) files.
2. There is another TDS conversion option which reduces a TDS format raw stadia file into the job and creates the data point and also produces a listing.
ACSP V5.99 – 22 December 2003
1. There is a new option available to read 12d .PTA files. It will read in the Easting, Northing, height and code for each point in the file. All other data in the file is ignored.
2. The Leica data recorder conversion option now has a tick box to use the new handing of the 41 word records in the gsi file. The old system (unticked) treated the 41/42/43 records as a station setup with height of instrument. The newer system (ticked) treated the 41/42/43 records as code fields.
ACSP V5.98 - 30 November 2003
1. A new Geodetic Datum and Zone structure is now in use. All datums and projections are now defined in a file ‘MapProjections_Aust.csv’ which can be viewed and edited in a spreadsheet.
2. The program would not annotate lines which were shorter than 0.1mm on the plan, this has been changed. Now it will not annotate lines shorter than 0.01mm on the plan.
3. On entry of strings the program will now remember the last string type entered and will default to that type of string.
4. During point, string, text and viewport data entry, a double click will now not display the item properties, it will be ignored.
5. On the Show Bearing/Distance option (F3) you can now use the ENTER key to enter each data field as well as the TAB key.
5. On the Show Square Offset option (F4) you can now use the ENTER key to enter each data field as well as the TAB key.
6. When forming Parcels from Strings the option now allows for ground distances and true mid bearings.
ACSP V5.97 - 25 November 2003
1. Final version frozen before major changes to the Geodetic routines.
ACSP V5.96 - 16 October 2003
1. The triangle formation will now check if the number of contours to be formed is more than 2000 and will display a warning and allow you to abort the triangle formation. This is required to handle situation where you have a wild height value (say 100,000 m) which would cause 100,000 contours to be formed.
2. The Conversions/MapInfo option will now read in a file of geographic co-ordinates.
3. The Conversions/Read Civilcad V5 option now has an extra tick box to optionally allow automatic Lot Formation. This feature was always present but has now been made optional as the lot formation can be very slow for large jobs.
ACSP V5.95 - 27 August 2003
1. The internal memory discon storage has been increased to handle more discon strings.
ACSP V5.94 - 23 September 2003
1. A new report option is available to print radiations to a file. It will allow selection of points with the mouse, entry of point numbers, a point range or selection of points using the ‘Select’ points option.
2. The Show Point Latitude and Longitude are now shown to four decimal places.
3. The Conversions/Read DXF file option will now read the height for a polyline and will apply that height to each point on the string or contour formed.
4. The Conversions/Write DXF Job option will now set the job header values $EXTMIN and $EXTMAX instead of the $LIMMIN and $LIMMAX. This now sets the job extents instead of the drawing limits. This should make for easier reading of the DXF file by Microstation.
5. The absolute maximum number of points in a job has been changed from 500,000 to 1,000,000 points.
6. Fixed a problem in Minor Contour formation, which caused it to sometimes create a minor contour on a major contour level.
ACSP V5.93 - 28 August 2003
1. The ‘Strings to parcels’ option will now use the lot number if a plan number is entered. It will also allow you to optionally overwrite an existing parcel. The Delete Parcel option now does not delete the associated string.
2. The Show Point (F2) option will now display the Latitude and Longitude of the point if a Datum is specified.
3. In the Fixed Point routine if a Datum is specified the co-ordinates may be entered as latitude and Longitude in that order.
4. The Fixed Point and Bearing Distance options will now write the point Height and code to the 02 log file if they are entered. Thus the Reduce 02 Geom File will create the points with the correct height and code.
ACSP V5.92 - 19 August 2003
1. The Write MapInfo file option has been upgraded again. It now writes out Points, Strings, text and Contours. In addition, the line types are converted to MapInfo line types, the colours convert correctly and the symbols are also converted. See help for Write MapInfo option for details on how the output files are structured.
ACSP V5.91 - 17 August 2003
1. The Write MapInfo file option has been upgraded to write out Strings and Text.
ACSP V5.90 - 4 August 2003
1. The data recorder options can now handle extra com ports COM3, COM4, COM5, COM6.
2. Convert Leica TPS1100 data recorder file to ACSP stadia file now auto-repeats the point code.
ACSP V5.89 - 6 July 2003
1. Changed the Angles Annotated Plan to cater for zero length string lines.
2. The screen display will now remove the ‘select’ boxes from points which are moved to invisible layers.
3. The write Isopach option will now only write out points which have height values on both surfaces.
ACSP V5.88 - 2 July 2003
1. The Data Recorder conversion option for Leica TPS1100 format has been changed to use the new 24 character comments correctly. Notify me at once if you use the TPS1100 format and this does not handle point codes correctly. The codes formed are composed from the 42/43/44 words all joined together after leading zeros have been removed.
2. All Data recorder conversion options now write the ACSP version number and the current date and time into the front of the converted .sta file.
3. The stadia reduction has a new option on the code. add ‘+X123’ to the code to force that observation to be to point 123 (observed station). The stadia reduction will treat it as a check shot and will list the XYZ differences on the listing. Enter the point number after the X.
4. A new option has been added to the Volumes between surfaces to generate an Isopach surface. The job is written to a new .acs file with the height values set to the difference in height between the upper and lower surfaces. A contour map of the Isopach job will show contours showing cut and fill.
5. The Append ACS Job now defaults the first incoming point number to xxxx1 so that the point numbers ‘match’ those in the original job. Thus point 1 in the appended job will be given say point number 2001 etc.
ACSP V5.87 - 2 July 2003
1. The Volumes between surfaces option has been changed to make it more tolerant of which job is the upper surface and which job is the lower surface. It also does better checking that the surfaces wholly overlap. The only assumption made is that one surface is totally enclosed by the other.
ACSP V5.86 - 27 June 2003
1. The Conversion/Write DXF file Release 13 code has been changed to include the maximum entity number. It now writes the point code text, point number text and point rl text at the same height(Z) as the point height(Z)
2. The Longsection write to DXF file now correctly handles changes in bedding along the section.
3. Fixed a problem with DXF files written with the Release 13 option which was crashing Autocad Lite (obviously unreliable).
ACSP V5.85 - 23 June 2003
1. The select points by window will now deselect any currently selected points unless the Shift or Ctrl key is held down.
2. The select points by string will now deselect any currently selected points unless the Shift or Ctrl key is held down.
3. When a layer is made non-visible or is locked it will deselect any currently selected points on that layer.
ACSP V5.84 - 17 June 2003
1. Moss output translation has been changed to not output a point code unless there is a point code in the XML translation file. See ‘Write Moss File’ Note 4 for details.
ACSP V5.83 - 15 June 2003
1. Changed Topo/Form Boundary String option to handle complex triangle formations.
ACSP V5.82 - 1 June 2003
1. The Conversions/Write DXF Job option now writes the point co-ordinates and text co-ordinates to 6 decimal places.
2. Strings/Form Section option 1 now forms sections a lot faster.
3. Show Square Offset option now cleans up the construction lines when ESC is pressed to exit the option.
4. Added the ability to work in American Units (feet and acres, and quadrant bearings). The option is on the Job settings dialog box to set the Units.
5. A new Plan Form template system is available. You can now use another .acs job as a plan form. Several sample plan forms are supplied, one for A3 and one for A4 plans. The template job is a standard job which may consist of points, lines and text on a scale of 1:1000 so that 1 metre in the job is 1mm on the plan. Insert the points, lines and text as you require to compose a plan form template. When printing another job, select Plan Form = ‘ACS File’ and then when prompted, select the plan form filename.
6. The Topo/Close Points option can now write the list of close points to a listing file.
ACSP V5.81 - 23 April 2003
1. The Image Orientation option in Zoom/Orient image option has been improved to allow deletion of bad points and now displays the selected points on the screen. Note: problems have been reported when loading images under Win95/98. No problems are apparent under Win2000 or WinXP.
2. Fixed a problem which stopped the program running when very long directory names were used.
3. Fixed a problem with Geocomp files containing curves.
4. Fixed a problem with writing MOSS files with no code translation.
5. Several small changes to the writing of Civilcad V4 files to fix angles. The option now reads non numeric point numbers correctly and assigns a point number to them. The non numeric point ‘name’ is stored in the point name.
6. Fixed a problem caused by zero length lines in the annotation of road changes.
ACSP V5.80 - 17 April 2003
1. The Fixed point routine will now accept Latitude and Longitude values. Note that Latitude values must be negative for values South of the Equator.
2. Angle traverse routine has been improved to allow selection of the start and end bearings by clicking on lines in the job.
3. Volume printout options now add a default .LST file extension.
4. Stadia reduction dialog box now updates the listing file name if you change or browse for a new stadia file
5. The Conversions/Write ACS points option now allows you to select the number of decimal places in the Easting, Northing and Height.
6. The Read .Rd file option can now fit the road longsection to a string in the job. Select the .RD section, then click on the string in the job, the .RD line will be read and fitted to the existing string and the cross section points will also be read and inserted into the job.
7. The Reports/Points and Reports/Strings options have been removed - they are now obsolete.
8. The Print to DXF file option will now write the symbols no matter what size. Previously it used the screen symbol display algorithm which changed the symbols to a dash if they were less than 0.7mm at plot scale.
9. The Conversions/Write DXF Job option will now write the fancy linetypes (> 16) correctly if the ‘Release 13’ option is selected.
10. Angles plots in the Annotated plan now display correctly for rotated viewports.
ACSP V5.79 - 16 April 2003
1. The annotate plan was not generating annotation for lines less than 1mm long on the plan. This has been changed to not generate annotation for lines less than 0.1mm long on the plan.
2. The volumes between surfaces option has now been improved to handle situations where the upper surface has xyz points inside or outside the boundary.
3. the volumes between surfaces listing now includes the Program name, version number and the date and time of the volume calculation.
4. Extensive changes have been made to the online help to provide help on EVERY dialog box and every field. If you find any error or omission please let me know. If you want to improve on the help messages, send me your improved text.
5. Fixed a problem writing Geocomp files.
6. Stockpile volume listing now includes the program name, version, job name and date and time of the calculation.
ACSP V5.78 - 7 April 2003
1. Added an Angles mode to Traverse data entry.
2. Improved the compatibility with Cadastral package data files.
ACSP V5.77 - 9 March 2003
1. The points properties dlg box Left/Right arrow butons now work correctly under Windows 98.
2. Road Moss file code conversion now adds codes to points which cannot be translated and will optionally not string moss strings which start with P.
3. Triangle formation now exit cleanly from triangle formation if you decline to proceed when it detects points which are too close.
4. Filenames can now be up to 512 characters long, this is useful when browsing through several levels of directory names to result in a complete filename which is very long. The previous limit was 256 characters.
5. When a job is renames using the ‘Save As’ option, if the .02 record file is the same name as the job, the program will automatically set the .02 record file for the new job to the new job name with a .02 extension. Note: it does not copy the old.02 file.
6. The File menu displaying the list of recently used files now displays a number in front of each one. The file can be selected by the keyboard Alt/F to open File menu and then ‘3’ to select file number 3. This is the standard way to select recently used files adopted by most Windows programs.
7. Point calculations have been changed so that only some data fields will accept a click on a line. Only distance or bearing fields allow the user to click on a line. For a bearing field, the bearing of the line is extracted, for a distance field, the length of the line is extracted.
ACSP V5.76 - 3 March 2003
1. The plot viewport option has a new tick box to reverse the direction of rotation on HP printers on Win95/98 systems.
2. Fixed a problem with Point on a Curve not writing From point correctly to design record.
3. Road Moss file code conversion now will translate moss codes with wildcards ‘F0*’ will translate ‘F000’ and ‘F001’ etc.
ACSP V5.75 - 20 February 2003
1. A new option has been added to allow loading of an image to overlay the job.
2. Fixed a problem with Write DXF layer conversions which caused contours not to written to output dxf file.
3. Several NTv2 changes
3. The screen graphics and printing on Win98 PCs now clips the lines at the viewport edge. This means that when you zoom in a lot (say 1:10) lines will always display at the correct angles.
4. The plot grid option has been updated to allow choice of colours.
5. The Plot Grid has a new option ‘text Inside Border’ - which moves the Easting/Northing text inside the grid border along the grid lines.
6. The Plot Grid has a new option ‘No Left/Bottom Text’ which removes any grid text along the left border and bottom border.
7. Read a Civilcad V4 file was incorrectly inserting and extra point at 0,0,0.
8. The Layers dialog box has been changed to better handle the change in layout which occurs when ‘Large Fonts’ are used on the Graphics Card Settings.
9. Fixed a problem with Bearing, Bearing intersections with Parallel offsets in course A.
ACSP V5.74 - 6 February 2003
1. Nikon 310 Data Recorder Conversion changed to insert azimuth into the station setup instead of as a separate 25 record.
2. Traverse editing now allows Insertion and deletion of a row. It also allows extra function keys Control/F6=180-angle, Shift/F6=angle/2+90.
3. Traverse editing now allows angles mode to work properly with the first line being treated as a bearing.
4. Fixed a problem with incorrect angles for text being plotted on Win98 PCs. Text angle was reversed.
5. Fixed a problem with annotated plot of angles, angles of 180 degrees were not plotted.
6. Fixed a problem when too many control points were defined.
7. Stadia Reduction dialog box has been changed to automatically supply a default range of points for a stadia job where a range has not been specified by the user. The default is 1-2000.
8. The Conversions/Write Points to a .T26 record file now writes any point remarks.
9. Fixed a problem with Write DXF layer conversions which caused strings not to written to output dxf file.
ACSP V5.73 - 29 January 2003
1. Changed “Form Mesh’ option to improve the dialog box prompts and also to display a progress bar as the mesh is being formed.
2. Fixed a problem with Conversion of SDR raw files to stadia format which rounded the right of target to the nearest metre. This bug was introduced in V5.71
ACSP V5.72 - 23 January 2003
1. Fixed a Text display problem which displayed all the text at incorrect angles and sizes on the screen.
ACSP V5.71 - 21 January 2003
1. Fixed a problem with editing of lots which would display the area without sq metres suffix.
2. Changed Stadia reduction azimuth calculation to handle azimuth corrections near 359 degrees correctly without reporting erroneous azimuth errors.
3. The Strings/Insert Road Pts option will now automatically display the road start chainage for the selected string.
4. Fixed a problem in Convert Points for the rotation angle 0.012 was being interpreted as 0deg 1 min 2 secs instead of 0deg 1 min 20 secs. This has been fixed an now acts like any other ‘bearing’ field.
5. The bearing fields will now accept a decimal point as the first character. Thus it will now accept ‘.1230’ or ‘0.1230’ as 0 deg 12 mins 30 secs.
6. The Write DXF option now remembers the output directory, it defaults to the current job name with a .dxf extension for the output file.
ACSP V5.70 - 17 December 2002
1. Added a new option to the Annotated plan to allow use of Ground Distances instead of Grid (Plane) distances. See the Distances tab in the Annotated Plan options. Note: ground distances are calculated for line lengths (distances), chord distances, arc distances, chainages and areas. When calculating the ground distance for a line, the height of either or both of the end points are used to adjust for height. If neither point has a height, it uses the closest point in the job with a height value. users are warned that Ground distances will be calculated when the Annotated plan is generated.
2. The option to write Civilcad V4 files now correctly writes out the centre points and arc distances.
3. The Strings Properties dialog box now displays the Layers list in alphabetical order.
4. The Bearing Distance option Repeat button now repeats the string as well as the point.
5. The Convert points option will now accept a negative rotation angle of up to -360 degrees.
6. All the dialog boxes with ‘Select Points/Layers’ will now automatically apply the ‘Select’ options to the points, strings, text etc so that any new points/strings are included if ‘All Points’ was ticked or its layer was selected.
ACSP V5.69 - 10 December 2002
1. Fixed a bug in Find Close Points which would cause it not to find certain close points if there were a number of points with very close X values. This would typically happen if your had grid data.
2. The volumes intro warning messages have been changed.
3. A new toolbar button is available in Strings mode to invoke the Traverse option.
4. Stadia reduction was transposing the Horizontal and Vertical tolerance settings, this has been fixed.
5. Fixed a problem in annotated plot which could crash the program if the text size was very large.
ACSP V5.68 - 10 December 2002
1. The Convert Strings to Parcels option now has an option to extract the Lot/Plan numbers from the string name.
2. Insert string function will now correctly use the displayed layer for the second and subsequent strings.
3. An attempt to print a job with no viewport used to crash the program, this has been fixed.
4. Fixed a bug in Lot/String report which could cause a program crash.
5. The program would sometimes ask you to identify the strings definition file once or twice. This was because the strings defn file is stored in the job file and also in the registry. The strings defn file name is now only stored in the registry, not inside the job file. This means that if you copy the job to another machine, you ‘should’ use the same strings defn file as it contains the string code definitions and also the Symbols!
6. The Print to DXF file option wrote the text inside some line types at stange angles. This has been fixed.
7. A new option is available on the Conversions/Write DXF job to optionally truncate lines which approach a circle symbols (symbol 1) so that the lines do not draw through the symbols.
8. The Set Screen Background option has been changed to allow for background colours other than straight black. If the background colour has values of < 128 for Red, Green and Blue, the background will be considered ‘dark’ and black lines will be drawn as white. Also the zoom in/out mouse cursors are drawn in white instead of black. To see the colour RGB values, press the ‘Define Custom Colours button and the RGB values (0-255 each) are shown in the bottom right corner.
9. The Strings - Mouse Double Click action has been changed so that the double clicked string properties will be displayed instead of the segment properties.
10. The Strings Segment dlg box has an extra button to the right of the strings name [...] which will take you to display the String properties.
11. The String Properties dlg box has a button to display the segment properties.
12. Annotated Plan has been changed to allow a new tick box ‘Do Short Lines Annot’. Tick the box to force the program to generate bearing/distance text for every line on the plan, no short line table entries will be generated. This option is only available if the Short Line table is disabled (un-ticked)
13. The program will now accept strings which are defined by Anti-clockwise strings with/without curved sides and will now calculate their area correctly. Previously, it would only compute the area correctly when a string was defined clockwise..
14. The default text/symbol angle for new layers is now 90 degrees instead of 0 degrees (survey brg).
15. A new option is available on the Topo/Data Recorder menu to upload a data file to a data recorder. Select the file to transmit, the output port and press Send. the data file is sent byte for byte without any alteration to the serial port (and presumably to the data recorder). The data recorder must be ready to receive data.
ACSP V5.67 - 2 December 2002
1. The Layer Properties now accept the symbol angle as a Survey bearing instead of (previously) a Cartesian bearing.
2. The Copy Parallel String option will now not copy the point code, remark and name to the newly created points.
3. The Insert Viewports option will now remember the paper size, scale and rotation of the last created viewport and use those values for the next viewport. This option also allows the user to move and rotate the new viewport on the screen and the origin co-ords and rotation value in the dialog box will show the current position and rotation as it is moved/rotated.
4. Fixed a problem under Win98/95 on Point Properties/Interpolate height. The program now displays the interpolated height immediately.
5. The Viewports option now stops the user from entering the same Viewport name twice. This eliminates the problem of identifying viewports when plotting.
6. The Select Points/Layers option has a new tick box. It allows you to output the points on Strings/text on the selected layers even if the points themselves are not on any of the selected layers.
7. Almost all Write Conversions options have been changed to simplify the selected of Points/layers and also to display the number of selected Points and Layers.
ACSP V5.66 - 26 November 2002
1. The Joins Strings button has been added to the Strings toolbar.
2. When files are written to DXF files with layer translation, the contours and triangles will now have their layers translated correctly.
3. The String/Minimise area option has been changed. Once a change is commenced you must press ‘Accept’ to make the changes permanent. A Cancel button is available to ‘undo’ the changes to a parcel. Only one parcel can be changed at a time, then press Accept, then select another parcel to change. This option also writes STAN records for the points which are changed of 02 File Recording is switched on.
4. Stadia reduction changed. Fixed a problem in calculation of observed station azimuth errors. Lined up the slope distance and height of target columns better on listing. Changed check shots to show observed point number in the point number column.
5. Point on Curve option has been changed to display the ‘Arc-Dist’ check box every time it starts.
6. The Copy Parallel String option has been changed to allow strings to be copied with offsets of 1mm or above. It was previously 100mm or above.
7. The Copy Parallel String now allows the entry of a Vertical Offset as well. If the points on the string being copied have heights, the new points on the parallel string will have the vertical offset applied. This can be used for kerbs etc.
ACSP V5.65 - 22 November 2002
1. Delete triangles by window option now works every time instead of every second time.
2. Copy parallel string now allows the string to be selected with the mouse and also allows you to click on left or right of string to select Sign of the offset (+-). When selecting the string, click slightly to the left or right of the string and it will automatically select the correct + or - offset. You must still enter the offset distance in metres.
3. When displaying a string segment properties, the program now displays the bearing and distance of the segment, including the radius if it a curve. Online help for the segment properties is now available.
4. Convert Points option has been changed in the way you select points/layers. The Select button is now always used to select points/layers. The program will display the number of Points and layers currently selected.
5. The print to DXF file option has been upgraded to clip data items at the viewport boundaries. Lines and curves are clipped at the boundaries. Text items are not clipped, any text items which start within the boundary are retained, those that start outside the boundary are not shown.
ACSP V5.64 - 13 November 2002
1. Form Sections by Close points will now ignore points with no heights (Geom points). The string formation will now also be much faster for large jobs.
2. The File/Append option will now operate much faster when reading in jobs with lots of strings. The method used to check the incoming strings has been improved.
3. Point Setting dialog box now turns on/off the logging to .02 file correctly.
4. The Data Recorder conversion option now has support for Nikon 310 data recorder format.
5. Online help has been added for Reading from a data recorder and Stadia reduction procedures. See online help under ‘Stadia Reduction procedures’.
ACSP V5.63 - 9 November 2002
1. Fixed a problem with GDA-AGD conversions hanging the program.
2. Write Landmark option now writes out the co-ordinates to 6 decimal places.
3. Fixed a problem with DXF translation files. If a layer in the translation file was not in the job all the data would be placed onto that layer.
4. The Write DXF option for Release 13 files has been changed to handle Text items properly.
5. You can now insert a degrees sign (°) in text by pressing Control/D as described in the help file.
6. The default condition of the program has been changed to not automatically create a default layer when a job is created. Layers may be created by the user or will be automatically created when points, text etc are inserted.
ACSP V5.62 - 25 September 2002
1. The Read Civilcad V4 and Write Civilcad V4 options have been changed to properly read and write the correct line and text colours. A new sample job has been created ascp_sample2.acs to demonstrate all the colours and linetypes for lines and text. This job can be written to a Civilcad file and then read in to Civilcad to verify that all the colours and linetypes are preserved during the data transfer.
2. Stadia reduction has been changed to store Stadia settings for the reduction into the front of the stadia file on a 21 record. This will store the points range for the job, ‘Include Stns as Points’ flag, ‘Auto repeat codes’ flag, ‘Include Remarks as Text’ flag.
‘Include Stns as Points’ flag when set allows Stations to be defined on point numbers outside the range of point numbers. The ‘Auto repeat codes’ flag repeats the code of the last shot if this code is blank. The ‘Include Remarks as Text’ flag automatically inserts pieces of text containing the remarks for those points with remarks. The Horizontal tolerance distance and vertical tolerance operate as they always have, they are used for tolerance checking on check shots.
3. Changed the Conversions/Write Dxf File option to write the point text at the correct angle and to not use the layer symbol angle when a point angle has been specified.
4. The company name could not be changed to a different value to that in the .xml file. This is fixed.
ACSP V5.61 - 24 September 2002
1. Section Mode - Zoom Parameters now allows entry of a separate horizontal and vertical scale.
2. Fixed a problem with Job Settings where the Company name could not be set in a job.
3. A new option has been added to Points/Convert Points to Shift the job by either an E/N offset or by a bearing and distance.
ACSP V5.60 - 20 September 2002
1. Fixed a problem with angles mode on parcels & Bowditch adjustment. The angles mode flag is now written to the .acs file for each parcel.
2. Points/Cutoff Corner function will now insert the centre point if there is only one segment. This also applies to ARCS routine in Geom reduction.
3. The traverse/parcel data entry has been improved to allow the Left/Right arrow keys to move between data fields. If the cursor is on the left most character of a data field a left arrow keystroke will move to the next field on the left. If the cursor is past the rightmost character, a right arrow key will move to te next field on the right.
4. Fixed a problem with string insert option which could cause duplicate entity numbers. The only effect this had was that some generated text associated with lots would not be generated (e.g. Lot numbers).
5. Fixed a problem with auto pipe insertion for Sewer sections.
ACSP V5.59 - 18 September 2002
1. The Transform Job to Control option now allows the transform results to be written to a listing file.
2. The print Viewport option now allows the Title text at the bottom of the page to be suppressed by un-ticking the ‘Vp name/scale/rot’ tick box on the Print dialog box.
3. A new Point calculation routine is available, ‘Truncate Corners’ which is like the TRUN routine from the Geom Reduction. You can enter the cut-off length or the setback distance from the corner. This function requires two Lines, Line1 and Line2. You can define these lines by clicking on a line on the screen or entering two point numbers. Note that the two lines do not need to intersect at a point. The TRUN routine has been changed to allow any two lines to be defined by two points each, the only restriction is that the lines cannot be parallel.
4. A new Point calculation routine is available, ‘Cut-off Corner’ which is like the ARCS routine from the Geom Reduction. You can enter the number of segment and segment length or the circle radius. This function requires two Lines, Line1 and Line2. You can define these lines by clicking on a line on the screen or entering two point numbers. Note that the two lines do not need to intersect at a point. The Geom reduction ARCS routine has been changed to allow any two points to be used to define each line, you do not need the corner point as the first point.
5. Traverse/parcel data entry now allows Angle mode to be used, Tick the box and the angles between the lines are displayed for all rows except the first one, which is a bearing. The parcel angles mode can be set at parcel creation, or while editing.
6. While the parcel is being entered, it will be displayed in Red on the current job window. When you adjust and accept the parcel/close, the points will be computed and created and a string will be created for the traverse/parcel. If there is already a string for this parcel/traverse, it will be deleted and a new one will be created.
7. A new Strings/Parcels to Strings option is available to convert existing string to parcels/traverse in bearing distance format. The bearings and distances are derived from the co-ordinates of the corners. These parcels/traverse can then be edited and treated like any other traverse.
ACSP V5.58 - 12 September 2002
1. A new option has been added to the Edit/Select menu to select all un-strung points. This option only works in Points mode.
2. A new line style has been added, style 24 was a duplicate of 22 , it is now a fence line with the tag lines sloping backwards.
3. Changed the Strings toolbar button ‘Lots/Areas’ to automatically erase existing lot number and area before creating a new copy. This will eliminate multiple copies of the lot number and area being generated.
4. A new select option is available to select strings by string type (Lot, Traverse, Roads etc). The string select options are now available via the Strings/select menu. The Points select options are now available via the points/select menu.
4. A new select option is available to select unselected strings.
ACSP V5.57 - 10 September 2002
1. The read Civilcad V5 option has been changed to correctly read in arcs where arcs join together. This option now attempts to join the strings together to form lots.
2. Drains and Sewers now automatically create the pipe sections between pits with inlet/outlet levels and automatically delete pipes between pits with bad(blank) inlet/outlet levels.
3. Drains and Sewers display the pits and pipes even if the pit is not marked as a manhole/lamphole and even if the pit diameter is not specified (assumed to be 0.0). The pipe grades are now displayed with a double arrow indicating there is ‘more’ off the edge of the screen.
4. The Points Types have been changed to the following ‘Point’, ‘Station’, ‘Control’, ‘Interpolated’. Interpolated points are created when points are added to a longsection for ‘all changes in grade’. These points will be automatically deleted from the string and the job if the longsection is formed again. This allows a road alignment to be changed and reformed and the old interpolated points are erased and new ones inserted. The same applies for Drains and Sewers. There is a new option on Strings/Functions/Delete Interpolated Pts to erase the interpolated points from a string.
5. Interpolated points cannot selected or edited in Section mode.
6. Fixed a problem in Volumes between two surfaces which did not handle the situation where points on upper surface have same xy values as a point on lower surface but the lower surface point was non-contourable. This situation caused the program to ignore this point. The program now handles it correctly and does not ignore the contourable point.
ACSP V5.56 - 5 September 2002
1. DXF symbol size has been changed to get the correct size symbol in the DXF file.
2. Write MOSS file option now places all the non-string points with the same code on the same MOSS string.
3. Fixed a bug which could crash the program when writing and old format .pts file.
ACSP V5.55 - 3 September 2002
1. The change made to symbol size in V5.52 introduced a problem where the standard first 15 symbols were being drawn at half expected size. This has been fixed, they are back to the correct size as specified by the user. This change has also removed the use/influence of the SYMSIZE=xxx command in the symbol definition. In future, all symbols MUST be defined in a box +-1 unit wide/high and they will then be drawn at the correct size on the screen and printer.
2. A change has been made to the graphics drawing if the PC is running Windows 95/98 to reduce the ‘flipping’ of lines when you zoom right in to a point. This problem is caused because Win95/98 use a 16 bit integer arithmetic while Win NT/2000/XP use 32 bit arithmetic and do not exhibit the problem.
3. A problem has been removed from the 3d perspective view which caused the program to consume all the system colours after a while.
4. New job parameters like title, surveyor name etc can now be entered as additional job parameters, they will be saved in the job parameters section in the .acs file. These parameters can be printed on the plan form by putting %surveyor% and similar keywords in the plan form definition. See online help for ‘Plan Form’ Text section in the online help for details.
5. A new option is available to display the contours in a range of colours or bands, see the contour parameters and tick the ‘Colour Bands” box and the program will display the contours as a range of 7 colours through the range of height values.
6. The program now saves and reads the status of the Contour height Text correctly.
ACSP V5.54 - 1 September 2002
1. The Transform Job to Control option has been changed to make it easier to use and will now automatically search for bad points and remove them from the transformation.
2. New linetypes are now displayed in the drop down list box when selecting a string linetype, linetypes 5-15 have been changed.
3. A new option is available on the Conversions/Write DXF Job option to write a Release 13 compatible DXF file. The dialog box has been changed to better reflect the interaction between symbols and point symbols.
4. The program now support conversion of Nikon V2 data recorder to .sta format files.
ACSP V5.53 - 21 August 2002
1. Several new line types have been introduced, line styles 6-15 have been altered to offer a wider range of line styles. A new sample job has been created to display the available line styles, the job is called ACS_Sample1.acs, see the set of sample line styles on the right hand side of the job. The Print/Viewport ‘Sample Line Styles’ will print the complete set of samples on an A4 page for reference.
2. Fixed a problem with writing strings to a DXF job file with translation.
3. Changed stadia reduction to include fixed points (stations) defined on 26/27 records at the start of a job on the stadia reduction listing.
ACSP V5.52 - 16 August 2002
1. A new symbolisation option is available to specify the orientation of the symbol, enter ‘+O225’ in the point code to orient the point symbol at 225 degrees.
2. Convert Remarks to Text now inserts the Text onto the Current Insert layer.
3. Read27 Records now inserts the Points onto the Current Insert layer.
4. The Scale Points, Shift Points and Rotate Points options have been remove they are replaced by the ‘Convert Points’ option.
5. The Form Lots from Text Centroids now allows the Text to be selected by Layer. It also inserts the lots which are formed onto the Current insert layer.
6. The behaviour of the ‘Select’ dialog box has changed slightly to make it easier to select all the layers or not by ticking the box above the layers list on or off.
7. A new option is available for selecting all the points/strings OUTSIDE the window. Use the option on the Edit menu: Edit/Select/Outside Window, then do a zooming window as normal and all the points/strings Outside the window will be selected(depends on points/strings mode).
8. A new option is available for selecting Points by string. Use the option on the Edit menu: Edit/Select/by String, then click on the string in the main window, the selected string name will be displayed. The Shift/Ctrl key works as per normal to select multiple points/strings. Note that you are really selecting Points, not strings.
9. The Transform Job onto Control now also transforms all data items in the job including strings, text, contours, and viewports.
10. Fixed a few layer problems in 3dd conversion.
11. Changed the scaling of symbols, the symbol size was being treated as a symbol Radius instead of symbol Diameter. Thus an 8mm canopy tree was being drawn as 16mm diameter on the plan, an 8mm canopy tree is now drawn as an 8mm diameter symbol on the plan/screen.
ACSP V5.51 - 15 August 2002
1. The Write 3dd Conversion option has had a few bugs removed for the code/layer translation option.
2. The Program now checks layer names as they are read in and removes any trailing spaces.
3. Trailing spaces are also removed from string names.
4. Better error messages have been added to the xml reading code. If you have problems with xml files, open them with Internet Explorer, it may give an idea of the problem area.
5. Reading Moss and 3dd translation xml files now allow the ‘code’ to be absent.
6. The Import ASCII file option has been changed to require a minimum of two values (Easting and Northing) when reading a point, it previously required a minimum of three values.
7. Removed a problem when reading old format (.pts) files.
8. Removed a problem when printing a points report for more than one page.
9. When multiple points are selected with different symbols, the symbols list box now display ‘* Various’ properly.
10. The String Properties dialog box has been changed to allow strings to be selected by clicking on strings on the main window and the string properties will be displayed. This now operates similarly to the Points Properties. If multiple strings are selected the properties field may say ‘* various’ if the data fields are different for the selected strings. The OK button has been changed to the Save button, make your changes and ‘Save’ them. If multiple strings are selected all selected strings will be altered. Any fields which are left as ‘* Various’ will not be updated during a Save.
11. The string selection for multiple strings has been changed slightly, press the Shift/Ctrl key to select multiple strings. If you click on a string which is already selected, it will be de-selected.
12. The string selection for multiple strings now correctly highlights all points on the strings, especially points which are common to two or more strings.
13. The points selection for multiple points has been altered slightly, press Shift/Ctrl to select multiple points. If you click on a point which is already selected, it will be deselected.
ACSP V5.50 - 7 August 2002
1. The Write MOSS Conversion option has been changed to use the new format XML translation file. It also allows more precise translation options.
2. The Write MOSS Conversion option can now optionally write the contours to the Moss file.
3. A new Write 3dd Conversion option has been added to write data to 3dd files. The option allows use of an XML translation file if required. It also can optionally write the contours to the output file.
4. Fixed a few problems which were caused when the default insert layer was renamed.
5. When Inserting or Extending a string, the program will now not let you click on any other toolbar button until the string is cancelled or Ended.
6. The Write Moss conversion option can now configure the width of the number fields and the number of decimals. Set the required values in the translation xml file. See online help for an example.
7. The distribution ZIP file has been changed so that all the standard config files are contained with another zip file ( within the distribution file. This has been done because some people carefully edit their config files to the way they want them and then lose all their changes when they install a new version. When you install for the first time, unzip into c:\acs, then unzip ACSP_CONFIG.ZIP into c:\acs.
For subsequent updates, just unzip the distribution into the c:\acs directory.
8. The menus have been changed to take more notice of the Mode. Thus if you are in strings mode, you cannot select Points options and vice versa. When the mode is changed, any current dialog box on the screen will be closed. e.g. If you are in Points mode with the Brg, Dist dialog box open and you enter Strings mode, the Brg, Dist dialog box will be closed.
9. The Convert remarks to Text option now displays the number of Remarks converted. A new option has been added to perform this operation for the selected points. Both options have been moved to the Points menu.
ACSP V5.49 - 6 August 2002
1. Moss input has been changed to use the new XML format translation file.
2. The text option has been altered to support multi line text strings. When typing in the string, hit ENTER and then type in the data on the new line. When the string is selected, only the top line is shown as selected. The movement and rotation still work the same way.
ACSP V5.48 - 1 August 2002
1. The Insert Bearing, Distance option has been changed to allow entry of heights, Codes and Strings. Under the ‘Distance’ field is a Height field which can be enabled by ticking the check box to its right. Under that is a Code field which can be enabled by ticking the check box to its right.
2. The Insert Bearing, Distance option now allows automatic entry of a ‘Traverse’ or a sequential series of point numbers, the program automatically fills in the ‘From pt’ each time. Untick the ‘Traverse’ check box and the program assumes you are entering radiations from a point and keeps the From point fixed.
3. If you are in Traverse mode, you can tick the AutoString box to automatically insert the string joining the created points. You can optionally select the string name to be created and the string type. If you break the sequence of points, the program will automatically start another string.
4. Fixed a problem during Stadia Reduction screen when attempting ‘Edit ACS File’ where the named file did not exist, used to crash the program.
5. The Code/Stringing file in Job Settings sometimes would not allow the Browse button to work if the string was ‘C:’ or ‘C:\’. This has been ‘fixed’ by appending an ‘a’ character to te string to force Windows to allow the Browse to proceed. For some reason Windows thinks ‘C:’ is illegal.
6. When a job is started and the STRINGS_DEF.MST string/Symbol definition file cannot be found, the program will now prompt you to browse the disk to find it. This can happen easily when a job is copied from another PC where the .mst file is located on another drive (D:).
7. The program now handles black background better. If a line or text is nominated to be black, and the background is black, it will be drawn in white. It is not a good idea to set all your lines/text to white as they will not be visible when printed to a printer. This switch only works when the background is BLACK (0,0,0) and the line/text is black.
8. Fixed a problem with the program Settings which required the user to hit ENTER twice to exit.
9. When Inserting/Extending a string if the points are selected with the mouse, the focus now stays on the main drawing screen. This means that you can use the arrow keys and zoom/pan keys more easily, you don’t have to manually move the focus back to the main drawing window. If you wish to key in a point number, click on the ‘Pt B’ field and key in the required number.
10. The Points Too Close option now displays the point codes and names if the code and/or name exists for each point.
ACSP V5.47 - 23 July 2002
1. A new option available to create Grid Mesh points has been added under the Topo menu. The user enters the mesh origin, extent and size, the points are interpolated using the triangles and inserted into the required layer. Note: Points will only be created where triangles exist.
2. The Read 3dd file option now converts 3dd point codes correctly.
ACSP V5.46 - 23 July 2002
1. Some changes to the 3dd file translation option to correctly handle 3dd codes.
2. Changed the number of decimal places for the central meridian definition for WA zones to 8 decimal places.
ACSP V5.45 - 18 July 2002
1. The limit on contour formation has been increased from 20,000 to 40,000 triangle cuts.
2. The space allocated for the display of the Northing in the status bar at the bottom of the screen has been increased to handle AMG size Northings.
ACSP V5.44 - 16 July 2002
1. The ‘Conversions/Read 3dd File’ option - the translation file format has changed to an XML format file, see the online help for details.
2. The Program can now read in jobs with geographic co-ordinates (longitude and latitude). Set the datum and zone in the front of the .acs file to
When you read in the job, the co-ordinates must be in decimal degrees, the program will read them in inspect the first point, select a zone and automatically convert all the co-ords to that zone.
ACSP V5.43 - 12 July 2002
1. The ‘Conversions/ACS/Read 27 Recs’ option - when reading 26 or 27 records, the program will not truncate the remarks at column 80, it now allows remark field to be longer up to 80 chars long.
2. The Square Offset distance displayed ‘Dist 1-IP’ is now shown as a positive or negative distance. The distance is positive if the IP is on the vector from pt1 towards pt2. The distance is shown as negative if the IP is on the vector from pt1 away from pt2.
3. Increased the limit on contour complexity from 10,000 triangle cuts to 20,000 triangle cuts.
ACSP V5.42 - 8 July 2002
1. Changed Data recorder SDR2 data conversion to display the correct raw line contents in the event an error is detected.
2. Civilcad V5 conversion changed to convert common point symbols to a cross in Civilcad. Fixed a problem with line styles when a translation file was not used.
3. Stadia reduction would not form strings unless there were 0 errors in the stadia reduction. The program now prompts the user to ask if the strings should be formed even if there are reduction errors.
4. Changed generation of contours to properly handle maximum height contour correctly.
5. The ‘Points Too Close’ option has been enhanced to optionally compare the close point heights by using a ‘Z tolerance’ value entered by the user. When points are found to be ‘close’ by using the XY tolerance test, the program will optionally check the difference in heights and compare it to the ‘Z tolerance’ value. If the XY values are ‘close’ and the Z values are ‘close’ the point is eligible for averaging, deletion etc.
6. The Contour Parameters now allow the Minor Contour height text and the major Contour height text to be controlled independently of each other.
7. The maximum number of points allowable in a job has been raised from 200,000 points to 500,000 points. You can set the job size (and hence the PC memory consumed by the program) in the Program settings option. Any change will take effect when you next restart the program.
8. The Read 3dd file Conversion option can now optionally use a layer/code translation file when reading the 3dd points and strings. See the online help for details.
9. The Read MOSS file Conversion option can now optionally use a layer/code translation file when reading the 3dd points and strings. See the online help for details.
ACSP V5.41 - 26 June 2002
1. Fixed a problem when reading in parcel records which could cause a program crash.
2. Fixed a problem when updating remarks for multiple points.
ACSP V5.40 - 22 May 2002
1. A new ‘Convert Points’ option is available on the Points menu to Shift, Scale and/or Rotate Points, Strings, text, Contours and Viewports.
2. Several extra line styles have been added, , several gapped lines (like --E--E--) for Drainage --(--D--D--), Communication (--C--C--), Optic Fibre (--O--O--), Townsite Boundary (--X--X--) and Security (--I--I--). In addition, all the gapped line styles have been duplicated with dashed lines instead of solid lines. Thus the solid line types can be used for above ground services, the dashed versions can be used for underground services.
3. Several new line styles are available, Overhead Power (---v^v---), High Tension (----v----)
and Tree line. See the line styles drop down box on the strings Properties for samples.
ACSP V5.39 - 21 May 2002
1. A few changes have been made to Civilcad V5 file support to improve compatibility with colours and line types.
2. Zoom Window was not choosing the correct origin in Y during a zoom - fixed.
3. The Conversions/ASCII Import option could crash if the create/edit template option was used.
4. The file is generally locked when the program opens the .acs file. This is to prevent other users accessing or changing the .acs file while you are using it. You can now enter a setting in the acsp_config.xml configuration file to allow access to the file
<lock_file val="N" />does not lock the file
<lock_file val="Y" />does lock the file
<lock_file val="R" />locks the file for writing but allows others to read the file
5. Distances in Feet can now be entered in Feet and Inches format. By default, the program expects the units as decimal feet. To change it you must change the configuration file ACSP_CONFIG.XML and add the following line:
<feet_input val="Feet_Inches" />
The (feet) distances will now be interpreted as fff.iiddd, where
fff = whole feet
ii = inches
ddd = decimals of an inch
eg 100.0575 = 100 feet 5 & 3/4 inches.
6. The user defined zone central meridian is now written to the .acs file to 8 decimal places.
ACSP V5.38 - 20 April 2002
1. A new triangle option is available to form No-Contour areas. Use the Delete triangle option or Delete by Window option to remove triangles where they are not required. Then use the Triangles/Form No-Contour Area option to form a No-Contour area over the area of the deleted triangles. Note: this will not work if the triangles were deleted in a previous session as deleted triangles are not saved in the .acs file.
2. The Civilcad V5 interface has been improved as form info has been acquired about the file format.
3. The ‘Shift Points to Control’ option has been changed to also move the contours(polylines) and the Viewports.
4. Added new Geom Point Reduction routines for SCALE, ROTATE and SHIFT to use the new field layouts. Improved the error messages and the printout. The listing will now only display the ‘Layer=’ information when the layer changes. Changed the way the SCALE routine writes to the .02 file to include the range of points.
5. The Square Offset option now shows the distance from point 1 to the IP as a positive or negative distance from point 1 depending if it is closer to point 2 or not.
6. The Points Properties option has three new buttons, the <-- moves to the next lowest point, --> moves to the next highest point number. The delete button will delete the selected point(s). In addition, when no point is selected the dlg box will allow you to enter the point number, hit TAB to display the point. The Point Properties option no longer closes when the Save button is pressed. You can change the point number at any time by clicking on the point or press ‘Clear’ and then enter the point number at the keyboard and pressing TAB to display the point.
ACSP V5.37 - 16 April 2002
1. The Points Too Close option has been upgraded to include an optional Height(Z) tolerance test.
2. New screen manipulation functions are available: Rolling the mouse wheel pans the screen up/down, the direction now matches other Windows applications. Ctrll/mouse wheel pans the screen left - right. Shift/mouse wheel zooms in or out.
3. A new option is available on Program settings ‘Mouse Wheel 2’, when ticked it makes the mouse wheel behave like it does under Visual Cad.
4. A new way of entering bearings is available, type a / (slash) before the bearing and the direction of the bearing will be reversed. If you type R before the bearing, it will add 90 degrees to the bearing.
5. A new option is available to allow entry of data in feet or Links for certain options. You can specify the Input Units in the ‘Point Settings’ dialog box. This setting will then be used during entry of distances for the ‘Bearing Distance” and ‘Bearing Bearing’ options. The input units in use are shown at the end of the distance data field as ‘Mt’ metres, ‘Ft’ feet or ‘Lk’ links. When a distance is entered by pressing ENTER, the value keyed in will be scaled to metres. This only happens for raw distance values (not by mouse clicks) and only when you press ENTER. If you later move the cursor to this field again and press ENTER it will be scaled again!! Beware!. The indicator at the end of the distance field shows the current units. You can click on this field to change the Input Units to M, F or L.
6. The Lot/String report will now optionally display the Easting, Northing and height for each point.
7. Fixed a problem when reading Civilcad files with symbol types, and sizes.
8. The Export ASCII file option now allows the user to select the points by layers or by point number ranges.
9. Fixed a problem which crashed the program when writing to a DXF file with no triangles in the job.
10. A new Triangle Delete option is available, delete by Windows. Specify an expanding box with the mouse and the triangles whose centroid are inside the box will be deleted. This option is available on the Topo menu and the Right mouse button (floating menu).
ACSP V5.36 - 16 April 2002
1. String formation by code now correctly handles distinction between wildcard codes. It also handles +K close instruction correctly.
ACSP V5.35 - 15 April 2002
1. The Right mouse button menus have been changed to make it quicker to pick ‘Select by Window’.
2. Fixed a problem in the triangle formation which could cause the program to ‘hang’ when handling a point right on the boundary string.
3. Data recorder support for the GRE3/4 has been improved and now allows code translation if required.
4. The data recorder dialog box will now inspect the raw filename you enter and will automatically detect the data file format and set the Data Recorder to the appropriate type.
ACSP V5.34 - 14 April 2002
1. The Print option has been changed. It now prints the visible layers, those which you can see on the screen. There is a ‘Layers’ button to easily allow you to turn on/off any layer.
2. A new option is available in the print option to allow selection of a Plan Form which will be printed on the printer. The Plan Form definitions are stored in a configuration file in XML format called ‘acs_config.xml’. See the online help for more details.
3. The sheet size buttons on the Viewports Properties buttons can now be set by the user into the configuration file acsp_config.xml.
4. Changed Minimum String Area function to accept currently selected string and to be able to handle drawing of ‘rubber band’ lines correctly.
ACSP V5.33 - 10 April 2002
1.Changed the stadia reduction to allow a backsight point following a station setup to recognise the observed stn as an existing point.
2. Sokkia Points upload, when the job name is disabled it will now load the points into the currently selected job in the data recorder. This allows you to add points onto the end of the job. This also allows you to create a job with no heights and upload the points into the job. All jobs created by the upload have the '‘Record Elevations’ turned on. If the job name is enabled, it will create that job in the data recorder.
3. Option to read 26/27/02 file (Conversions/Read 27 recs) will now handle comma delimited records.
4. The program can now handle ‘Large Fonts’ which are often used with Notebook computers. The Layers screen and the Edit Acs File screens have been altered to accommodate the different font sizes required.
5. The Bowditch Adjustment has been altered to apply the correction in the correct direction.
6. Fixed a problem with strings being inserted with no name could crash the program when saving the job.
ACSP V5.32 - 8 April 2002
1. The Form Strings option for checking codes are in the library now correctly handles the + and - signs, it only checks the part of the codes field before the + or - characters.
2. The Square Offset option has been changed to allow the user to select the next fields to enter with the mouse, then click on a point or a line and that point will be entered. The old version forced points to be entered in a particular order.
3. A new option is available on the zoom menu to plan to a Lot/String. Enter the Lot/String name and the program will pan so that string (centroid) is in the centre of the screen.
4. The traverse option now uses the Units for the traverse to compute the co-ordinates, thus F-Feet uses a factor of 0.3048 and L-Links uses a factor of 0.201168
5. The area calculation has been changed to round the area by half of the least significant decimal place, thus if the area is 683.999 and is displayed to 1 decimal place, it will be rounded by 0.05 to 684.049 and then truncated to one decimal place as ‘684.0’
6. Fixed a problem with the new Bowditch adjustment which could cause a program crash.
7. Some versions of Autocad could not read DXF file produced by the print/to DXF file option because the file did not contain line type definitions, these have now been added.
ACSP V5.31 - 5 April 2002
1. MapInfo input – the program can now read in data specified in Geographic format (Longitudes and Latitudes.) If the datum is not specified, the program will assume that it is AGD and the co-ordinates will be stored as AMG values. The Zone is calculated from the longitude of the first co-ordinate in the file.
2. A new traverse option is available under the String menu. Traverses can be open or closed, and the program stores the entered bearings and distances separately in ‘parcel’ format in the .acs file. You can apply a Bowditch adjustment to the traverse and it will be adjusted and inserted into the job as a ‘Traverse’ string or a ‘Lot’ string (if it is closed). Note: the starting and ending points MUST exist, they can be the same point.
3. Points properties had a problem which could crash the program if multiple points were selected with different remarks and/or names.
ACSP V5.30 - 4 April 2002
1. The option to read Leica idx files can now handle point numbers outside the range of the job.
2. The area text is now rounded to the nearest square mm.
ACSP V5.29 - 26 March 2002
1. A new menu option has been added to the Strings menu to form lots from line segments. When reading in jobs from other packages, the jobs are often presented as a collection of lines, not as a collection of parcels. This option takes the text items and assumes that they are centroids (lot numbers) and tries to form lots around them.
ACSP V5.28 - 21 March 2002
1. Improved the option to read Geocomp files so that it joins the line segments together where possible.
2. Added an option to read Leica IDX files. The colours and symbols do not map correctly yet.
3. Annotated plan computation could crash on some complicated curves - fixed.
4. Write smoothed polylines to DXF files now correctly places the height values on each vertex point on the polyline.
5. To select a string, the program will now find the lot with the closest centroid. This makes it easier to select a lot when you have lots within lots.
ACSP V5.27 - 15 March 2002
1. Fixed a problem with editing ACS files which occurred after the file to be edited was reduced using stadia reduction.
2. Write MOSS test with the "Use layer names for codes" ticked was adding comma's between the Eastings and Northings.
3. On the Convert data recorder to .STA file, the ‘Use Field Pt No’ box now remembers the last option you used.
4. Stadia Reduction has been changed so that if no points range is entered, no “02,INIT” card will be written to the .02 log file.
5. Fixed a problem with selecting multiple points and displaying their properties which could crash the program.
6. The Contourable attribute for a point was acting as a ‘Non Contourable’ attribute - fixed/
7. The point text will now obey the layer text angle if the point text angle is left blank.
8. Forming string codes now allows codes which are specified with a wildcard (KB*) to allow codes with no string number to be used (KB).
9. Altered data Recorder Raw file conversion for Leica/Wild to better handle the coding system.
10. Altered the Viewports A2 sheet dimensions to 594 x 420.
ACSP V5.26 - 2 March 2002
1. Fixed a String Properties bug which crashed the program - apologies.
2. Annotated Plan now allows text sizes down to 0.2mm in size and displays text size to 2 decimal places.
3. Several people have reported problems with ‘Edit ACS File’ not saving the data into the file correctly. Some changes were made in V5.22 which should have fixed this. I have added some extra error detection to the code which actually writes the data to the files and renames the files. Let me know if you experience errors. If so record what you did and send me the file.
ACSP V5.25 - 26 February 2002
1. The String menu now contains a Properties option and a sub menu containing all the standard string manipulation options.
2. A new string option is available to Join strings. Select a string and then the ‘Join Strings’ option on Strings menu. Now click on the start/end point of the second string. If you click on the end point of the second string, it is automatically reversed before being joined to the first string.
If you need to join to the start of the first string, press the ‘Reverse’ button to reverse the string and allow the join to the other end.
3. Removed a bug in annotated plan which caused the Lot Number text to be deleted when Area text was generated onto the same layer.
4. User defined Zones are now allowed, Choose a datum of GDA or AGD, then choose the ‘user Defined’ zone and the program will prompt you for the zone parameters. These zone parameters will be stored in the .ACS file when the job is saved if the current zone is ‘User Defined’.
5. Road centreline chainages on curves were calculating incorrectly, this is fixed.
6. Added a start_chainage attribute to the string. Allows the surveyor to specify a start chainage for each and every string for annotation/longsection extraction, default start chainage is 0.0.
7. The Points properties now allows the user to specify the symbol bearing and the text angle independently. The symbol angle now affects the direction of the drawn symbol. The Points properties now can handle multiple selected points properly. If the points have different values, say different heights, the height field will be displayed as ‘* Various’. If a value is entered, that value will be set for all the selected points.
ACSP V5.24 - 21 February 2002
1. Annotated Plot areas for WA LTO are now plotted correctly.
2. Reading MapInfo files now distinguishes LINE data from LIN_NO data.
3. There has been a MAJOR change to the way codes work:
Format general format of the point code is
CodeName + FunctionIndicator - Remarks
A + sign is used to start the Function Indicator,
A - sign is used to start the Remark.
If a function indicator is present, it will be processed as follows:
Cnn = Canopy diameter or spread for a tree (used to scale the size of displayed symbol)
Dnn = Diameter of tree trunk, information only - not used by program.
Hnn = Height of tree, information only - not used by program
X = Observation is a point in the control file/check shot. During stadia reduction this indicates that this is a check shot. (Not Implemented yet)
S = Start of spline - not yet implemented (Not Implemented yet)
E = End of spline - not yet implemented (Not Implemented yet)
If a string between a Start/End spline points has 3 points, a circular curve will be fitted, if there are 4 or more points, a spline curve will be fitted.
N = Point is to be non contourable
R = Point is to have height removed during processing
K = Close string to start point, if a function indicator K is on the last point in the string the string will be closed.
T = Use next point number for orientation of symbol. Take 2 shots, the first shot at the centre of the symbol with this function indicator, the second shot away from the symbol, the symbol will be oriented towards the second point.
* See online help topic Trees for details.
4. The Sections menu now has an option to write the section to a DXF file in real world co-ordinates.
ACSP V5.23 - 19 February 2002
1. The limit for ‘reasonable’ co-ordinates has been altered to allow Northings up to 10,000,000.
2. WA LTO rules are now applied for areas, distances and angles when the plan type = WA and the other setting are ‘* Automatic’.
ACSP V5.22 - 13 February 2002
1. When contours are formed any previous Contour height text values are erased and new Contour height text is formed (if selected).
2. The annotated Plan has a new option ‘Erase All Previous Plan Text’. This option will erase all previously generated annotated plan text for Bearings, Distances, Road Centrelines, Angles, Short Line table etc. Thus if you tick this box, all previous plan text is erased before the new plan text is generated. Thus is you generate a plan with Angle text (G1), then generate it again without angle text (G2), all the previous angle text (from G1) will be deleted.
Note that when you tick an option, say Bearings, even of the ‘Erase All Previous Plan Text’ is unticked, the previous Bearing text will be erased. This is done because otherwise, you will end up with two copies of the bearing text.
3. The Conversions/ACS/Write Points option now has a tick box to select all points/layers as well as a push button to select the details of point ranges and layers.
4. Angles were being treated like bearings and were rounded to LTO rules. They are now rounded to the nearest second.
5. The Edit ACS file now allows any line in the file to be edited as a line of text. This allows card numbers to be changed if necessary.
6. When a stadia reduction observed azimuth was negative, the program displayed an error.
7. When a stadia listing file contained spaces, it could not be viewed, fixed.
8. Contour levels will now be shown to two decimal places where necessary.
9. For a Stadia reduction, if the height tolerance is set to 0.0, no height tolerance checking is done. This will allow 2d only jobs.
10. Fixed an error when writing text to a MOSS file.
ACSP V5.21 - 11 February 2002
1. The Data recorder option to convert a Raw file to an ACS file will now accept Sokkia SDR2x/3x points with no height values.
2. Tree processing is now available. When strings are formed from a code library file (during Stadia reduction or Strings/Form Strings by Codes), point symbolisation is also done. If tree processing is enabled for a particular code, the symbol size will be calculated from the tree spread and the tree type can be used to select a particular symbol(tree) number.
Define the tree processing by adding a ‘1’ as the last parameter for a Point definition in STRINGS_DEF.MST.
Then code the point for tree processing
TR is the code to indicate a tree
- indicates the rest of the string may hold parameters, [Must be present]
H9 = Height of tree is 9 metres
S6 = Spread of tree is 9 metres
D500 = Diameter of Trunk of tree is 0.5 metres
T4 = tree type is type 4
3. A new option has been added to the Annotated Plan to draw the road chainages along the centreline of the road.
4. When editing point properties for multiple points, if they are on different layers the layer will be shown as ‘* Various’, if that is not changed, the points are left on their current layers. If a new layer is selected, all the selected points are moved onto the new layer.
ACSP V5.20 - 6 February 2002
1. The annotated plot truncation option 00’00” has been changed to use the following rules.
90°00'00" becomes 90°
90°05'00" becomes 90°5'
90°05'05" becomes 90°5'5"
90°00'05" becomes 90°0'5"
180°00'00" No angle shown
2. Fixed a problem with Edit ACS file which made it hard to exit from the option.
3. When text is not displayed, it cannot now be selected with the mouse.
4. The Conversions/Write DXF Job option has been radically changed to write out data on selected layers instead of by function.
ACSP V5.19 - 5 February 2002
1. The option Strings/Insert Road Points now uses the "Next Geom
Point" number setting for the inserted points.
2. The short line table bearing and distances are now rounded as per selected ‘Plan Type’ rounding rules.
3. The short line table position is now remembered when a new annotated plot is done.
4. Fixed a bug which caused Civilcad jobs (V4 and V5) to be read in incorrectly and would crash the program.
5. A new option has been added to the annotated plan for bearings and angles. The truncation option will now optionally truncate the bearing/angle text when the bearing/angle is a whole number of degrees. e.g. 90 00’00” is truncated to 90.
6. Some stockpile volumes had incorrect base areas, this was caused by a low setting in the maximum triangle length causing some base triangles not to be formed. This has been fixed by making the triangle formation for stockpile volumes ignore the maximum triangle length parameter.
7. Fixed a bug with the renumber point option which could crash the program, also improved the defaults to be the entire range of points. This fix also applies to Compress Points.
8. Fixed a problem when Civilcad V4 file with the layers, pen number and line styles for string segments.
9. Fixed volume to a base level option so printout works.
ACSP V5.18 - 24 January 2002
1. The URL for the ACSCG download page is now displayed on the Help/About box.
2. The Select Points option now allows multiple ranges of points to be entered. Instead of a start point and last point, you can enter point ranges separated by commas.
e.g. 1-2,25,31-50 which specifies points 1 to 20, point 25 and points 31 to 50
3. An option has been added to the program settings to set the screen background colour for the program. The colour setting will be saved in the PC registry, not in the job.
4. A new main menu category has been created for STRINGS. Several options have been moved from the Topo menu to sit under the Strings menu heading.
5. A new option is now available to form sections using survey points near a string, or by interpolation of points on the string via triangles.
ACSP V5.17 - 23 January 2002
1. Two new options have been added to the Annotated plot.
Do Strings on Non-Visible Layers - When generating annotation text, the program can optionally generate text for strings on layers which are not currently visible.
Do Partial Lines - This option allows the program to include or exclude line which are partially inside the Viewport.
2. A new select option is available - Select All (Points, Strings, Text or Viewports). This option only work when in Points/Strings/Text/Viewports mode. It will select all the Points/Strings... and the user can then delete all selected items with the delete key or change their properties in the normal way.
ACSP V5.16 - 21 January 2002
1. Fixed a problem with ASCII import/export templates, the problem was introduced with V5.15
2. The program now writes all the Annotated plot settings to the .ACS file and reads them in again at startup.
3. A new option has been added to write a Geocomp Points file (.pts) and a strings file (.str). Due to lack of available details on the Geocomp file formats, the files are very simplistic.
ACSP V5.15 - 18 January 2002
1. The Insert point options have been improved in their handling or the ENTER key so that it does not skip fields. During bearing distance entry, if you press ENTER on a blank field, the last entered value will be inserted.
2. The help messages have been improved on various dialog boxes.
3. The Report menu has been altered to place all the three reports which write to a file at the bottom of the menu. These three reports now work using the selected points and layers. See online help for details.
4. Annotated plot has been altered to allow many more options to be selected for bearings, distances, angles and short line table.
5. The Annotated Plot option is now available via a toolbar button on the Text menu.
6. When a point has a symbol number = 1 (circle), the program will now draw a lot side up to but not through the circle. This is intended to allow circles on points in annotated plots.
7. The Annotated plot option will now compute Angle text.
8. The annotated plot option will now compute Arc Distances
ACSP V5.14 - 6 December 2001
1. The write Moss job option has been changed to only write selected points, strings text etc. The option allows all items to be selected, or select by layers.
2. Write MOSS job option text size is now correct, fixed a few other minor format issues.
2. The Reduce Geom 02 design file now allows strings definitions (04 records) to be in the reduction file. The strings will be inserted onto the current insert layer.
ACSP V5.13 - 30 November 2001
1. The write DXF Job Conversions option now writes the triangles as ‘3d face’ objects when the 3d option is ticked.
2. Lot report now prints areas correctly (it printed them as 0.0 before).
3. The Display job statistics now shows the maximum number of points allowed in the job.
ACSP V5.12 - 22 November 2001
1. When a new job is started, the .02 design file will automatically be opened and used.
2. Several new keystrokes added:
Ctrl+B - Insert Bearing, Distance
Ctrl+R - Insert Bearing, Bearing
Ctrl+F - Insert Fixed Point
Ctrl+3 - Insert Centre, 3 Points
Ctrl+A - Insert Arc, Arc
HomeZoom All
PageUpScroll screen viewport up (picture moves down)
PageDownScroll screen viewport down (picture moves up)
F6 - Pan to Point (used to be Redraw)
3. Fixed a problem with Zoom Window toolbar button on multiple pushes of the button or multiple F7 keystrokes.
4. Fixed a problem with Erase Unused Layers which could cause the program to crash.
5. Fixed a problem with import of ASCII file not closing the file when the import is complete.
6. Fixed a problem selecting a string segment after inserting a centre point on a line segment.
7. Added Default Insert Layer selection box to the toolbar.
ACSP V5.11 - 15 November 2001
1. Import ASCII file option now has a new button to set the Insert geom/Topo point number which will be used if the imported points do not already have point numbers.
2. Print to a DXF file now preserves the layers, colours and linetypes for the layers.
3. The Select ‘by Layer/Points’ option now remembers the previous settings. It also has a new option to select points by code. A new Reset button is available to reset the settings to a known state.
4. When reading old PTS files, the translation .mst file option was adding one to the line style used in the job. If the file specified lintype=2, it would used linteype 3. This has been fixed.
5. When editing an ACS stadia file with ‘Edit ACS File’ option, the ESC key is the same as pressing Cancel. The program will now detect if any changes have been made to the file and will prompt you to save the changes.
6. Writing DXF Job (Conversions) now writes contours as smooth contours or straight line contours to the DXF file depending on the ‘Smooth Contours’ switch on the Contours Parameters.
7. Symbols can now have a circle command which is not centered on the symbol point.
ACSP V5.10 - 9 November 2001
1. Road report now works correctly for 80 column listings
2. When a job is opened, the job file is locked so that other users cannot open the job at the same time.
3. When appending an ACS job, the program will now only read the layers, points, strings and text. It will not read job parameters, triangles, contours etc.
4. When appending a job the first point will be inserted as the point number nominated by the user. The old version used the nominated point number as an offset.
5. The Show Point, Show Bearing, Distance and Show Square Offset now highlight the points on the screen by displaying their point number. These point selections override the edit mode (Points/Strings/Viewports/Text). To use the edit mode, close the ‘Show’ dialog boxes.
6. The Show Bearing, Distance dialog box has been altered slightly to handle keyboard entry more consistently, especially when highlighting points.
7. There is a new Conversion option to read 3DD MAF files.
ACSP V5.09 - 1 November 2001
1. Geom reduction of TRUN routine cut off corners now works correctly. Also fixed a problem with the listing alignment.
2. Geom reduction will now read 92Layer=ABC records and place the following points onto the layer AAA. Similar syntax can be used for 95Layer=BBB to the same effect.
3. The program will now write the Insert layer to the 02 record file so that when the reduction is done, the points will be inserted onto the correct layers.
4. The wheel mouse can now be used to pan the screen. Press the wheel down and move the mouse to pan the screen image.
5. The wheel mouse can now pan the job up or down the screen by rotating the wheel.
6. The Stockpile volumes option is now ready for testing - BEWARE! This is a preliminary version - Do not trust the results!
7. The ‘Shade triangles’ parameter is now saved in the job file and is preserved when the job is next opened.
8. The ‘Contour plot increment, roundness and sharp’ parameters are now saved in the job file and are preserved when the job is next opened.
ACSP V5.08 - 29 October 2001
1. Fixed a problem with DXF output of job.
2. The Stadia reduction now allows the user to edit the stadia file using the ACS line editor which ‘knows’ the standard stadia file layout, or using the standard text editor.
3. In Points mode, when points are selected, the program displays the point number and code of the last point selected. It also displays how many points are currently selected.
4. The triangles Parameters option now has an option which allows the triangles layer to be made visible.
5. The Triangles Parameters has a new option to shade the triangles. Each triangle is drawn and is filled with a colour. This makes it easy to see which parts of the job are covered by the triangles.
6. The Contours Parameters option now has an option which allows the contours layers to be made visible.
7. The Contours Parameters now has an ‘Advanced’ option which allows the user to set the contour plot increment, roundness factor and sharp cut off angle.
ACSP V5.07 - 27 October 2001
1. The option to write a job to a DXF file now includes the frozen attribute on the layers table entries.
2. The annotated plot option now places the short line table references on the correct side of the line.
3. The annotated plot option would not compute annotation for rotated viewports, fixed.
ACSP V5.06 - 25 October 2001
1. There are now two settings for the codes/stringing/symbols file, in Job Setting and in Program settings.
The Job Settings option is stored in the job file and will be the default code/stringing/symbols .mst file used with that job.
The Program Settings option is stored in the PC Registry and is used as a default for new jobs and for jobs with no code/stringing/symbols file.
2. Pressing the Enter key when inserting text now accepts the text, it is the same as clicking on the OK button. Note that a DEGREES symbol can be inserted by pressing Control/D
3.When selecting points, strings, text or viewports, you can now use the CONTROL key to select multiple items. Hold the CONTROL key down and click on each item to select multiple items.
4. The program has a new ‘front page’ splash screen. You can click on the logo display to view the release notes, start a new job or view help.
5. The Insert strings option will now allow the last segment to be deleted. It will also allow the tick box to be checked to enter a centre point. It will also allow a range of points to be entered. Enter the first point in point A, then check the ‘Pts To’ check box and click on the last point (or key it in as point B), hit TAB and the program will insert segments joining all points between the first and last point. This is similar to the ‘1 T50’ option available on the 04 record in the old format strings files.
ACSP V5.05 - 18 October 2001
1. The standard symbols definition file ‘strings_def.mst’ has been changed to remove any colours and to scale the symbols to a standard size. The job ‘symbols.acs’ can be displayed to show what each symbol looks like.
2. The frozen option has been removed from the layers dialog box.
3. The Annotated plot dialog box now automatically displays the new layer when it is created.
4. A new toolbar has been created for Topo operations. Move the mouse over each button to see what the function is.
5. A bug has been removed when reading MOSS files.
6. A bug has been removed from the Change Zone option.
ACSP V5.04 - 11 October 2001
1. Fixed a problem with short lines missing in cul-de-sac head, the program though the text was off the sheet.
2. The annotated text now generated circled text for short line table references.
3. The String Copy parallel option now generates the correct 02 design records.
4. The Old ACS Format job translation has had a few bugs fixed when reading and translating strings.
5. The select point option now allows for variable font sizes so you don’t have to point below the point to select the job. This was a problem mainly on Notebook computers where scaled fonts are turned on.
6. The volumes between surfaces option is ready for Testing. Do not use for production jobs yet - it gives incorrect answers.
7. The MOSS reading option now handles ORDR cards correctly
8. The Points toolbar has been moved onto the main toolbar strip. The Icons have been updated and tool tips added.
9. The Strings toolbar has been moved onto the main toolbar strip. The Icons have been updated and tool tips added.
10. The Text toolbar has been moved onto the main toolbar strip. The Icons have been updated and tool tips added.
11. The Viewports toolbar has been moved onto the main toolbar strip. The Icons have been updated and tool tips added.
ACSP V5.03 - 2 October 2001
1.The prompts on the right mouse button to select by Window have been changed from ‘by Box’ to ‘by Window’.
2. The X-Exit tool button on the main screen has been removed - too many people thought it was a delete button.
3. Three new Points toolbar buttons have been added: Delete Points, Select points by layer/range and select points by window.
4. The Delete Points menu option is still there but now deletes the selected points.
5. The delete toolbar buttons for Strings, Text and Viewports all now use the same delete button as Delete Points.
ACSP V5.02 - 24 September 2001
1. When a point is selected, the point number and code are displayed in the status bar. This makes it easy to confirm which point you have selected.
2. The translate old format points files now translates text correctly. The .MST file format has been changed to include an extra parameter ‘String name’. This allows strings to be placed on layers by name or partial name. See Reading Old ACS Jobs in the Help for details or inspect translate_ols_acs.mst.
3. When a point or string is selected, it will not select points or strings on Locked layers.
4. The layers dlg box has been altered to allow for layer names of 20 chars without overwriting.
5. When you exit out, the program now allows three options, Save the Job, don’t save the job or Cancel. Cancel returns you to the job so you can continue.
6. The print a grid option now works correctly.
7. When the viewport was rotated, the lot number and area text would overlap, this has been fixed.
8. A new option on the Edit menu ‘Edit ACS File’ allows the user to edit an ACS card file.
ACSP V5.01 - 24 September 2001
1. Road report had an incorrect Nothing for first point and radius was incorrect.
2. Fixed a problem with the status bar at the bottom of the screen losing the right hand message box when the main window was resized.
3. Several new Function keys have been added.
F1 - Help
F8 - Layers
F9 - Properties
F10 - Points mode
F11 - Strings mode
F12 - Text mode
4. The symbol definitions are now treated as follows:
The Default 16 symbols are always available, built into the program
The ‘Code/Stringing File’ can contain additional symbols
Note that the ‘Code/Stringing File’ name is stored in the job, this can override the job settings.
ACSP V5.00 - 21 September 2001
1. Rotate text option now handles centre justified text (lot numbers) correctly.
2. Insert road points option crashed if you did not click on a string.
3. Report to File - Points option crashed the program if no file name was entered.
4. Strings - Minimum area option now updates the lot area on the screen.
5. Strings, when deleting a point from a string it now draws the rubber band lines correctly.
6. If during Text Insert the text toolbar was closed and then press OK to accept the text, program would crash, fixed.
7. The print Grid option has been disabled due to stability problems.
ACSP V4.99 - 18 September 2001
1. Fixed a problem with printing text to DXF files.
2. The text selection options have been improved. Text can now be selected by clicking anywhere inside the text area.
3. Delete strings option would start the Minimise lot option after deleting the string, fixed.
4. The Point option for Arc-Bearing was not recording the auxiliary point in the .02 design file, fixed.
ACSP V4.98 - 7 September 2001
1. When reading an old PTS file job, the topo points and geom points are automatically placed on separate layers, ‘Topo Points and ‘Geom Points’.
2. Minor and major contours can now be placed onto separate layers.
3. When printing to a DXF file the topo spot height text now is written to the same layer as the symbol.
4. The string menu will now display a Properties option on a right hand mouse click.
5. Fixed an obscure problem which caused incorrect text angles to be printed under Windows95 when printing to a printer.
6. The extend a string option now works correctly.
7. When a lot string is altered using the string functions, the area is recomputed.
8. When a string is deleted, it is erased from the screen.
9. When ‘select by Window’ is used, only visible object will be selected.
ACSP V4.97 - 6 September 2001
1. When generating Lot Number and Area text for lots, the text will now be rotated to be parallel to the bottom line of the selected viewport. Thus if that view port is printed, the text will be printed parallel to the bottom of the page (horizontal).
2. When writing contours to a DXF file, the contour RL text uses the text size from the contours layer.
3. The option to read a DXF file can now read polylines with curves.
4. The program will now adopt the System window colour for the background of the drawing window.
5. The Read DXF file option now has a progress bar. This is needed as reading in large DXF files can take a few minutes.
6. A new option has been added to detect and remove close points. This is in the Topo\ Contours\ Find Close Points menu option. The new option allows you to average the points, adopt the first point, the second point or to make them non-contourable. When you select one of the two points, the other point number is substituted into any strings where the deleted points appears.
7. The Read DXF option can now optionally read polylines as Strings or as Contours. If they are read as strings, the text can optionally be treated as lot names and the lots will be formed.
ACSP V4.96 - 31 August 2001
1. The Annotation options are now remembered from one run to the next.
2. The Short Line Table re-positioning now works immediately when you click the mouse in the main screen.
3. The point properties option will now allow the user to click on a point in the main screen and the point details will be shown in the propertied dialog box. (Note: you must save any changes you have made before clicking on another point).
4. The point properties option will now change multiple points at a time. When multiple points are selected (hold down shift key and select more points), certain fields can be changed so that the changes affect all selected points. These data fields are highlighted in pink when multiple points are selected.
5. A new option Topo\Roads\Insert Road Points will insert points along a road/drain/ sewer/traverse string at even chainage points.
6. A new report is available to print a listing for a Road centreline showing the chainage, deflection angles, point co-ordinates and included angles.
7. The Conversion/ACS/Write Points option will now write points in comma delimited format.
8. When reading a string from the input file the program automatically closes the lots and was incorrectly setting up the co-ords for the last point, this caused a crash when the string was edited.
9. The Report on Lots now optionally prints the included angles for WA users!
10..Fixed a problem when writing to a MOSS file and text is attached to a point, the program previously inserted an incorrect Easting.
11. During stadia reduction, the point tolerance has been fixed to also handle negative values.
12. When printing to a DXF file the program will now use the layers as defined for each object. Topo points will go out to the layer to which they are attached etc.
13. When reading in a DXF file, the Conversions/Read DXF option will automatically treat polylines as strings (not as contours) and it will automatically treat pieces of text near the centroid of a closed string as the lot number/name.
ACSP V4.95 - 22 August 2001
1. During string entry, a right mouse button now displays the menu with new options: End String, CentrePoint, Cancel, UndoSegment and zoom functions.
2. The option to Print to a DXF file has had a number of problems fixed: All items in the viewport are now written to the file. The viewport origin text is not rotated. Text is now rotated correctly even when the viewport is rotated.
3. The Short Line Table data is now stored in the .ACS file for use next time the job is started.
ACSP V4.94 - 14 August 2001
1. The Design file (02 records) is now set ON by default for a new job.
2. The design file name is always displayed as the job name with an ‘.02’ extension.
3. During string entry, a right mouse button now displays the menu with new options: End String, CentrePoint, Cancel, UndoSegment and zoom functions.
4. When screen redraw is done during string entry, the ‘rubber band’ line to the mouse is now drawn properly.
5. When printing a sheet to the printer the rotation is now printed in the bottom left corner after the scale. This is also ‘printed’ to a DXF file if selected.
6. When reading in a .ACS file, if a piece of text contained a comma or equals sign, the equals sign or comma was ignored. This has been fixed.
7. The Read DXF file option will now read in polylines. It will also read the entity attribute for the polyline and get a unique entity for each contour.
8. An error has been fixed in Reading Civilcad V4 files. The program was forming illegal strings when trying to join string segments into a continuous string.
ACSP V4.93 - 7 August 2001
1. The short line table is now printed when the print option is used to a printer or to a DXF file.
ACSP V4.92 - 6 August 2001
1. The short line table generated in the Annotated Plan option is now placed in the bottom right corner of the Viewport. The text in the table will now draw at all zoom scales and the display orientation now allows for the Viewport that was used to generate it, and the screen orientation.
2. There is a new option on the Edit/Short Line Table menu to allow manipulation of the short line table. You can click on the screen to define a new Easting Northing position (of bottom left corner of the table). You can also select the colour, font, text size and layer.
Note: The short line table data is NOT stored in the .acs file yet!
ACSP V4.91 - 2 August 2001
1. Fixed a display problem in Windows95 which caused the system fonts to disappear.
2. The annotated text option now optimises the text on lines shared between lots and writes the bearing and distance only once to straddle the line.
3. A new string option is available from the string toolbar to Split a string. Select a string, then select a point on the string, the point will be highlighted with a larger black square. Then press the split button and the string will be split into two strings.
4. A new string option is available from the string toolbar to Extend a string. select the string to extend, then press the Extend button, the program will then allow you to add extra segments to the end of the string. If you want to add segments to the start of the string, use the Reverse button to reverse the string first.
5. A change has been made to the font handing for Windows95 to stop the program consuming all the Windows95 font resources. Please report any further problems under Windows95.
ACSP V4.90 - 27 July 2001
1. When reading old ACS Points file job, the program did not handle bad height values properly.
2. When reading old ACS Points file job, the symbols were not displayed on the screen initially.
3. The stadia reduction low prints the azimuth correction on the listing when the station setup azimuth is blank and the first observation is to a known station.
ACSP V4.89 - 25 July 2001
1. When you 'print' to a DXF file, the job name and job scale are now plotted at the bottom left corner.
2. When forming a boundary string, the program sometimes crashed. If there is an existing boundary string, it will not form another one. Note that the triangles are required to assist with the formation of the boundary string.
3. When inserting string, now all strings are added to the ‘Insert layer’.
4. The Read DXF file option will now read POLYLINE and LWPOLYLINE entities. There are certain restrictions on the strings such as: * no curves; * all segment linetypes are CONTINUOUS
5. The Write DXF file option can now write POLYLINE entities.
6. Fixed a problem with Read DXF file option which crashed the program after reading in arcs.
7. There is now a warning that a point exists in the job if it is about to be overwritten by a Points->Geom-> insert routine.
8. The conversion of Leica TPS1100 data recorder file to ACS stadia format has been changed to auto repeat codes and fix a problem with target heights.
ACSP V4.88 - 10 July 2001
1. When reading Viewports from the .ACS file the program would display an error if the rotation was not a seven digit rotation, >= 1000000. This has been fixed.
ACSP V4.87 - 5 July 2001
1. Triangle formation option changed to handle a larger number of discon segments.
ACSP V4.86 - 28 June 2001
1. The option to print to a DXF file has been changed to be compatible with Autocad LT.
2. The strings option to form a parallel string has been improved to handle curves.
3. The MOSS interface has been improved for reading in MOSS files.
ACSP V4.85 - 27 June 2001
1. Error messages improved when reading a job with too many points.
2. Contour formation changed to accommodate much larger jobs with many triangles.
ACSP V4.84 - 14 June 2001
1. The program will now read and convert the Leica TPS-1100 format data recorder (.gsi) files to ACS format stadia files.
2. Fixed a problem with symbol file and library code file.
3. The read DXF file now converts m} at the end of a piece of text to m2
ACSP V4.83 - 27 May 2001
1. Points->Transform Job onto Control has been enhanced so that the [CONTROL POINTS] and the [POINTS] sections of the Control Point file are searched for the requested control points.
2. Writing “old format” ACS jobs (.PTS files) has been fixed. There was a problem with writing the associated “.T60” file.
3. The “next point number” is now displayed when creating an new point by Bearing/Bearing intersection.
4. Conversions->Geocomp->Read Geocomp changed so that the associated “.LTO” and “.STR” files are now optional during Geocomp conversion.
ACSP V4.82 13 May 2001
1. The “default insert layer” is now used when inserting new strings and text.
2. Correct the tab order in the “Insert String” dialog box.
3. Changed code library defaults when the code file is read in. The defaults for string style is now BYLAYER, string colour is now BYLAYER and string thickness is now BYLAYER.
4. Selecting points/strings/text/viewports by Edit->Select->by Window is now limited to visible points/strings/text/viewports only.
5. When choosing a job datum using File->Job Settings->Datum, ISG Zone 562 is now selectable when the chosen datum is AGD.
ACSP V4.81 26 April 2001
1. When creating a new job, the program will check if the job name already exists and will warn the user that the job will be overwritten. The user can then proceed or choose another job name.
2. Fixed a problem with the cursors not working.
3. Writing DXF files now includes the symbol definitions.
ACSP V4.80 19 April 2001
1. New option in the Edit menu (Edit\Text\Remarks to Text) which will convert all remarks for point into text strings attached to the point.
2. New option to form a parallel string. The last button on the Strings toolbar will allow you to form a new string offset to the left or right of an existing string.
3. The program remembers the screen location of each toolbar so that it will appear in the same location each time it is displayed. Sometimes the toolbars ‘get lost’ off the screen. There is now an option (Edit\Find the Toolbar) to locate the toolbar and move it to the right hand side of the screen window.
4. The Data Recorder Conversion for GRE3 files can now handle files containing x,y,z points as 11,81,82,83 words.
5. A problem has been fixed in Writing a job to a DXF file using Conversion\DXF Files\Write DXF Job. The program did not write the symbols to the DXF file, this has been fixed. Note that all symbols for points selected in the ‘Select Points/layers’ will be written to the output DXF file. Also see the ‘Details’ options.
ACSP V4.79 16 April 2001
1. New option to convert Leica TPS1100 data recorder files to ACS format.
ACSP V4.78 5 April 2001
1. Fixed a problem with Renumber Points which stopped valid point ranges being accepted.
2. Form strings would not accept a point number range correctly.
3. Bearing and distance points created with the Repeat option are now written to the 02 record log file.
4. During stadia reduction, if the observations to known station also contain a point number, it is now ignored.
5. The stadia reduction now makes two passes of the stadia file, the first pass reads all the control/station definitions on 23, 26 or 27 records. The second pass performs the reduction. This means that any control/stations can be placed in any order in the file.
6. The stadia reduction will handle multiple definitions for control/stations. If the subsequent station definitions differ, an error will be displayed.
7. The option to form strings will now work without a code library and will form strings joining all points with the same code.
8. Fixed a problem with storage of filenames in the job file which caused double backslashes to be stored.
ACSP V4.77 23 March 2001
1. The Import ASCII file option now allows the “Dash for Code-remark’ option which will search the code field for a dash ‘-‘ and split the code field with the first part as the code and the last part as the remark. If there is an existing remark, the last part of the code field will be pre-pended to the remark.
2. Added a new button to the Strings toolbar to turn on lot numbers and areas.
3. The Stadia Reduction dialog box has been simplified for the options to check codes and to form strings.
4. The geom reduction has been altered to insert points correctly into the job.
5. Stadia conversion from Sokkia SDR format to .sta files was inserting extra strange characters at the end of bearings.
ACSP V4.76 26 February 2001
1. The program was not writing old format .PTS files correctly, if a point had no height, it was given a height value of 1234567892.0. This has been fixed.
2. Fixed a problem with point number allocation.
3. Restructured how the points are handled internally, beware of any points problems.
ACSP V4.75 6 February 2001
1. The option to renumber points optionally allows the point numbers to be compressed.
2. When points are renumbered, the triangles built on those points are now changed to use the new point numbers.
3. Geodimeter file conversion to ACS format will now optionally split the code into a code and remark at the – character.
4. Fixed a problem with upload of points to SDR2 data recorder.
5. A new option has been added to convert co-ordinates from GDA to AGD and vice versa. The program requires a separate DLL provided by University of Melbourne called GDAit.DLL and also requires a grid correction file for your state. See the LPI web site for transformation grid files for most states.
6. The Change Zone option now also moves the viewports.
ACSP V4.74 6 February 2001
1. Fixed a problem when reading from data recorder which left the serial port in an unusable state so that the software lock could not be detected again.
2. Changed the way the job is saved. When saving to a file it saves to a temporary file acs.tmp, then it will rename the old copy of the job to job.acs_last, then it renames the acs.tmp file to the proper name job.acs. This should stop the problem of losing the job if it crashes when saving the file. You will end up with:
job.acs – the latest version of the job
job.acs_last – the last version of the job
If it crashes during the job save, the last copy will be left alone, there may be some data in acs.tmp.
ACSP V4.73 1 February 2001
1. IMPORTANT: Automatic backup is turned off. Make sure you regularly press Save to save your job.
2. For Zone Transformations, the list box was not displaying the last two zones, fixed.
3. For Sokkia conversion to ACS format, the conversion offers a new option to merge the code and remark together and re-separate them using the ‘-‘ character as the separator.
4. Transform Job to Control results list box is now scrollable so you can view the results properly.
5. The program will now ask you to save the data when ever you exit the job, even if you have not changed anything.
6. Changed string code so that point symbolisation places the points onto the correct layers where there are ambiguous layer names.
7. Fixed a problem in point properties which would cause it to display the wrong layer name for the point.
8. When you change Points/Strings/text/Viewports mode all currently selected items are un-selected.
9. Fixed a problem with setting Layer symbol and symbol size. The program was not recording user settings correctly.
10. Fixed a problem when reading height values from old ACS points files.
11. The renumber points option will now renumber points to lower point numbers. Note that as points are renumbered into the new range they are ‘compressed’ and will automatically skip any existing points in that range.
ACSP V4.72 25 January 2001
1. The Job Settings for Working directory and Code Library File now affect all options in the program which read or write files. All input or output data files will by default come from the Working Directory. All reference file (.MST, .TEM) files will come from the Library directory.
2. The Points Properties option now displays all the features of a point in one dialog box. This simplifies access, especially to the point symbol. Help is now available for point properties.
3. Some changes have been made to the screen drawing code to stop the strange lines appearing when the job is zoomed in. This is caused by the Win95/95 system having a 16 bit graphics engine instead of the 32 bit engine in WinNT/Win 2000.
ACSP V4.71 23 January 2001
1. When a triangle is deleted, the job is marked for saving.
2. The previous filenames in the File menu now all work ok, previously on the first four jobs would work.
3. Have included the WA transformations for GMA and updated their AMG values.
The program now presents the appropriate parameter list depending on whether the
Geoid is AGD or GDA.
4. Default data recorder download file is now a .RAW file.
5. All Grids are now displayed in the Zone Grids list box.
6. When downloading from data recorder to the PC, the data is now displayed on the screen as it is received.
7. When a job is appended to the current job, the symbols from the second job will be ignored. The program will continue to use the symbols from the first job.
ACSP V4.70 5 January 2001
1. Layers details can now set the text font and size.
2. Text editing/entry and now elect to use the ‘By Layer’ flag to use the colour, font, text size etc from the layer.
3. A new select option ‘Edit/Select/by Box’ allows selection of all the points/strings/text/viewports in an expanding ‘zoom’ box on the screen. Hold down the Shift key when selecting points individually with a direct mouse click or on an expanding box to keep the currently selected points and to add the newly selected points. This option is also available on the right button menu.
4. A new select option ‘Edit/Select/by Viewport’ allows selection of all the points/strings/text in a viewport on the screen. This option is also available on the right button menu.
5. The View/Job Statistics now displays the points usage in graphical format. Each Red stripe is a Geom point, each Green stripe is a Topo Point. Unused areas are shown in white.
6. When editing strings, the centroids for lots are now highlighted. The centroid can be moved with the mouse and the highlight box moves with the mouse.
7. For Sokkia conversion to ACS format, the conversion offers a new option to merge the code and remark together and re-separate them using the ‘-‘ character as the separator.
8. The help messages for the Layers dialog box have been upgraded.
9. The Contour parameters options have changed to place all contours(polylines) on one layer. A new option has been added to optionally generate contour height text strings. The contour height will be inserted as a piece of text at the start of the contour. The text font, size and colour are controlled by the layer. When the contours are deleted, the text is also deleted.
10. When a lot is deleted which has a lot number and area, the lot number and area for that lot are also deleted.
ACSP V4.69 14-Dec-2000
1. When opening a file with errors in the ACS file, the program now allows the user to abandon the job at that point. Note that any data read in will be available.
2. When the triangles layer is deleted, the triangle mesh and the contours are deleted.
3. If the job name or path is illegal the program will now display a warning when the job is saved.
4. When writing a report to a file, the program will prompt the user before overwriting an existing file. The new listing can replace the existing file or can be appended to the existing file.
ACSP V4.68 6-Dec-2000
1. The layers dialog box now has extra check boxes to turn on or off the Point symbols, point number and point heights for each layer. Check or uncheck the box an press the Apply button to make the change take effect.
2. The layers dialog box now has some extra check boxes to turn certain features on/off for all layers. You can turn on/off Visibility, Symbol, Point Number, Point RL and Point Code. Click the check box above the required option and press the Apply button to make the change take effect.
3. When uploading points to an SDR data recorder, the program will now add the job name.
4. When saving a job with the ‘Save As’ option, if the job already exists, the program will warn the user and allow you to abandon the Save As function.
5. The Write Civilcad dialog box browse button now works.
6. A bug has been removed which caused the Annotated plot to sometimes not create the bearing and distance text.
7. The ‘Form String by Code’ option has been changed to be able to form strings without a code library. Enter the code, string type and string layer to form string using points with that code. If the entered code is blank, all point codes will be used.
8. The Annotated Plan option has been reworked to eliminate several problems. The Plan types are now honoured correctly and the short line table will be reliably generated.
ACSP V4.67 30-Nov-2000
1. Text written to DXF file is now set to the correct angle.
2. Fixed a problem which crashed the program when writing MOSS files.
3. When a job is appended to the current job, the work directory is not changed.
4. When reading or writing a job, if any string do not have any lines an error will be displayed.
5. When triangles are read in, they are checked for validity.
6. When editing text, the angle will now be 0-360
ACSP V4.66 28-Nov-2000
1. Fixed a problem with Geodimeter angle conversions and added two more Geodimeter codes..
ACSP V4.65 22-Nov-2000
1. Improved diagnostics on the software lock detection for Windows. If an error is detected on the serial port, an error message will be displayed.
2. Improved tolerance for selecting text during change or insert of text.
3. Fixed a problem with writing the triangles to the ACS file.
4. Civilcad Import V4 changes: Max layer name length is set to 6 characters. The maximum number of line segments is now 50,000. The points, strings and text are now placed on the correct layers. The default layer for points is ‘Geom Points, for string is ‘Strings’ and for text is ‘Text’.
5. The option to write a DXF file has been changed in the layer conversion to allow the point number, symbol, code and height to be written to different output layers. You must change the layer translation file ACSP_DXF.MST to direct these items to certain layers. See Layer/Code Translation for details.
ACSP V4.64 14-Nov-2000
1. Geodimeter conversion with activity codes now converts the last observation correctly.
2. Stadia check shots now print the reference stn co-ords.
3. The code library check now print error messages for each code error and counts the errors.
4. A certification statement has been added to the bottom of the reduction listing.
5. Check shots now print more details of the shot
ACSP V4.63 13-Nov-2000
1. Geodimeter conversion changed to handle activity codes differently when stations are defined and station setups are made with backsights to known stations.
ACSP V4.62 2-Nov-2000
1. Entry of Bearings now correctly handles R character from keyboard to rotate bearing by 90 degrees.
ACSP V4.61 26-Oct-2000
1. Option to write DXF(Autocad) files can now write some strings as polylines. It writes any string which has no curves, all line segments are solid line and are the same colour.
2. Triangles are also written to the DXF file as polylines.
3. The DXF output also translates the layers for strings and text as well as points.
4. The strings are automatically checked for duplicate points and repaired if necessary.
5. The append ACS file option would corrupt the symbols on existing layers – fixed.
ACSP V4.60 19-Oct-2000
1. Altered Geodimeter raw file conversion to remove azimuth record.
2. Fixed point option now starts on the Easting field.
3. The option to set the Editor to use Edit/Edit File – now remembers your chosen editor correctly.
4. The Job Settings option to select the work directory now works correctly.
5. The Import Ascii file option now displays the default template correctly.
ACSP V4.59 16-Oct-2000
1. Fixed a problem with selection of points and Properties button.
2. If a job did not have a lot as the first string, the annotation would not be formed.
3. Fixed a problem with printing to a DXF file – program would display lots of errors.
ACSP V4.58 12-Oct-2000
1. Fixed problem when writing annotated text seconds symbol “ to job file and reading it back again. The program now allows test strings to contain quotes.
2. Added the ability to specify text in a symbol and the text angle.
ACSP V4.57 11-Oct-2000
1. Writing a Geodimeter points file now only includes one CR character.
2. Geodimeter upload of points will ignore point heights if the ‘use heights’ box is not ticked.
3. Fixed a bug in Writing Civilcad V4 points data.
4. Option to read data from data recorder has been altered to display better prompt messages, to display the data during the transfer and to disable all buttons during the transfer.
ACSP V4.56 5-Oct-2000
1. Annotated plot now places item on correct layers except for distances, they always go on Bearings layer for the present.
2. Trimble output file has the 7 parameter transformation altered. The default file extension is now .DC
ACSP V4.55 5-Oct-2000
1. Geom points options altered to make the cursor start on the second data field.
2. Geom points options altered to make it accept ENTER to compute the point.
3. Program now searches ACSP.EXE directory and the work directory for the symbols file and other translation files.
4. Double click in Explorer will now activate the program and open the job. .ACS files need to be associated with the ACSP.EXE program. This can be done in Explorer\View\Options\File Types, then New Type button, then
Description of Type: ACS File
Associated Extension: ACS
Action: Open
Application: type in the full path of the ACSP.EXE
5. The program can now be started from the command line “ACSP job”, where job is the name of the job.
6. The DXF/Write Triangles option has been removed from the menu as it is now available using the DXF/Write Job option.
ACSP V4.54 3-Oct-2000
1. Altered string formation (stadia) routine to form layer line style and thickness correctly.
2. Changed code to read Lots and Boundaries to handle the closing line correctly.
3. The Points toolbar now ‘remembers’ its position each time it is opened.
4. The Strings, Text and Viewports toolbars now remember their positions.
ACSP V4.53 28-Sep-2000
1. Automatic formation of triangles layer when triangles are formed.
2. The Edit/Annotated Plan option will now compute the lot areas and lot number text. The lot number text will be placed on the ‘Lot Numbers’ layer. Turn this layer on or off as required.
The areas will be computed and placed on the ‘Areas’ layer as text. When a lot is edited, the lot number text and area text will be updated with the latest values.
3. A special translation option for old jobs has been added for Whelans, see index ‘Whelans’.
4. Fixed a bug in writing straight line contours to DXF file. Closed contours are now written correctly.
ACSP V4.52 27-Sep-2000
1. Added a missing symbol ‘3’ which is the ‘+’ symbol. Also changed the default symbol for new layers to a ‘X’ symbol (‘4) so that Geom and Topo points will be displayed as X crosses instead of circles unless you specify another symbol.
ACSP V4.51 26-Sep-2000
1. Fixed a problem with program not reading old jobs.
2. Fixed a problem in stadia reduction which caused a crash if a duplicate point was found.
3. When points get too small to be displayed, they are represented by a pair of pixels on the screen. When text gets too small to display, it will be replaced by a line.
ACSP V4.50 24-Sep-2000
1. Geodimeter conversion to ACS stadia format now auto detects activity codes and outputs the stations and observations when it finds the activity code.
2. Option to send point to Recorder can now output data to a file. It can handle Sokkia data recorders and geodimeter.
3. Fixed a problem in reading/writing polylines.
ACSP V4.49 15-Sep-2000
1. Added Contour Parameters option to control display of contours on the screen.
2. DXF output can now write contours as polylines and triangles.
3. Added Triangle Parameters option to control display of triangles on the screen.
4. The annotated plot will now generate a short line table to the right of the job.
5. New Stadia option added to lead users through the stadia procedure, read from data recorder, convert file to Acs format, reduce stadia.
ACSP V4.48 12-Sep-2000
1. Convert Sokkia file to .STA file now works.
2. Stadia reduction changed not overwrite existing points (skip) in the reduction range.
3. For Sokkia conversions, see help for notes of the conversion.
4. Editing layers sometimes corrupted the font name and caused the program to crash – fixed.
ACSP V4.47 2-Sep-2000
1. Option added to Layers dialog box to erase unused layers
2. When a new job is started, the 02 filename is set to the new job name.
3. String properties will now display a radius error when a single string is selected.
4. Delete layer now works again.
5. Default stadia reduction tolerances set to 0.025m
6. The way Viewports is selected has been improved, click anywhere inside a Viewport to select it. Press Mouse Left button in LEFT side and move it to move the Viewport. Press Mouse Left button in RIGHT side to Rotate it.
7. Fixed a few things on Viewport Insertion and Properties
8. Added Standard sheet buttons to Viewport Properties.
9. Three new line thicknesses have been added, 0.08mm, 0.18mm, 0.35mm.
10. Lot areas are now displayed with sqm at the end.
11. An auto backup option bas been added to make a backup copy of the job into the file job.backup every five minutes.
12. A new option Reports\Report to File allows ranges of point numbers to be written to a file with comments.
ACSP V4.46 31-Aug-2000
1. Fixed a problem with the rotation on the Display Windows (screen view).
2. The program will now accept a blank Datum as ‘No Datum’.
3. Annotated plot now incorporates major lines
4. Moss output of text bug fixed on text co-ordinates.
5. The job datum and Zone is now displayed in the bottom status bar of the job.
6. F2 Show Point and F3 – Show Brg, Dist now work with a datum and display the geodetic data such a point scale factor etc.
7. Sokkia data recorder conversion is ready for testing – please test.
ACSP V4.45 17-Aug-2000
1. Fixed a problem with the save option.
2. A new option ‘File\Settings\Program Settings’ is now available to allow you to specify the maximum number of points for the job. This directly affects the amount of memory allocated by the program for storage of points. In the past this was fixed at 100,000 points. The user can now set this value to say 10,000 or 20,000 points for most jobs.
Important: The value you set will only be used the next time that you start the program.
ACSP V4.44 11-Aug-2000
1. The job scale factor now affects the display of text, lot numbers, areas and symbols.
2. The annotated plot now generates text at the correct angle.
3. The text is plotted at the correct angle on rotated sheets.
4. The job plot scale is now available for display and alteration on the File\Settings\Job menu.
ACSP V4.43 6-Aug-2000
1. New Strings toolbar allows buttons to be used to show string, insert a string or delete a string.
2. New Text toolbar allows buttons to be used to show text, insert text or delete text.
3. New Viewports toolbar allows buttons to be used to show a viewport, insert a viewport or delete a viewport.
ACSP V4.42 28-Jul-2000
1. Program now prompts user for datum(Geoid) and zone at startup.
2. Points\Zone Conversion option now allows conversions between zones.
3. The Layers button now displays the layer colour and linetype.
It also displays the Current Insert Layer (labelled Ins).
The user can now turn layers on/off by clicking directly on the X for each layer.
ACSP V4.41 24-Jul-2000
1. MOSS output option has been changed to optionally write the layer names instead of the point code and/or string names.
ACSP V4.40 23-Jul-2000
1. MOSS output option has been changed to write an error file if the code translation is done so that any illegal codes can be detected. The program will write the errors into a file called MOSS_ERRORS.LST which can be viewed at the end of the conversion.
ACSP V4.39 20-Jul-2000
1. MOSS output option changed to perform code conversions correctly.
2. Option to Read Civilcad V5 now reads pen numbers and line types and translates them to ACSP types.
3. DXF output option have been improved to handle blocks.
4. The Leica TCRM data recorder is now supported.
5. A new translation file translate_old_acs.mst is available and can be used when reading a .PTS (old ACS format) file. It will translate certain points and strings onto required layers. See the instructions in the sample .mst file.
ACSP V4.38 19-Jul-2000
1. New option ‘Change Zone’ to allow conversions between zones. This option allows conversion between zones in the same datum – not fully tested – USE WITH EXTREME CARE.
2. An option has been added to read Civilcad V5 files.
ACSP V4.37 15-Jun-2000
1. The option to form a boundary string ‘Topo/Form Boundary String’ had a bug fixed which skipped a triangle segment in some circumstances.
2. Microstation output option has been substantially improved with (a) Text is now written out to the Microstation file, linetype, line thicknesses and colours are also converted automatically. The layers are converted to Microstation layer numbers 1,2,3… and the points, lines and text are placed on the correct layers. The first layer will be Microstation layer 1, etc.
3. When reading old format ACS jobs (.PTS) files, an option is now available to convert certain points onto named layers and to output symbols for selected codes.
4. A new symbol library is available ‘ACS_SYMBOLS.MST’. This defines symbol drawings for a wide range of common point features. These can be scaled to any size on the plot by altering the symbol size. You can define your own symbols by adding them to the end of this file. Details instructions on the way to do this is in the online help.
5. A new sample job (SYMBOLS.ACS) is supplied to demonstrate the new symbols on the screen.
ACSP V4.36 08-Jun-2000
1. Write DXF Job would convert the colour Black to ACAD colour index 0. ACAD LT does not like this. The correct ACAD colour index of 7 is now output.
2. Write DXF Job now checks layer names and symbol names to ensure they are compatible with the ACAD naming convention. Illegal characters are converted to underscores (_).
3. Read DXF Points reads POINT, INSERT, LINE, TEXT entities from the DXF file and converts them to their equivalent.
4. Write Civilcad V5 has been updated in better conform with the Civilcad ASCII Dump file format.
ACSP V4.35 26-May-2000
1. The program now records the username, company name and library code file in the .acs file.
2. Stadia reduction option now allows you to view the results file
3. Stadia reduction now reads 21 card and uses 'repeat_code' flag if present.
4. Stadia reduction screen alows you to edit stadia file.
5. Conversion of .raw file to .sta file now inserts dummy 21 and 23 cards at the front of the file. You can just edit the .sta file to add in the stations and then reduce.
6. Topo/Data Recorder/Convert Raw File - converts Geodimeter or GRE3 format raw files to ACS stadia format (25 records).
7. A new Edit/File option has been added to allow the user to edit any text file. You can also select the text editor you want to use, the default is Notepad.
8. DXF output can now write points out without the symbols, use the 'Details' button to turn off the symbols.
ACSP V4.34 20-May-2000
1. A new option is available in the Topo menu to automatically form the boundary string.
2. Help added to the Stadia reduction dialog box.
3. Point Symbolisation added to Formation of Strings. A new record in the STRINGS_DEF.MST allows symbols to be defined to a code. When a stadia reduction is done, if the 'Form Strings' option is on, symbols will also be inserted.
4. The points button menu will now display correctly in Win95.
5. New Data recorder option added to download from serial port to a file, to convert Geodimeter format to 25 cards.
6. Stadia reduction changed to not initialise the range of points if no points range is entered (fields left blank).
ACSP V4.33 11-May-2000
1. Microstation files can now be created with text included.
2. Option added to Edit/Strings/.. to minimise lot area.
ACSP V4.32 10-May-2000
1. When a sheet is deleted, the Ctrl/Z or Undo option will recover the deleted sheet.
2. Program now detect and handles null font_name strings for layers
3. When selecting points with the mouse for strings, text or zooming, you can now only select points which are visible (layer=visible) and have a symbol drawn.
4. The Next geom and Topo point numbers are remembered between sessions.
5. After inserting last point on string, it now erases last string name and A point.
6. When inserting a string, press 'C' in the B point will move you to the Centre Point to enter the centre point.
7. When inserting a string, it copies the attributes (layer, colour style etc) of the last entered string in the job.
ACSP V4.31 27-Apr-2000
1. Edit/Select option now displays the selected points. You can then use Points Mode toolbar button and change the points properties or press Delete key to delete them all.
ACSP V4.30 18-Apr-2000
1. New Topo option to delete triangles.
2. When a new job is created, the program will prompt you for a job name.
3. Stadia reduction input file now defaults to the jobname.sta and the jobname.lst for the listing file.
4. The viewport (previously sheets) option now allow full Insert/Change Delete functions.
5. The Import ASCII file option will now automatically allocate point numbers to points with no defined number. This option also now remembers the template file and input file and start record number from one Import to the next
6. Fixed a bug with New jobs which caused the symbols to not be displayed.
7. New option on Point Properties to Interpolate point height. Note: if multiple points are selected, a height will be computed for each point.
8. New option on Topo/Road menu to extract long and cross-sections.
9. Stadia reduction now allows for vertical Circle correction of 359mmss or similar to allow negative corrections.
10. Print/Plot option now plots contours correctly for the selected sheet.
ACSP V4.29 6-Apr-2000
1. Text Insertion now can change text size, angle etc. To key in a Degrees symbol, type Control/D when entering text. Also added help messages for the Text dialog box.
2. New option on File menu to Append a job to the current job. It can append and old format job (.PTS) or a new format job (.ACS).
3. Removed a bug in Shift points which affected Northings and it also now moves the lot centroids with the points.
4. The program will now save and read sheets from the .ACS file.
ACSP V4.28 5-Apr-2000
1. The Import ASCII file option can now check point codes and automatically form strings.
2. When forming strings, the program automatically remembers the last string definition file used and last template file used.
3. F5 = Zoom All.
4. Square Offset now displays if the point is on the left or right of the line.
5. Jobs statistics have been fixed.
ACSP V4.27 30-Mar-2000
1. Context sensitive help is now available for Show Point/ Brg-Dist/ Sq-Offset and geom Point functions.
2. When inserting a string, the string name was lost, this is fixed.
3. A new option is available on the Stadia reduction screen to select a summary listing only, this only list errors and checks shots to stations.
4. A new Stadia Reduction option allows you to set the horizontal and vertical tolerances for the check shots.
5. Pressing ENTER on any of the Brg-Dist fields will repeat the last point/bearing/distance for that field. This makes it very easy to repeat points on the same bearing or the same distance apart.
6. Fixed some problems with display of different line styles for string segments.
ACSP V4.26 7-Mar-2000
1. Insert/Edit Layers now have Cancel buttons to allow any changes to a layer to be abandoned.
2. In View/Point Settings - Max Triangle Length now deleted any triangle in the job longer than the specified value. If the length is blank or 0.0, no triangles will be deleted
3. Fixed a problem in triangle formation which included deleted triangles in volume calculations
4. When creating a new job and inserting a point, it now automatically creates the Geom Points layer if there are no layers
5. When creating text in a new job, it automatically creates the text layer if none is present
6. The old format job angles are now read correctly
7. The Undo option can now undo points deletes, string deletes or text deletes, to any level
ACSP V4.25 27-Feb-2000
1. Conversions/Acs/Read Old Format Job will now read points and strings into another range of points.
2. Fixed a problem with triangle formation. Points too close message now allows user to abort triangle formation.
3. The Scale point option can now also scale the height values. this can be used (with a -1.0 scale factor) to invert the height values.
4. When Zooming using zoom window, it now automatically reverts to pointer mode after zoom.
5. Points mode button now displays the Points Show/Insert toolbar
ACSP V4.24 23-Feb-2000
1. View/Display settings: The contour colours were altered when you exit the option - fixed.
2. When deleting a string with Edit/Delete option it now does a redraw to show that the string is in fact deleted
3. When exiting the program after changes, if you selected Cancel, it exited anyway.
4. The 3d perspective requires triangles, it now displays an error message to say that.
5. If the company name contains an ampersand symbol(&)you have to enter it twice to get it to print once under Help/About.
6. Two new Geom points options now work. Centre-3 points and Point on a Curve
7. Fixed a bug in Geom Points data entry which caused ENTER key to skip next field.
8. The program now reads 04 records with centre points > 9999 correctly.
ACSP V4.23 22-Feb-2000
1. A new option is available to upload points to an SDR data recorder - you can optionally use SDR33 mode for better resolution on large Northings.
2. The option to write a Landmark file now allows for curves.
3. The software lock MUST be present for the program to be able to save a job (or write to any output disk file).
4. The menu option 'View/Insert Points Buttons' displays a floating button toolbar. This allows easy selection of Geom Point Insert options.
ACSP V4.22 16-Feb-2000
1. User can now specify the Design File (02 records) in 'Points/Set Point' option.
2. The Design File (02 records) are now written in comma delimited format to allow for 5-6 digit point numbers.
3. The Write Landmark file option now works.
ACSP V4.21 14-Feb-2000
1. Fixed a problem with triangle formation with boundaries. Display triangles no longer displays triangle number, this results in faster screen redraws.
2. When inserting Geom points, no height or code is attached to the new point. Bearing distance now has a repeat button to allow multiple brg/distances to be specified easily.
3. Fixed a problem with selecting line style for strings. Styles are now displayed graphically, note the display for styles > 16 are accurate.
ACSP V4.20 8-Feb-2000
1. New option in Set Point to allow default Insert layer to be specified
2. Fixed bug writing out .T60 old format file
ACSP V4.19 3-Feb-2000
1. Added a conversion of colours to dxf colours
2. Program now saves the display_contours/sheets/triangles/lot numbers/areas display settings
3. Reports now work properly, they were disrupted by the recent major design changes.
4. The Conversions/ACS/Write Points has a new option to selected the layers and/or points ranges to be written to file
5. Conversions/Moss/Write GENIO File output now can selectively output Strings and Points. Points are all output with 'P' name in one string. Only points which are eligible and do not appear on strings will be included in the 'P' string. It also interpolates extra points on curves so that the max XY error is 40mm. You can select which layers to output via the 'Select Points' button. This also allows point ranges etc to be selected.
6. Conversions/DXF/Write Job output uses the 'select Points' button to select layers etc.
7. A problem was fixed in triangle formation for discontinuities. Triangles are now written to the .ACS file and read in when the job is started.
6. A few problems fixed in reading faulty data from the .ACS file, the program displays better error messages.
ACSP V4.18 30-Jan-2000
1. Option to write DXF job now writes point symbols as blocks. Layer translation not yet complete.
2. Import ASCII file now works for fixed and comma delimited file. It also allows definition of a template file
3. Export of fixed format ASCII file now works using the same template file
4. File Close option now works, with auto prompt to save job
5. Program now reads and writes old format ACS files correctly, select .PTS on open or Save As.
6. Insertion of a Geom point now places the point on 'Geom Points' layer
7. Show Point (F2) now can browse through the points. It can also allows the display and changing of the point parameters
ACSP V4.17 20-Jan-2000
1. Stadia reduction listing now works. It should also check library codes and form strings.
2. Conversions/DXF/Write Job now writes symbols and text to the DXF file for points
3. Release notes added to the About Box
ACSP V4.16 17-Jan-2000
1. Stadia reduction now works - please test it (not yet forming strings automatically - use 'form Strings' option.
2. Fixed lock up bug in 'From Strings' option.
ACSP V4.15 13-Jan-2000
1. New option added to Conversions/ACS to form strings from codes.
2. New option in Edit to edit layer properties
3. Points mode now works with properties
4. Points, strings and text properties can now have 'BYLAYER' values
ACSP V4.12 9-Sep-1999
1. New option added to write out job data to a DXF file.
It currently writes strings and points only.
It writes in real world co-ordinates.
It does not take any notice of the dialog box with options.
ACSP V4.11 9-Sep-1999
1. Microstation conversion option can now handle 500 layers
ACSP V4.08 9-Jun-1999
1. Added option to display a user menu ACS.MNU
2. Menu programs start in same directory as the current job
3. To make the menu program full screen press ALT/ENTER
4. To pause the menu program, place the commands in a batch file with a 'pause' statement at the end